, 10/03/2025
Page | Article | Author | Abstract |
2 | Xác định phạm vi và vai trò các khu vực trên bãi sông trong không gian thoát lũ trên sông | Quynh, Nguyen Ngoc Tung, Nguyen Thanh | The establishment and implementation of detailed flood planning for rivers is often difficult in managing the use of river floodplain, the reason is not agreed on how to understand and how to implement specific issues in the regulations on management and use of river floodplain in the Decision 257 / QD-TTg of the Government. From the actual management of riverfloodplain in provinces, domestic experience and reference to regulations of floodplain management of other contries, the content of this article proposes detailed regulations to concretize and do more clearly on the awareness, understanding and especially the determination of the scope and role of floodplain areas in the flood drainage room specified in Decision 257 |
9 | Quy hoạch phòng chống lũ và quy hoạch đê điều tỉnh Bắc Ninh đảm bảo an toàn phòng, chống lũ và phát triển kinh tế xã hội đến năm 2030 và tầm nhìn đến năm 2050 | Cuong, Ho Viet | Located in the downstream portion of the Red-Thai Binh River Basin, Bac Ninh province has major rivers namely Duong River, Thai Binh River, and Cau River; thus, the province is exposing to the influence of flood flow of the Red-Thai Binh River. Recently, Bac Ninh has been affected by many heavy rainfall and flood events, threatening the safety of life and causing severe damages to property. Therefore, flood prevention and control as well as ensuring dyke safety are always considered the top essential tasks and prioritized every year. In accordance with the master plans for flood prevention and dyke in the Red-Thai Binh River Basin approved by the Prime Minister in Decision 257 / QD-TTg dated on December 18th, 2016, it is necessary to propose detailed master plans for flood prevention and dyke in Bac Ninh province to ensure flood prevention and socio-economic development objectives. The paper presents a summary of the research results and master planning for flood prevention and dike in Bac Ninh province to 2030 and with a vision to 2050 performed by Vietnam Academy for Water Resources. Keywords: Master planning for dyke, flood prevention, socio-economic development, Red-Thai Binh River, Bac Ninh province. |
18 | Nghiên cứu xác định những thay đổi bổ sung về chi phí đầu tư cho các cống dưới đê vùng triều ở miền Bắc và miền Trung thích ứng với biến đổi khí hậu | Trong, Dinh Xuan
| With over 2,500 tidal-sluices culverts under the dike in operation and exploitation, this type of irrigation infrastructure has contributed significantly to the socio-economic development and disaster prevention in the Northern and Central regions. However, the degradation of the sluices together with the impacts of climate change have reduced the efficiency of these projects. The paper presents the results on assessing the current situation, analyzing the impacts of climate change on the tidal-sluices under the dike, and proposing a method to determine changes in climate variables according to prescribed scenarios; proposes appropriate solutions for the tidal-sluice to adapt to climate change; on that basis, pilot tidal-sluices representing each sub-regions are selected to perform design, calculation for determining additional changes of investment costs with climate change adaptation in the study area. Research results are a good reference for ministries and sectors to make informed decisions in response to climate change. Keywords: Sluice under dyke, tidal area, adaptive solutions, climate change, investment costs |
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Đánh giá sản phẩm mưa dự báo tổ hợp từ các mô hình dự báo mưa số trị toàn cầu: Ứng dụng cho | Duc, Do Anh Ha, Nguyen Thi Thu | The use of rainfall forecasts derived from numerical weather prediction (NWP) models has recently become a common approach to improve the lead time of streamflow forecasts for flood control and real-time reservoir operation. However, evaluation of rainfall forecasts is often required before it can be used as input to hydrological models for flood forecasting. This paper, therefore, presents an assessment of NWP-based ensemble forecasts of rainfall for flood forecasting. Four global NWP models are chosen for this study including ECMWF, JMA, KMA, and NCEP. The assessment is carried out for the Kone river basin in Vietnam during flood seasons (September to December) during 2014–2018. The results are compared using multiple deterministic and probabilistic forecast verifications calculated at the original model grid value of 0.5o resolution, compared to gridded rainfall station data at different lead times (up to +10 days). The results show that ECMWF has the highest skill in rainfall forecast over the basin while NCEP showed the worst skillful rainfall forecasts in most cases considered. The findings of the paper have important implications for the use of ensemble NWP rainfall forecasts in hydrological modeling, particularly for flood forecasting. Keywords: ensemble rainfall forecast, numerical weather prediction model, NWP-based ensemble forecasts, Kone rive |
