, 10/03/2025
Page | Article | Author | Abstract |
2 | Một số vấn đề về dòng chảy và xu thế mặn xâm nhập vùng đồng bằng sông Cửu Long
| Thang, Tang Duc | The Mekong Delta is a low lying area and open canal systems, located at the end of the Mekong River basin, strongly influenced by semi tidal cycle, seasonal affected by salinity intrusion during the dry season. The occurrence of time, duration and salinity intrusion in space depends on many factors, of which the upstream flow to the delta is one of the key factors. This paper presents some research results to evaluate the change of upstream flow to the delta and proposed some solutions adapt with drought and salinity in the Mekong Delta. Key words: Salinity Intrusion, Upstream development, Climate change. |
11 | Nghiên cứu đề xuất mô hình, cơ chế hoạt động của tổ chức thủy lợi cơ sở | Tuan, Doan Doan | Currently, in the whole country, there exist 6 main types of grassroots irrigation organizations. Most of the existing grassroots irrigation organizations established are not proactive and lack the voluntary participation of service users. With limited income, grassroots irrigation organizations have not really operated effectively. In order to meet the Law on hydraulic work, the establishment of grassroots irrigation organizations should be carried out with well-designed road map, aligned with regional characteristics. For regions such as the Red River Delta, Central Coast, Southeast, Central Highlands, where grassroots irrigation organizations are supported, directly, by the State with funding for public utility services, all water users must participate in the form of reorganized or newly established cooperatives or water user group. For the Mekong Delta region, where the State does not support, directly to water users, funding for public utility services, it is necessary to propagandize and encourage people to set up the grassroots irrigation organizations organization to select organizations / individuals to provide services. In the highlands (Cao Bang, Bac Kan, Lao Cai, Dien Bien, Lang Son, Lai Chau, ..), current Irrigation Management Board established by the commune should be reorganized into water user groups. For long term, when eligible, these groups will be converted into a cooperatives Key words: grassroots irrigation organizations, cooperative, water user group, Law on hydraulic work, regional characteristics, Irrigation Management Board |
21 | Ứng dụng mô hình MIKE 3 mô phỏng xâm nhập mặn sông Ninh Cơ trong điều kiện biến đổi khí hậu và nước biển dâng
| Cuong, Ho Viet Anh, Tran Ngoc | Vietnam is projected as a country that will be severely affected by climate change based on a scenario constructed by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in 2016. With regard to the representative concentration pathway RCP8.5, the surface temperature in the Northern region is likely to increase from 0,8 ÷ 1,10C, 2,0 ÷ 2,30C, and 3,3 ÷ 4,00C in the near-term, mid-term, and long-term climate, respectively. The dry season precipitation is expected to decrease 15% in the Red River Delta. Sea level is projected to rise from 17 ÷ 36cm and 51 ÷ 106cm in the mid-term and long-term climate, sequentially. These lead to the risk of dry season flow deficit, low water level in downstream rivers; rising sea level combined with high tides will accelerate further salinity intrusion, including the Ninh Co River. The progress of saline intrusion in the future is raising concerns about the risk of serious freshwater shortage, which directly affects the ecological environment, socio-economics, and livelihoods of millions of people in the region. In response to this threat, it is necessary to calculate and forecast saline intrusion for specific areas. They are considered a scientific basis to propose appropriate measures and solutions in order to minimize adverse impacts caused by the saline intrusion. The paper presents the results of 3-dimensional model application MIKE 3 for simulating and forecasting salinity intrusion into the Ninh Co River corresponding to scenarios on climate change and sea level rise in 2030, 2050, and 2100. Keywords: saline intrusion, climate change, sea level rise, Ninh Co river, Red-Thai Binh river Delta, MIKE 3. |
33 | Thực trạng khả năng kết nối và sử dụng thông tin dự báo, cảnh báo hạn hán của cộng đồng cấp xã. Nghiên cứu thí điểm tại tỉnh Đăk Lăk | Duong, Ha Hai | In recent years, due to global climate change, natural disasters such as storm, flood and drought occur more frequently with growth in intensity of devastation and unpredictatbility. Social demand for forecasting and warning of natural disasters is increased in order to proactively respond to the impacts of these phenomena. In addition to the need for natural disaster forecasting and warning, the ability to connect this kind of information among stakeholders is still limited, especially at the community level of new rural communes. This research exhibits the results of assessment of the status of information connection between the community and relevant agencies, and the commune community’s capacity of access to and use of specialized forecast and warning information to respond to drought in Dak Lak province. The evaluation results show that the disaster information communication system at all levels has been increasingly improved with the active participation of state organizations, groups and individuals. Information has been disseminated to the community in various ways. Traditional forms of communication such as word of mouth method, speakers, TV, radio are being effectively supported by phones, text messages, and more advanced methods including the internet, website, social networks, etc. However, there are some obstacles such as legal and technological barriers, lack of integrated database system, shortage of professional media for natural disaster prevention. Based on the results of this study, the orientation for solutions to enhance information connectivity for agricultural production and socio-economic development at the community level of new rural communes in Dak Lak province is proposed and developed. Keywords: Dak Lak, database, drought, new rural, natural disaster prevention |
47 | Nghiên cứu ứng dụng nền tảng Google Earth Engine thành lập bản đồ giám sát hạn hán lưu vực sông đồng nai vùng Đông Nam Bộ | Hoang, Nguyen Van |
54 | Nghiên cứu tích hợp các công nghệ tưới | Quang, Le Xuan
