, 10/03/2025
Page | Article | Authors | Abstract |
2 | Đánh giá khả năng thoát lũ của sông Hồng khi nạo vét, hạ thấp cao độ các bãi sông | Dang, Nguyen Ngoc Thang, Le Xuan | In order to increase the flood drainage capacity of the Red River, the dredging and lowering solutions of river floodplain have been proposed, but the theoretical and practical basis to prove also as assessed the effectiveness of this solution is still unclear. The content of this article inherits some previous research results but has updated the new model (MIKE 21FM) and new parameters of geometry, morphological form of the typical river section, thereby giving the results more comprehensive research results to evaluate the effectiveness and limitation of this solution to improve flood drainage capacity of the Red River. Keywords: flood drainage capacity; Morphological characteristic |
10 | Ứng dụng công nghệ thông tin xây dựng mô hình quản lý, vận hành hệ thống tưới nước tự động | Hiep, Nguyen Quoc |
16 | Mô phỏng quá trình thủy hóa xi măng có sử dụng tro bay, muội silic bằng công cụ số VCCTL | Quan, Tran Van Nam, Nguyen Huu | The Virtual Cement and Concrete Testing Laboratory (VCCTL) is a numerical tool developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2001. Currently, the tool is still being improved by NIST, a system of universities and cement companies. The objective of the development of the VCCTL numerical tool is to predict the properties of fresh as well as hardened concrete based on concrete mixing conditions and sample curing conditions. VCCTL helps determine the optimal design of concrete mixes, reducing the number of inefficient samples that need to be carried out in the laboratory, thereby saving time and cost for construction. By simulating the hydration process of three types of cement slurry mix: 100% cement, 20% fly ash + 80% cement and 20% silica fume + 80% cement, the article will introduce about VCCTL as well as the necessary input parameters to simulate the hydration process of cement so that some mechanical properties of paste can be predicted. Keywords: Numerical tools, VCCTL, concrete, fly ash, silica fume, hydration, cement |
23 | Tình hình hạ thấp mực nước trên hệ thống sông Hồng và các giải pháp để thích ứng | Quang, Le Xuan Son, Le Viet | The article summarizes the research results of the Red River riverbed lowering situation and adaptation measures, showing that the construction of upstream reservoirs has retained a significant amount of sediment, plus uncontrolled sand mining is the cause of the riverbed lowering. According to recent research data shows that, on the Red River at the Son Tay section, comparing 2001 with 2009 was lowered by 2.0 m, from 2010 to now, about 14cm lower; from 2000 to 2013, the Duong river lowered 3.27m; Thai Binh river, the section from Pha Lai to Vinh Lap, is lowered by 1.73m; Van Uc river is lowered by 1.38m. The lowering of the riverbed has had significant impacts on the exploitation and use of water on the Red River system. It is necessary to study the sediment balance and propose solutions to cope in the immediate period to overcome the situation of lowering the riverbed. Keywords: Lowering riverbed, sand exploitation. |
34 | Đánh giá đặc tính phân tầng mặn vùng cửa sông Hậu qua số liệu thực đo và công thức thực nghiệm | Hai, Do Dac
| The salinity stratification feature of an estuary depends on the regime of river and tidal flow. Stratification feature analysis can be based on actual observed data with empirical analytical formulas or 3D or 2DV mathematical models. In the content of this paper, initial characteristic of salinity stratification of the Hau estuary are initially determined through actual salinity observed data according to the water depth. This initial research result is expected to introduce a new research approach about the salinity stratification mechanism for the coastal estuaries of the Mekong Delta to serve the need of fresh water intake (fresh water taking) for agriculture or domestic water ... or take brackish saline water bottom for aquaculture growing. Keywords: Saline intrusion, salinity concentration, salinity stratification, Hau estuary, Dinh An branch, Tran De branch, high tide (HWS), low tide (LWS). |
46 | Đánh giá, phát hiện sớm nguy cơ sự cố đê tả Lam K74+600 đến K75+600 tỉnh Nghệ An, trước mùa mưa lũ năm 2017 | An, Phung Vinh Thai, Nguyen Canh | The paper presents the results of applying the method and criteria for early detecting the risk of incidents for Ta Lam dike, sections K 74 + 600 to K 75 + 600, Hung Nguyen district, Nghe An province, before the 2017 flood season. The evaluation results show that the research dike segment is not likely to occur failure. That also suits with process reality in flood season 2017 and after that. Keywords: Early detection method of the risk of incidents; River dikes; Criteria system; Safety rating points. |
