, 10/03/2025
Address: No. 658, Vo Van Kiet str., Ward 1, Dist. 5, Ho Chi Minh city
Phone: (08) 38362821 Fax:(08)39245269
Website: www.icoe.org.vn Email: vienktbien@.vnn.vn
- Research and application of updated science and technology in the field: marine dynamics (marine constructions, estuaries, islands, high tidal area), water resources for aquaculture seafood, marine eco-environment protection, prevention and mitigation of natural disasters and effects of climate change at coastal areas, estuaries and islands; specialized scientific and technological information.
- Research and application of science and technology in the field of exploration and exploitation of natural resources and offshore economic development, islands and coastal; Manufacturing products on the basis of research results.
- Develop facilities and staff of the Institute strong enough to serve the sustainable exploitation and to protect Vietnamese waters including: coastal areas, estuaries and coastal network of rivers influenced by the sea, islands and off-shore water in Vietnam territory
- Sustainable development strategy based on three major poles: (1) Human Resources (2) mechanism and (3) Facilities.
- High priority for qualified staff; strengthening international cooperation in research and technology transfer to meet the development requirements.