38 | Dự báo mưa trên lưu vực hồ Dầu Tiếng từ tài liệu dự báo thời tiết toàn cầu phục vụ dự báo dòng chảy lũ đến và điều tiết hồ trong mùa lũ | San, Dinh Cong Lanh, Nguyen Van | One of the causes of flooding in the downstream area of Dau Tieng reservoir is the downstream flood discharge to ensure reservoir safety in the rainy season. After nearly 40 years of Dau Tieng reservoir operation, there are many studies on flood simulation and forecasting flood flow to the reservoir and proposing solutions for properly reservoir regulation in order to minimize the flood discharge downstream and mitigate downstream flooding, especially in Ho Chi Minh City area. The article summarizes the assessment of rainfall forecast ability of various models in the world from the scientific research project KC08.07/16-20 "Research and propose solutions to improve water use efficiency, ensure the safety of main works and downstream Dau Tieng reservoir in the conditions of climate change and extreme weather. This study reviewed various meteorological prediction models in the world and applied to forecast rainfall in the Dau Tieng reservoir basin. The results from the application of rainfall forecast for the tropical depression in November 2018 and compare with rainfall monitoring data in the basin initially showed that ECMWF model (European Central Medium-term Weather Forecast) is capable of good forecasting average daily rainfall prior 3-4 days before tropical depression event. Initial results allow forecasting flood flow to the reservoir and serve for effective flood regulation and mitigation downstream flooding of Dau Tieng reservoir |
47 | Đánh giá diễn biến hạn hán và phân cấp độ yếu tố tác động đến hạn thủy văn ở vùng đồng bằng sông Hồng - Thái Bình | Cuong, Ho Viet Tra, Tran Van | The Red-Thai Binh river delta covers an area of 14,784 km2, accounting for about 4.5% of Vietnam territory. The Delta is characterized by the political and economic importance with Hanoi capital and the second largest place for agricultural production and farming of the country. The implementation of irrigation infrastructure in the Delta has been quite complete; however, the Delta cannot entirely avoid the influence of droughts. In recent years, the Delta experienced large-scale severe droughts, lasting from 2003 to 2011 and causing negative impacts on life, socio-economy, and environment. Drought is classified as meteorological drought, hydrological drought, agricultural drought and socio-economic drought, in this study only consider the issue of hydrology. There are many factors that affect the hydrological drought, including the main factors and sub-factors, so it is necessary to identify and decentralize the impact of hydrological factors. The article presents the study results and proposes appropriate evaluation criteria drought classification based on hydrological indices including the flow deficit (Kth) index and the surface water supply index (SWSI). Based on the evaluation results regarding the variation of drought indices in time and space in combination with the analysis of typical causes that drive drought phenomenon, a hierarchy of impact factors has been established reflecting drought progression in this area. Keywords: hydrological drought, Kth index, SWSI index, Red-Thai Binh river delta, rainfall, evaporation, temperature, streamflow. |
58 | Hiệu quả của mô hình đồng quản lý rừng ngập mặn và tài nguyên thiên nhiên cho vùng ven biển đồng bằng sông Cửu Long | Trung, Tran Chi
| Under impact of climate change, coastal erosion and mangrove degradation have caused enormous economic, social and environmental damage. Mangroves play a particularly important role in ensuring functions of protection, prevention of landslides, soil erosion, coastal erosion, sea dyke, ecological environment and life as well as livelihoods of coastal communities. Sustainable management and use of mangroves is considered one of many sustainable solutions. This paper analyzes effectiveness of co-management of forests and natural resources in Au Tho B hamlet, Soc Trang province. Evaluation results show that co-management model of mangrove forest protection and sustainable use of coastal wetlands has improved livelihoods for benefit of people associated with effective protection and restoration of mangroves. Keywords: Mangroves, community-based mangrove management, co-management |
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Đánh giá rủi ro khí hậu đối với cơ sở hạ tầng: Áp dụng cho hệ thống cống Cái Lớn - Cái Bé ở đồng bằng sông Cửu Long | Hiep, Nguyen Duc Cong Ngoc, Nguyen Thi Minh Dien, Tran Minh Lien, Nguyen Thi |
79 | Giải pháp thúc đẩy liên kết sản xuất, tiêu thụ sản phẩm vùng chuyển đổi sản xuất lúa-tôm ven biển Tây, đồng bằng sông Cửu Long | Tuan, Doan Doan