| The paper summarizes the research results of integrating technologies of water filtering, supplying, storing and saving irrigation for 300 ha safe and intense vegetable production in An Hai commune, Ninh Phuoc district, Ninh Thuan province. The new technologies applied include water intaking from Lu river with filtering process, water storing of sedimenting tanks ranging from capacities of 10,000 m3 to 15 tanks (per tank 500 m3), level-1 pump supplying water for 15 intermediate tank and 15 level-2 pumps supplying water for farm, water sprinklering and dripping for kinds of crops in the command area. The techs are originated from Isarel, Australia, Italia, etc., integrated with the ones from neighboring countries and Vietnam to reduce the production cost by 30% compared to the ones from developed countries, and suitable with socio-economic of local conditions, is highly necessary to duplicate the region wide. This is research project of smart agriculture, which was prioritized by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Keywords: Integrating technologies, water-saving irrigation devices, regimes, techniques for watering safe vegetables |
63 | Mô hình nhiệt động lực học và ứng dụng trong nghiên cứu sử dụng các chất kết dính vô cơ | Nam, Nguyen Huu
| Thermodynamic modeling is essential for our understanding of chemical reactions. With the three most important variables influencing temperature, pressure and chemical composition, we can predict if the reaction will take place and the final state after the reaction is over. The general laws governing thermodynamics have been known for a long time and were first applied to cement chemistry in the late 19th century by Le Chatelier to prove that cement hydration was obtained. The clinker's initial solubility leads to an always saturated water phase for the hydration reaction thus leading to the precipitation of solid phases. Thermodynamic model was developed and applied by geochemists to calculate the system of complex reaction often occurring in nature using cementitious materials such as soil stabilization, concrete/soil interaction, concrete corrosion, cement hydration, radioactive waste disposal. Therefore the basic theories of thermodynamic modeling and its application are presented in this paper. Keywords: Thermodynamic modeling, cementitious materials, durability of concrete, cement hydration, radioactive waste disposal, natural pouzolan |
71 | Nghiên cứu hệ thống đóng mở tự động đối với cửa van bản lật trục đáy
| Thu, Giang | Claple valve gates have many advantages in regulating water level but it is difficult to avoid impact and vibration when operating; not able to work automatically. In this paper, an automatic on-off support system has been proposed basing on the principle of force balance and indoor experiment.The installed automatic on-off system has been changed the claple valve gate to a hydraulic automatic valve gate (the flipped claple valve gate) which works stably under different conditions and meets requirements of water level regulation, flood discharge and saline prevention. The research results showed that the automatic on-off system operates flexibly and smoothly with its simple structure. It is easy to install and maintain; convenient for upgrading and renovating because it is built-in. The automatic flipped valve gates are applied to the work of Phai Vong dam, Bac Kan province, Vietnam. Key words: automatically flipped valve gates, on-off structure, spring system |
83 | Đánh giá tình hình sạt lở, hệ thống bảo vệ bờ biển ở đồng bằng sông Cửu Long và định hướng giải pháp bảo vệ
| Tu, Le Xuan | The paper presents the assessment results of erosion and coastal protection system in coastal and estuaries of the Mekong Delta, the research results based on data investigated and analyzed satellite images. The results show that the eroded coastline is 268 km and the coastline needs to protected is 365 km. Most of the coastal protected solutions are independent, which lack of a combination of solutions is leading to low effectiveness on coastal protection. Keywords: Coastal protection system, sea dyke, revetment, breakwater, mangrove forest, Mekong Delta |
93 | Nghiên cứu xác định chỉ số an toàn công trình đầu mối hồ chứa thủy lợi theo lý thuyết độ tin cậy - ứng dụng cho hồ Núi Cốc, tỉnh Thái Nguyên | Huong, Cam Thi Lan
| Research to develop a general framework that applies the theory of reliability in assessing safety of headworks of existing irrigation reservoir in Vietnam taking into the random factors of hydrology and hydrology force and flood downstream through safety indicators (probability safety of component, system safety probability Pf and reliability index β); solving reliability function at level 3 by Monte - Carlo simulation (MCS); analyzing the reliability of the system and proposing solutions to improve safety of reservoirs, typical application for Nui Coc reservoir, Thai Nguyen province. Key words: Theory of reliability, dam safety assessment, reservoir safety, safety of the headworks of irrigation reservoir, Nui Coc |
102 | Đánh giá an ninh nguồn nước lưu vực sông Đồng Nai trên cơ sở ứng dụng mô hình phân tích thứ bậc mờ (FUZZY AHP) | Le, Nguyen Truc
| The purpose of the study is to determine the importance weights of the factors causing water insecurity on the “Dong Nai” river. In this study, the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is applied to achieve the objective, because of its popularity. The study is conducted based on survey data of managers in the 11 provinces and city. The results show that the group of environment factors is the most affecting group to water security, followed by by urban factors, natural disasters related to water resistance factors, economic factors, and household factors. Keywords: Water security, Dong Nai river basin, Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process |
109 | Nghiên cứu khả năng truyền sóng của đê kết cấu cọc | Tu, Le Xuan | The paper presents the results of studying the wave transmission of the Double-Row Pile Breakwater and wave parameters. The results show that this structure works effectively in case of emerger, the wave transmission coefficient Kt = 0.3 ÷ 0.4, but the wave reflection coefficient is quite large Kr = 0.45 ÷ 0.6. The empirical formula of wave transmission coefficient was established for this structure. Keywords: Double-Row Pile Breakwater, wave transmission, wave reflection |