56 | Tràn sự cố trên đập đất sử dụng cấu kiện bê tông có liên kết - một giải pháp đảm bảo an toàn cho các đập vừa và nhỏ ở Việt Nam | Trong, Dinh Xuan | Overtopping is one of the major causes of the failure of earth dams. Use all or a portion of the dam crest length as an emergency spillway to allow water to overflow at the top of the dam during major flood events. This solution was successfully applied to many old dams in the world. The question is what type of material to protect the dam surface helps prevent erosion caused by steep gradient, high velocity flow. This article presents scientific basis, potential application, some main issues in design calculations as well as the results of the test application of solution for emergency spillways using Articulating Concrete Blocks (ACBs) to reinforce the dam surface helps ensure the safety of medium and small earthen dams in Vietnam. Keywords: Earthen dam, overtopping dam, emergency spillways, articulating concrete blocks |
65 | Kết quả nghiên cứu xây dựng định mức lao động trong quản lý, vận hành hệ thống công trình thủy lợi cho các tổ chức thủy lợi cơ sở tỉnh Đắk Lắk | Tuan, Truong Cong
| Labor norm is one of the most important economic-technical norms that have been applied for the management, exploitation and protection of irrigation and drainage systems. This type of norm is used as bases for irrigation and drainage organizations to adequately arrange labors and for managers at various levels to make plans and approve assigned public service tasks. According to the Hydraulic Law and relevant regulations, setting up norms is very necessary. However, currently in the scope of the country, there are only few provinces to implement this task for the maganement of local irrigation organizations, of which, there is labor norm. In this paper, the authors aim to draw an approach, methods and present the results of setting up the labor norm for local irrigation organizations in Dak Lak province, then withdrawing experiences for the implementation of this task in practice in general. The results of this study may provide lessons for the development and application of norms to the process of managing to improve the efficiency of management, exploitation and protection of irrigation and drainage of local organizations. |
72 | Giải pháp thúc đẩy liên kết sản xuất, tiêu thụ sản phẩm vùng chuyển đổi sản xuất lúa-tôm ven biển Tây, đồng bằng sông Cửu Long | Tuan, Doan Doan
| The impact of drought and saltwater intrusion has changed the farming practices of people in the Mekong River Delta (Mekong Delta) in general and the West Coastal region in particular. The impact has turned challenges into opportunities in the region's agricultural production, shifting agricultural production from inefficient 2-rice farming to highly economical shrimp-rice cultivation. Shrimp cultivated in rice fields use mainly natural food, require low feed costs, sufer less diseases, being high quality, and the ecological environment is protected because rice uses waste products from shrimp farming. However, the development of the rice-shrimp system is facing challenges, due to the inadequate irrigation facilities to control drought and saltwater intrusion, poor road system to offer conditions for agricultural machines to operate; fragmented, small-scale agricultural production, lack of farmeres cooperation to form a suficient large production area, enterprises purchasing agricultural products difficult to access the State's suppot are contrains to formation of effective agricultural production linkages In order to support production, enhance production and product consumption linkages between farmers and farmers, between production households and enterprises, it is necessary to implement the completion of on-farm road system to create conditions for machines to work effectively, to invest in irrigation infrastructure ensuring proactive irrigation and drainage for shrimp-rice production, at the same time encourage farmers to cooperate in production on a large scale, in parallel with the thorough implementation of supportive policies, so that enterprises can access loans, support capital to ensure production linkage. Keywords: West Coastal region of Mekong Delta, drought and saltwater intrusion, shrimp-rice cultivation, on-farm irrigation and road system, agricultural production and product consumption linkage, supporting policies |
81 | Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của cấu kiện rỗng đến sự thay đổi thông số sóng trên mô hình máng sóng | Chuong, Le Thanh | This paper presents the research results comparing the ability of reduce wave, energy dissipation of two breakwater structures based on the physical model. This experiment is intended to provide a better under-standing of wave interactions and hollow breakwater and closed structure. The first structure is opened, it is capable of environmental exchange before and after of the structure, the second structure is closed, it does not allow environmental exchange before and after of the structure. In the interactive process between waves and structures, Wave energy is dissipated better by second structure but the wave reflected is bigger. Keywords: porous breakwater, transmission coefficient, dissipation coefficient, wave reflection, 2D physical model |