| The impact of drought and saltwater intrusion has changed the farming practices of people in the Mekong River Delta (Mekong Delta) in general and the West Coastal region in particular. The impact has turned challenges into opportunities in the region's agricultural production, shifting agricultural production from inefficient 2-rice farming to highly economical shrimp-rice cultivation. Shrimp cultivated in rice fields use mainly natural food, require low feed costs, sufer less diseases, being high quality, and the ecological environment is protected because rice uses waste products from shrimp farming. However, the development of the rice-shrimp system is facing challenges, due to the inadequate irrigation facilities to control drought and saltwater intrusion, poor road system to offer conditions for agricultural machines to operate; fragmented, small-scale agricultural production, lack of farmeres cooperation to form a suficient large production area, enterprises purchasing agricultural products difficult to access the State's suppot are contrains to formation of effective agricultural production linkages In order to support production, enhance production and product consumption linkages between farmers and farmers, between production households and enterprises, it is necessary to implement the completion of on-farm road system to create conditions for machines to work effectively, to invest in irrigation infrastructure ensuring proactive irrigation and drainage for shrimp-rice production, at the same time encourage farmers to cooperate in production on a large scale, in parallel with the thorough implementation of supportive policies, so that enterprises can access loans, support capital to ensure production linkage. Keywords: West Coastal region of Mekong Delta, drought and saltwater intrusion, shrimp-rice cultivation, on-farm irrigation and road system, agricultural production and product consumption linkage, supporting policies |
89 | Xây dựng tiến độ thi công công trình thủy lợi theo lý thuyết độ tin cậy | Hue, Nguyen Huu | Delay in schedule of construction in irrigation work has become popular in recent years. The risk factors causing delay and the influence of each factor on the delay of irrigation works have been analyzed and evaluated by author. The results of research have shown that the current construction schedule by determined method is inappropriate. Therefore, planning schedule method that considers risk factors is essential. This research provides a method of planning and evaluating schedule of irrigation works through the reliability theory by Monte-Carlo simulation based on the construction time distributions which is previously studied by author. |
99 | Phân vùng địa mạo, động lực học hình thái ven bờ và khả năng xuất hiện bùn loãng tại luồng tàu biển Việt Nam | Tuan, Nguyen Anh
| Fluid mud occurs quite normally at several navigation channels with such specific natural characteristics: coastlines shapes, sedimetary shores, river, tides and marine dynamics factor, and mud specifications. This fenomenon is rarely recorded in other areas with different natural characteristics with those mentioned above. According to professional experience, there are several specific natural characteristics for fluid mud to be happened in navigation channels including: tides, delta estuary with high sediment volume and busy navigation. On the basis of coastlines and estuary classification, as well as analysis on river marine dynamics in Vietnamese estuaries, monthly bathmetry survey data, this report provides general evaluation on the interrelationship between these factors and the possibility of fluid mud appearance in specific navigational channels. As a result, the effectiveness of navigation channel operation in Vietnam would be strengthened. Keywords: Fluid, mud Navigational channels, sedimetary, coastlines classification. |
108 | Phân vùng khai thác nước dưới đất nhằm định hướng cho việc quản lý khai thác sử dụng bền vững nguồn nước vùng bán đảo Cà Mau | Thanh, Dong Uyen Quynh, Nguyen Ngoc Tinh, Nguyen Dang | The groundwater system in Ca Mau Peninsula consist of six main aquifers (except Holcence aquifer). Among them, there are four primary exploited aquifers which are middle-upper Pleistocene aquifer, lower Pleistocene aquifer, middle Pliocene aquifer, lower Pliocene aquifer and two secondary aquifers which are upper Pleistocene aquifer and Miocene aquifer. Although these aquifers distribute in all research area but due to the complicated fresh/saline water alternation on cross section, so that it is difficult to manage the exploiting, using and preserving the water resource. This paper systematize all information of the aquifers in Groundwater Exploitable Zoning Map -scale 1:200.000 in order to supply essential information for water management in each social-economic region. Keywords: Ca Mau Peninsula, Exploitable groundwater reserve. |
118 | Nghiên cứu sóng tràn và áp lực sóng tác động lên tường biển có mũi hắt sóng bằng mô hình máng sóng số | Dung, Le Duc Tung, Tran Thanh Chien, Nguyen Quang | Numerical wave flumes are very useful tools to help investigate the wave deformation process nearshore, wave-structure interaction as well as design wave barrier and shore protection structures. This paper presents study results on wave overtopping and wave force on various types of wave-return seawalls, with the capability of reducing overtopping and wave forces on these wall types. The numerical wave flume MSS-2D has been verified with the data set of wave overtopping and wave force, measured in the scale model of Thuyloi University wave flume, to ensure the credibility and accuracy of the numerical model. The result shows that the numerical wave flume MSS-2D is enough accurate and reliable, with fast calculation time and more cost-effective compared to the physical modelling method. Keyword: numerical wave flume, wave overtopping, wave pressure, wave-return seawall |