, 10/03/2025
Trang | Tên bài báo | Tác giả | Tóm tắt |
2 | Giải pháp chuyển nước lưu vực phục vụ chống thiên tai, hạn hán khu vực thành phố Kon Tum, tỉnh Kon tum
| Viet, Nguyen Vu | It is necessary to apply the restoring capacity solutions for existing reservoirs and technology solutions for transfering water between reservoirs to increase the storage of water resources in the Central Highlands provinces. Connecting irrigation systems is an essential solution to regulate water resources for economic development and people's life. Including solutions to transfer watersheds to combat drought disasters in Kon Tum city, Kon Tum province. Water transfer from Plei Krong hydropower project with abundant water resources during flood season will connect and be transferred to other basins with terrain conditions to build reservoirs that can contain a lot of water but less abundant of source aquatic resources on site, such as Dak Sa Men Lake and Dak Nang Lake connected to PLei Weh Lake. This solution is implemented by water transfer tunnel and high water column pump technology with pressure pipe to increase water source. After implementation, the maintenance water volume of Dak Sa Men Lake will increase from 1.35 million m3 to 32.2 million m3. Subsequently, Dak Sa Men lake transferred another 3,717 million m3 from the flood water source of PLei Krong hydropower reservoir into Dak Nang lake to combat the annual drought for 1,214.59 ha in Kon Tum city area and supply domestic water. Currently, there are over 160,000 people and it is expected to reach 204,000 by 2025. The total water source connected and stored in the three lakes mentioned above is 50,327 million m3, which will ensure sufficient water for the area of agricultural crops, arranged according to the plan by 2025, including: Winter-spring rice of 1500 ha; crop rice; 900 hectares; corn and vegetables: 5,234 ha; 1,500 hectares of sugarcane; Coffee: 1000 hectares. Keywords: Basin water transfer, Kon Tum City drought |
17 | Tính toán đánh giá lại tần suất lũ hồ Dầu Tiếng so với thiết kế và có xét đến biến đổi khí hậu | San, Dinh Cong | During Dau Tieng reservoir’s opperation, there are many studies on flood simulation and flood forecast to propose appropriate solutions on reservoir’s regulationfor flood discharge downstreamand flood reductionin downstream areas, especially in Ho Chi Minh City. The article summarizes the results of the re-evaluation of flood frequency of Dau Tieng reservoir considering climate change (CC) for flood regulation problem.This isthe result of state-level scientific research project KC08.07/16-20 "Research and propose solutions to improve water use efficiency, ensure the safety of main works and downstream Dau Tieng reservoir in the conditions of climate change and extreme weather ". This study used observed rain data for 40 years (1977-2016), used NAM model to calculate flood flow and analysed flood frequencies. Considering CC, the rainfall in the flood season increases from 38.6 to 56.1% (threshold of 90%) in meteorological stations in the Dau Tieng basin corresponding to the high emission scenario (RPC8.5).The comparison results show that corresponding to the scenario RCP4.5, flood peak discharge at rare frequencies, corresponding to the return periods from 100 years to 10,000 years (1% to 0.01%) correspondingly increased from about 11 to 15% and in the RCP8.5 scenario from 20 to 24%. However, compared to the design phase of Dau Tieng reservoir, the results show that for all rare flood frequencies, the flood peak discharges reduced 30% and 10% in everage without and with RPC8.5 scenario. The consequence is the issue of the flood-related problems in Dau Tieng Reservoiris "much less stressful". For instance, the excess flood discharge and the level of flood inundation downstream (including Ho Chi Minh City) caused by flood discharge would be much lower than previous simulation. Key words: Dau Tieng reservoir, flood frequency, climate change, rainfall increase in flood season, inundation reduction, Lower Sai Gon – Dong Nai river basin |
27 | Nghiên cứu đánh giá chất lượng tro bay, xỉ lò cao của các nhà máy nhiệt điện và luyện kim ở Việt Nam | Bang, Nguyen Thanh Quan, Dinh Hoang | The article present studies evaluating the quality of fly ash and blast furnace slag are wastes of Thermal and Metallurgical plants in Vietnam. Fly ash and blast furnace slag are the two materials used to make activated alkali binder without using cement binders. The potential for using fly ash and blast furnace slag from thermal and metallurgical plants in Vietnam as an activated alkali binder for geopolymers concrete is enormous. It contributes to reducing the environmental pollution caused by these wastes, on the other hand also brings many economic and technical efficiency because geopolymer concrete has many outstanding features compared to conventional concrete, it show the ability for corrosive resistance in corrosive environments such as brackish water and seawater, so it is very suitable for coastal and island constructions. Keyword: fly ash, blast furnace slag, wastes of Thermal, Metallurgical |
39 | Nghiên cứu sử dụng xỉ đáy nhà máy nhiệt điện thuộc nhà máy alumin nhân cơ Đắk Nông làm đường bê tông xi măng | Thao, Vu Ba
