, 10/03/2025
Page | Article | Authors | Abstract |
2 | Hơn 40 năm xây dựng thủy lợi cải tạo chua phèn, kiểm soát lũ và thành quả đạt được của tỉnh An Giang
| Hung, Le Manh Khanh, Luong Huy |
10 | Nghiên cứu ứng dụng công nghệ tưới nhỏ giọt cho 20 ha măng tây, xã An Hải, huyện Ninh Phước, tỉnh Ninh Thuận | Quang, Le Xuan
| Drip irrigation and optimal irrigation techniques for sandy areas, especially in areas where water is scarce. Asparagus is grown on sandy areas along the coast of Ninh Phuoc district, Ninh Thuan province, which is suitable for drip irrigation; the drip irrigation tube runs along asparagus tree, the 2l/h drip flow is appropriate, the distance of the droppers is 30cm. Small irrigation each time about 50 m3/ha. The article introduces the research results of applying drip irrigation technology to 20 hectares of asparagus in An Hai commune, Ninh Phuoc district, Ninh Thuan province, this is part of the project to build technical infrastructure for serving concentrated safe vegetable production in An Hai commune, Ninh Phuoc district, Ninh Thuan province, designed by the Institute for Water and Environment. Keywords: Drip irrigation, asparagus |
16 | Bài học xử lý sự cố cát chảy hố móng sâu bằng cọc xi măng đất
| Thao, Vu Ba Minh, Pham Van | Because of fast construction progress and lower cost than the diaphragm wall, soldier pile walls are commonly used in deep excavation. However, when designing and constructing soldier pile walls, tightness between the piles is not assured, the permeate flows the outside soil into the excavation, causing subsidence, cracking adjacent buildings, shifting the wall. This paper presents the results of troubleshooting analysis for an excavation project using the form of soldier pile wall, without waterproofing membrane, under soft ground conditions and high underwater level. Using soil cement columnms at the junction of bored piles to waterproof and reinforce the weak soil inside the foundation pit to avoid push-up. The displacement and internal force of the soldier pile wall was analyzed by using FRWS7.2 and Midas NX software to consider the effect of passive earth pressure by compression-springs theory. The results of the design and construction calculations show that the proposed solution handles infiltration and push up thoroughly, ensuring the safety of excavation construction and adjacent buildings. Thanks to those findings, the paper propose that foundation pits supported by soldier pile walls in urban areas have to consider waterproofing items from the design stage to ensure the safety of the excavation itself and adjacent buildings. Key words: Deep excavation; Soil cement colunm; soldier pile wall, sand boiling, seepage |
25 | Đánh giá thực trạng và đề xuất giải pháp nâng cao hiệu quả hỗ trợ kinh phí sử dụng dịch vụ công ích thủy lợi
| Tuan, Doan Doan
| Annually, the Government provides about VND 7,000 billion on behalf of water users to pay IMC-the irrigation service providers. Results of analysis on the status of allocation of irrigation fees subsisdies show that about 80% of localities carry out the plan assignment, no locality has implemented the bidding method. The certification and acceptance of payment for the irrigation services are mainly based on the irrigated area without the service quality indicator and, in many areas, without the participation in monitoring, evaluation and confirmation of the water user or village leaders as their representative. In many localities, a large part of the funding subsidy (70-80%) is kept by the district for irrigation works repairs, not directly alocated to water user organizations. In order to improve the quality of services as well as the efficient use of fund supporting the use of public irrigation products and services, it is necessary to develop and incorporate service quality criteria into service provision contracts and ensure the participation of the village community in monitoring and assessing the quantity and quality of services. Key words: irrigation fees, water user organizations, quality of services |
33 | Ứng dụng mô hình toán lựa chọn phương án bố trí mặt bằng hợp lý công trình đê chắn sóng cảng khách Hạ Long | Quyet, Nguyen Kien Anh, Nguyen Quang Duc | This paper investigated the wave transformation to evaluate technical efficiency of breakwaters layout plans by using mathematical model MIKE 21 SW to select the suitable plan for quiet conditions of exploitation in the port tank when ships and boats are moored. Keywords: Breakwaters, Ha Long habour, Breakwater layout plans. |
42 | Hiện trạng cấp nước vùng miền núi phía Bắc và các | Truong, Nguyen Hong Anh, Do Ngoc | The proportion of people using clean water in the Northern mountainous region of Vietnam has reached 79.7% of the population. Due to many different reasons, the models provided here are not sustainable, the rate of inefficient works of this region is larger than the national average. The problem of choosing the exact locations of construction investment has a major decisive role to the sustainability of the project. This article introduces the results of the evaluation of the current situation of rural water supply and sanitation models in recent years. Realizing the causes of consequences; Calculate the need for future water supply development; From there, set up the criteria for choosing the construction site, initial screening to select a location for investment in the construction of a concentrated water supply facility converges fully and harmoniously the elements for sustainable development: culture - society, economy - finance and technology - environment. Key words: clean water and rural sanitation, criteria for effective investment, Sustainable Development |