89 | Nghiên cứu phương pháp đánh giá và đề xuất giải pháp quản lý chất lượng công trình đê sông trên địa bàn tỉnh Thanh Hóa | Mui, Nguyen Thi Son, Pham Hong | River bank construction is very important to socio-economic development, natural disaster management, and national security. Therefore, the evaluation of the quality of river bank construction is essential. The paper develops an evaluation method by giving the marks for some criteria such as the risk of the actual condition of river bank construction, the aftermath of the potential accident in consideration to statical and dynamical parameters. The result is used to grade the risks, which is the basis for defining the level of structural safety. The developed method has been applied to evaluate the quality of right side bank of Chu river (from Km38+700 to Km39+300), which is located in Thieu Tam village, Thieu Hoa district, Thanh Hoa province. The evaluation result shows the score P = 270,25, which is equal to level 1 of the structural safety. This result means the river bank construction is being at high-risk condition, therefore a solution to ensure the safety of the river bank construction is proposed accordingly. Keywords: River bank quality; Quality management of river bank; Thanh Hoa river bank. |
97 | Đánh giá thực trạng và đề xuất giải pháp phát triển bền vững điện mặt trời tại Việt Nam | Tuan, Hoang Cong
| Vietnam is facing a high risk of electricity shortage in the period 2021-2025, especially in 2023, it is predicted a shortage of about 12 billion kWh. Therefore, it is necessary to develop power sources to meet the electricity demand for the economic development and national energy security. Vietnam has a great potential for solar energy. In the past two years, there were many policy documents with supportive and incentive mechanisms to create favorable conditions for solar power development. However, the rapid and breakthrough development of solar power projects has revealed difficulties, inadequacy and challenges. The main content of the paper deeply assesses the current situation of solar power development, indicates the problems and challenges, thereby offers some solutions for removing them gradually and creating conditions for sustainable development of solar power in Vietnam. Keywords: Renewable energy; Solar energy; Solar power; Power system |
105 | Phân tích, đề xuất biện pháp quản lý rủi ro gây chậm tiến độ thi công của công trình thủy lợi, thủy điện ở Việt Nam | Hue, Nguyen Huu
| Irrigation and hydroelectric works have many characteristics compared to other types of works because they are greatly affected by weather, climate, hydrology conditions, etc. Many irrigation works are delayed in construction, affecting expense and wasting to investment budget. A survey of 310 samples was collected and analyzed to assess the impact of risk factors on construction schedule and was presented in the relevant articles by the author. The research results have shown that there are 6 groups of risk factors that cause construction schedule: (1) Group of technical-related factors, (2) group of factors related to abnormal impacts on the construction site, (3) group of factors related to people, (4) group of factors related to the process, (5) group of factors related to design, (6) group of factors related to legal. Based on those studies, the paper aims to assess and rank risk factors to propose risk management measures in managing the construction schedule of irrigation and hydropower projects in Vietnam. Keyword: Cause delay schedule of construction, risk |
115 | Nghiên cứu xác định diện tích ngập nước sử dụng ảnh Sentinel-1 trên nền Google Earth Engine: áp dụng cho tỉnh Đồng Tháp, đồng bằng sông Cửu Long | Chien, Pham Van
| This paper presents the spatio-temporal variability of surface water area for Dong Thap province, Vietnamese Mekong Delta by using a time-series of 114 Sentinel-1 images. The image process was implemented on the Google Earth Engine cloud computing platform using Java Script language. The results showed that (i) the temporal variation of water surface area consists with the change in water elevation, (ii) the largest value of water surface area often occurs in July and August, with a value ranging from 1584 to 1892 km2 (approximately from 45.8 to 54.7% of the province's area), while the smallest value appears in April and equals from 4.65 to 6.18% of the area of the province, (iii) water surface area strongly correlates with the change in water elevation at Tan Chau station, with a correlation coefficient of 0.75. The time for processing each Sentinel-1 image is less than 15 seconds, thus saving a lot of time for processing the selected time-series Sentinel-1 images. Keywords: Sentinel-1, Google Earth Engine, inundated area, Dong Thap |