| Dak Nong province is urgently in an increased demand for hardening of rural soil roadbed construction (RSRC) which accounts for about 28% of the total types of roads in the province. A possible solution to the hardening of RSRC is to take advantage of the bottom slag from local coal-based thermal power plants to replace the traditional construction materials of rural roads. This solution may ensure durability, reduce costs and environmental harm, and promote the development of rural road network in Dak Nong province. Reused bottom slag nowadays also is a trend of circular economy. This article presents significant results and pilot projects using the bottom slag of the thermal power plant of Nhan Co Dak Nong alumina plant to construct cement concrete roads. The results of compression, tensile strength and elastic modulus tests of castings and drilling samples of pavement structure layers after construction ensured the technical requirements for the construction of rural roads. Keywords: Rural road, bottom slag, bottom slag concrete, circular economy |
47 | Chế độ vận chuyển bùn cát vùng đồng bằng sông Cửu Long trong kịch bản phát triển thượng nguồn | Hoang, Tran Ba | This paper presents the results of the study of hydrodynamic and sediment transport in the Mekong Delta in the most unfavorable upstream development scenario (when 11 main dams are completed in the Lower Mekong mainstream). This is a research content in the overall problem to determine the cause of erosion and deposition in the coastal area of the Mekong Delta. With the SWAT mathematical modeling approach, Telemac2D and MIKE21 Coupled FM have different detail ratios used to simulate hydrodynamic mode, sediment transport, and morphological changes in a climate year (from 4/2014 - 5/2015) in current conditions and upstream development scenarios. Here, the detailed results of the plain Telemac 2D model are detailed. This is a new study compared to other studies that often use 1D model all over the plain to calculate the hydrodynamic and sediment transfer regime of the Mekong Delta. Results of calculation and analysis of 2D model hydrodynamic hydrological regime. Keywords: Hydrodynamic regime, Telemac 2D model, upstream development scenario, sediment transport, coastal zone in the Mekong Delta |
58 | Giải pháp và công nghệ thu, lọc nước biển sạch xa bờ phục vụ nuôi trồng thủy sản quy mô tập trung vùng ven biển Nam Trung Bộ, áp dụng thí điểm tại tỉnh Ninh Thuận | Tuan, Hoang Ngoc | At present, the quality of coastal water in both surface water and groundwater in the South Central region has been significantly reduced compared to the past due to industrial activities, tourism and aquaculture develop hot triggers. In order to develop the aquaculture industry in a sustainable manner, especially in the concentrated areas, the first requirement is to have a clean, stable seawater source to ensure the flow and quality. To solve that problem, it is necessary to have reasonable solutions to take sea water, such as taking seawater far from shore so that it is not affected by discharge sources. Below, we would like to introduce the main research results of the solution of collecting and filtering offshore clean seawater for concentrated aquaculture as well as application for a specific project in Ninh Thuan province. Key words: Seawater pumping station, Aquaculture, South Central, provide the clean sea-water |
71 | Đánh giá hiệu quả mô hình tưới nước tiết kiệm và kiến nghị phương pháp tưới phù hợp cho cây măng tây xanh trên địa bàn tỉnh Ninh Thuận | Vuong, Nguyen Dinh Thach, Quang Duc | Green asparagus is a valuable agricultural production, it is one of the main vegetables of Ninh Thuan province. Ninh Thuan is a sunny province with the lowest rainfall in Vietnam, developing an appropriate irrigation method for asparagus crop is one of the most important issues to improve the local agricultural production efficiency. This paper evaluates efficiency of different water-saving irrigation methods and suggests an appropriate irrigation method for green asparagus in the coastal sandy soils. The experiments of irrigation models was conducted in An Hai commune, Ninh Phuoc district including sprinkler, sprayer tape and drip irrigation models. The study compares the effectiveness of each models for green asparagus production. It is interesting to find that drip irrigation is the best model for green asparagus crop in the costal sandy soil, saving about 34.2 to 40.5% of irrigation water and increasing the crop yields from 25.6 to 40.3% when compare with sprinkler and sprayer tape irrigation models. The study suggested that water-saving irrigation (drip irrigation) method is an appropriate irrigation should be applied for green asparagus, adapting to drought conditions in Ninh Thuan province. Keywords: Green asparagus, water-saving, drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, coastal sandy soil |