54 | Công trình phòng trị lũ bùn đá
| Thao, Vu Ba | Debris flow is a form of flash flood, which frequently and suddenly occurs in the streams or valleys of mountainous areas. Unlike common flash flood, debris flow contains a great number of solid materials such as soil, stone, and wood, causing terrible damage to infrastructure and human. Such damage has been increasing in both frequency and intensity in Vietnam, due to anthropocentric and natural causes, including road building, housing development, mining, deforestation as well as severe climate change, and heavy and intense rainfall. To mitigate and adapt to the impacts of debris flow, several countermeasures approaches have successfully applied in many countries, but not yet in Vietnam. This paper reviews the worldwide solutions for preventing and mitigating debris flow disasters. Based on the review, we highlight key considerations for choosing the best countermeasure solutions that can be acceptable to the specific conditions of Vietnam. Key words: Debris flow, Flash flood, Structural countermeasure, SABO dam. |
64 | Đánh giá thực trạng cấp nước sinh hoạt nông thôn | Tung, Pham Van | As of 2018, the Southern Central region had 6,163,384 rural people using clean water, accounting for 94.22% of the total rural population in the region; in which the population using water reaching QC02 is 3,515,361 people, accounting for 53.7%. The underground water source is limited and unevenly distributed, so the number of underground water exploitation works is only 122 works, accounting for 8.75% of the total number of concentrated water supply works. Small and separate water supply schemes in the form of households account for a large proportion, up to 66.43% of the rural population in the whole area uses this form of water. Research results are conducted to assess the current situation of rural water supply in the South Central region and the current water demand in order to gain an overview of clean water issues, thereby improving the rural water supply for the study area. Keywords: Domestic water, Water supply works, Concentrated water supply. |
75 | Ứng dụng mô hình rừng cây ngẫu nhiên để dự đoán cường độ chịu nén của bê tông | Quan, Tran Van Hung, Nguyen Quang | Cement concrete is the most widely used material today in construction projects from infrastructure to civil construction thanks to its good compressive strength and competitive price. Conducting experiments to determine compressive strength of cement concrete requires high costs and long implementation time. Therefore, the application of the random forest model is a branch of artificial intelligence to determine the compressive strength of cement concrete is very meaningful. Random forest model has been applied to train and test 1030 samples of compressive strength of cement concrete. The predicted results of the random forest model give relatively high accuracy in two training and testing cases with correlation coefficients R respectively 0.99 and 0.95. Therefore, it is feasible to apply artificial intelligence, particularly random forest models, to determine the compressive strength of cement concrete using many additives. The random forest model can also identify the most important factors affecting the compressive strength of cement concrete such as cement and age which is most affecting the compressive strength of cement concrete. The fly ash is the least affected factor on the compressive strength of cement concrete. Keywords: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Random Forest (RF), Concrete, Compressive Strength, Prediction. |
81 | So sánh ảnh hưởng của độ ẩm và dung trọng đất đến | Nghia, Nguyen Van Son, Nguyen Thai | This paper presents a comparison of the influence of soil parameters on the penetration resistance and erosion resistance of a silty soil such as dry density and compaction water content. The results showed an increase of penetration resistance and erosion resistance with dry density, but the influence of compaction water content on the penetration resistance is not completely accorded with that on the erosion resistance. At low dry density, the penetration resistance and erosion resistance decrease with an increase of compaction water content but at high dry density, the result shows a contrary, the penetration resistance decreases while the erosion resistance increases with an increase of water content. Keywords: penetration resistance, erosion resistance, dry density, compaction water content, suction. |
88 | Đánh giá phân bố tổn thất qua các khối vùng của tổ máy thuận nghịch Bơm -Tuabin bằng mô phỏng số 3D | Nho, Nguyen Thi