81 | Giải pháp quản lý hiệu quả hệ thống đê biển vùng đồng bằng sông Cửu Long | Thuy, Dinh Vu Oanh, Luong Kieu | Under impact of climate change, coastal erosion and coastal exploitation activities have led to a trend of loss of mangroves that threatens sea dike system in the Mekong Delta. Developing complete mechanisms, policies, organizational models of effective dike management is a sustainable solution. Based on the findings of investigation, to find out current inadequacies in sea dyke management, this paper introduces solutions to improve efficiency of sea dyke system management in Mekong Delta. Proposed solutions are to establish and consolidate specialized dyke management organizations, people's dyke management organizations and several suitable sea dyke management mechanisms and policies for Mekong Delta. Keywords: Dyke management and protection, specialized dike management force, people's dike management |
89 | Âu thuyền kết hợp khoang xả cân bằng nước trong vận hành các công trình dâng nước xây dựng theo công nghệ đập trụ đỡ | Hien, Thai Quoc | Pillar dam is an increasingly popular technology. Many large rivers in central Vietnam are now required to construct structures to prevent salinity in combination with keeping fresh and rising water. Pillar dam are a preeminent construction technology not only in terms of structure but also ensure flood drainage during construction. In order to build a weir on the river, a very important issue is the energy dissipation of the building when operating the gate. In the process of water retention, the upstream water level is always much higher than the downstream so opening the gate in these cases will cause downdrift erosion because the erosion protection reinforcement for the construction still only a simple structure as rock gabions or precast concrete slabs. In constructions with a lock, the lock design solution combined with a water balance gate up-downstream is both safe and economical. Research results of this lock structure have been applied in the design of the Dinh river downstream weirs in Ninh Thuan province to lower the upstream water level from +2.50 to equal with the downstream water level in a time sufficient to operate the safe opening of the main gates of the construction. Keywords: Dam, ship-lock, pillar dam, dam of downstream Dinh river, culvert water discharge. |
94 | Nghiên cứu đánh giá dòng chảy mùa cạn trên lưu vực sông Vu Gia - Thu Bồn dưới tác động của biến đổi khí hậu | Thuy, Vu Thi | Water resources is the most directly affected by climate change. Heavy rain events occur more frequently in rainy season while rainfall decreases in dry season. These changes enlarge the discrepancy in total flow between the flood and dry seasons. The extreme flow events appear more frequently and severely. Especially, the flow reduction in dry season will influence the water supply capacity and water quality in river basins. Therefore, the quantification of climate change impact on low flow is necessary for water resources management. The effects of climate change on seasonal flow and extreme low flow are evaluated for Vu Gia - Thu Bon river basin by simulating 22 climate model runs corresponding to emission scenarios RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5. The results indicate that the annual flow increases. However, the total flow in dry reason decreases approximately 30% at Nong Son station and 10% at Thanh My station. The average extreme low flow decreases about 54% at Nong Son station and 55% at Thanh My station. Keywords: Climate change, Vu Gia – Thu Bon, flow, dry season... |
103 | Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng các yếu tố đến quá trình truyền sóng của đê giảm sóng kết cấu rỗng trên mô hình máng sóng
| Tu, Le Xuan
| The study focused on the influence of factors such as surface porosity, crest freeboard, wave steepness to the wave reduction of the porous breakwater via wave transmission coefficients, coefficient Energy dissipation and reflected wave coefficient. From that, build the correlation of the above influential factors to the wave transmission coefficient of the porous breakwater. Keywords: Porous breakwater, transmission coefficient, dissipation coefficient, wave reflection, surface porosity, 2D physical model |
114 | Tăng cường tưới tiên tiến, tiết kiệm nước ở lưu vực sông Hồng trong điều kiện thực thi luật thuỷ lợi | Chinh, Le Van
| Irrigated agriculture is the largerst water user not only in the Red River Basine but also in the whole Vietnam. Water use efficiency in irrigation systems is increasingly considered in the context of high water demand and climate change. However, demand management approach for enhancing the water efficicency through water pricing, water saving technologies and practices, and water user’s awareness remains limited. This paper focuses on advanced irrigation and/or water saving irrigation for paddy and upland crops in Vietnam. It points out that the application of advanced irrigation is considerable. Advanced irrigation areas of cash crops like flowers, vegetables, coffee-trees, etc., increase remarkable as much as 18 times from 2013 to 2017 maching the target of the region. However, advanced irrigation area of paddy, a largest water consuming crop, is still limited with only 7,6% of paddy area. Based on research results and the legal framework given by the Law on Hydraulic works, a number of solutions to advanced irrigation and water saving irrigation are proposed toward water demand management approach. Key words: advanced irrigation, water saving irrigation, demand management, water use |