| This paper uses numerical simulation with ANSYS-Fluent software to analyze and estimate the loss distributions in the cell-zones of a reversible hydraulic machine that is called Pump as Turbine (PaT) in 2 modes: pump and turbine. The steady three-dimensional problem (3D) is considered on k-ε turbulence model. The cell-zones consists of spiral casing (hcas), guide vanes (hvan), impeller (him), a draft tube (hdr) and a space between zones (hspa). Numerical results show that in the pump mode, the impeller zone accounts for 56.2%, followed by the vanes and draft tube with 18.56% and 12.87%. Leakage losses accounts for the lowest rate with 2.63%. In the turbine mode, the ratio of hydraulic losses of the impeller still accounts for the largest proportion of 59.13%, followed by the spiral casing zone with 11.69%. This is also the initial results and has significant in predicting the hydraulic characteristic curves and designing of this kind of machine in Vietnam. Keywwords: Pump, Turbine, Pump as Turbine, CFD, Pumped-storage hydropower |
99 | Nghiên cứu đặc điểm đất bồi lắng hồ chứa vừa và nhỏ ở Hà Tĩnh
| Dung, Nguyen Dinh Thang, Nguyen Cong | Sediment deposition in resevoirs after a duration of operating has affected their useful capacity, especially in the small and medium reservoirs in Ha Tinh province. This problem causes reducing the reservoirs’efficiency and operation duration, as well as changing the water quality. If reservoirs are considered as a type of natural resource, sedimentation is the main factor for its depletion. In order to cope with this problem, the research utilizes the sedimentation of the reservoir bed as a type of embankment material to widen the dam surface, an approach to ensure the constructions’safety according to the new standards. Therefore, in addition to the practical significance in scientific aspect, this research also has economic, environmental and social efficiency such as restoring the duration of reservoir’s exploitation and operation, increasing reservoir capacity, reducing the cost due to the utilization of local materials for embankment, and not affecting the social environment. Keywords: Sediment deposition in reservoir bed, aggregate constituent, dam safety. |
106 | Ứng dụng trí tuệ nhân tạo trong dự đoán sức chống cắt của đất sau biến dạng
| Hung, Nguyen Quang Quan, Tran Van | After being deformed due to disasters such as erosion, landslides, the soil will significantly change its shear strength. Therefore, it is necessary to forecast the reduction of the shear strength of these soils to predict the possibility of recurrence of unstable erosion with these deformed layers. In this paper, artificial intelligence (RF) will be applied to predict the remaining shear strength of soil after deformation. To perform the simulation, 131 experimental data were collected from literature. The data set consists of four input variables: LL liquid limit, PI plasticity index, Casagrande’s classification deviation ∆PI, CF clay content. The evaluation of the models was made and compared on training data set (70% data) and control data set (30% remaining data) by criteria of Pearson correlation coefficient (R) and RMSE error. The results of the study showed that the random forest model is feasible in determining the remaining shear strength of soil after soil deformation with a correlation coefficient for the training model is 0.97 and verified as 0.78. At the same time, the random forest model can show the importance of each soil property to the remaining shear strength of deformed soil, respectively in the order of Liquid Limit> Casagrande classification deviation ∆PI> Clay Fraction > Plasticity index. Keywords: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Random forest (RF), shear strength, friction angle, landslide. |
113 | Nghiên cứu các chỉ số nhận biết nước từ ảnh sentinel-2 trên nền Google Earth Engine: áp dụng cho thành phố sa đéc, tỉnh Đồng Tháp | Chien, Pham Van
| This paper presents the results of using three popular water indices namely NDWI, MNDWI, and WNDWI on detecting water bodies for the Sa Dec city, Dong Thap province based on Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud platform. The high pass filter is firstly applied for pan-sharpening of the shortwave infrared (SWIR) band from 20 to 10 m in spatial resolution of the domain of interest. The real water and non-water areas in the domain of interest are then digitized directly from Google Earth using the GIS tool in order to create the reference dataset. Next, sensitivity analysis of the threshold value and weighted coefficient are performed when using the WNDWI, resulting in values of -0.11 and 0.50 are obtained for the threshold value and weighted coefficient, respectively. The overall accuracy, kappa coefficient, error of commission and error of omission equal 0.98, 0.85, 0.015 and 0.006, respectively. Among three selected water indices, WNDWI and MNDWI are the most suitable indices for detecting water bodies in the studied area, with the overall accuracy>0.98 and kappa coefficient>0.84. Finally, capacity and time consuming on detecting water bodies using Sentinel-2 images based on GEE are also discussed. Keywords: Google Earth Engine, WNDWI, MNDWI, NDWI, Sentinel-2 |