, 10/03/2025
Page | Article | Authors | Abstract |
2 | Định hướng hiện đại hóa hệ thống thủy lợi phục vụ chuyển đổi, phát triển nông nghiệp bền vững tại các tiểu vùng sinh thái vùng đồng bằng sông cửu long | Tinh, Nguyen Van
| . Vietnamese Mekong Delta is a region with typical natural conditions and water resources, forming three sub-zones of fresh, brackish and saline ecology, being the key agricultural production, playing an important role in our country's economy. In recent years, drought, saline intrusion and flooding in the area have been changing rapidly. The main causes of this phenomenon are climate change - sea level rise, upstream development and internal development of the region. In order to serve agricultural production and community, hydraulic works in the area have been invested and built for many years, making important contributions to flood and saltwater intrusion control,... For the adverse impacts that are facing, current hydraulic works have not been able to keep up with the requirements of production development and living activities, especially in the requirements of conversion, sustainable agricultural development in the sub-zones according to The Resolution 120/NQ-CP of the government issued on 17/11/2017. The paper analyzes specific problems and challenges, orienting a number of key solutions, including structural and non-structural solutions to modernize hydraulic works for transformation and sustainable agricultural development in the secological sub-regions of the delta. Keywords: Vietnamese Mekong Delta, Hydraulic Works Modernization; Sustainable Agricultural Development |
10 | Nghiên cứu đề xuất các giải pháp cấp nước sạch nông thôn vùng miền núi phía bắc trong điều kiện biến đổi khí hậu và xây dựng nông thôn mới | Anh, Luong Van
| The northern mountainous region plays a very important role in socio-economic development, national defense and security, especially water security. The region has the topographic features of mountains, high slopes and highland areas and has more than 10 million people mostly living in rural areas. The areas are also home to many ethnic minority groups and still facing with difficulty in socio-economic development; thus, rural water supply for remote areas in the northern mountainous region is an important task to ensure social security. With the great efforts of the government, the living condition of the rural areas has changing. The number of people having access to rural water supply in the Northern mountainous region has increased; however, there are still challenges including: (1) accessibility to safe water and centralized water supply schemes in remote areas and areas where ethnic minorities live is still low and this is much lower in compare with plain areas and urban areas; thus, specific efforts need to be made so that the poorest people can have access to clean water; (2) the number of water schemes which are in poor management and operation is still high; (3) the water quality in many water schemes is not stable; (4) Poor management and operation of centralized water supply systems; (5) Still have challenges in safety and security of water resources caused by natural disasters (drought, water shortage, flash floods, landslide, environmental pollution). In order to maintain the achieved results as well as to promote the socio-economic development and to overcome the above-mentioned challenges, it is necessary to review and evaluate the role of all economic sectors in the relationship with the development of rural water supply. This will help to achieve public policy results and to make greater improvements in the rural water supply sector in line with the characteristics of the Northern mountainous areas. Keywords: rural water supply, Northern mountainous region, water sources, drought, water shortage, natural disasters |
16 | Ảnh hưởng của độ mịn xỉ lò cao đến cường độ của bê tông chất kết dính kiềm hoạt hóa | Bang, Nguyen Thanh | In alkali-activated slag/fly ash based concrete (AAC), ground-granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS or GGBFS) plays an important role in increasing the early strength of concrete and accelerating the geopolymerization of fly ash (FA) at room temperature. Therefore, the quality of GGBFS (chemical composition, fineness) has a significant influence on the mechanical properties of AAC. In this paper, through theoretical analysis and experimental results, the effect of the fineness of GGBFS on the compressive strength and tensile strength was investigated. Keywords: fineness, ground-granulated blast-furnace slag, GGBS, GGBFS, fly ash, FA, alkali-activated concrete, geopolymer |
24 | Đề xuất khung nghiên cứu hoàn thiện thể chế, chính sách giảm thiểu rủi ro lũ quét và sạt lở đất đá | Dat, Tran Van
| Natural disasters are becoming more and more extreme phenomenon, causing serious damage on global eco-social-economic systems. However, research on institutional aspects for disaster risk reduction in the world has not been popularly published. In order to support implementation of coming researches in this field, the article is focusing on discussion of the research framework in the field of flash floods and landslides disaster risk management with a consideration of available research results, nation’s current legal and policy and actual natural disaster risk management activities in some localities of Vietnam. A toolkit was also proposed for assessing status and generating solutions in regard to institutions and policies including more than 70 criteria, which take in to account of opportunities for controlling impact factors resulting the performance of disaster risk reduction caused by flash floods and landslides. A suggestion is that, this research framework can be widely applied in the field of natural disaster risk management as well. However, due to establishment, quantification and evaluation of the usefuless of each criterion are quite complicated, therefore, it is necessary to update and validate the criteria to develop an appropriate institutional and policy analysis toolkit when applying to the researches. Key words: research framework, institution, policy, disaster risk, flash flood, landslide |
36 | Thực trạng cấp nước sinh hoạt nông thôn vùng đồng bằng sông cửu long và đề xuất giải pháp khai thác | Tung, Pham Van
| The clean water demand for the domestic purposes of people in rural areas in Mekong Delta is a critical issue that is great concern by the Government, especially in the drought – saline season. Currently, the rate of rural households in the area with treated water supply is 86.56% (higher than in 2012 reached 75.85%, and in 2015 reached 85%). The 13.44% of the rural people are in the water shortage condition, whose mainly live scattered in small clusters. The research results have proposed a solution for the exploitation of surface water reasonably and rationally in the drought - saline season for domestic water supply to people living in scattered residential points based on an overview from natural conditions, water resources conditions, water environments, water usage habits,… in order to have high applicability. Keywords: Domestic water, Water supply works, Piped water supply. |
47 | Nghiên cứu giải pháp kết nối hệ thống cấp nước và đề xuất hệ thống cấp nước tập trung phục vụ cấp nước sinh hoạt vùng hạn, mặn ven biển đồng bằng sông cửu long | Duong, Ha Hai
| Drought and saline intrusion in the Mekong Delta region happened oftenly in the years with climate change and extreme climate events such as the year 1977-1978, 1997-1998, 2015-2016 and 2019-2020.Based on drought and saline intrusion situation in the coastal provinces in the Mekong delta in past many years, expecialy in early months of year 2020, it is found that climate change and upstreme water infrustrures development will lead to drought, saline intrusion and watershortage for domestic use with more seriously. The watershortage for domestic use will lead to the difficulties for local people and social security. This paper presents scientific and practice basic for proposing solution to connect water supply systems and develop centralized water supply systems for local living and active responding to drought ans saline intrusion in the Mekong delta. Conneting water supply systems will create centralized water supply system for this region and implemented under The Law on Hydraulic Work and Water Resources Law, beside this representing the interest of the Party and State Government and different local authorities to social security in the Mekong delta. Keywords: Centralized water supply, connecting water supply systems, drought, saline intrusion, the Mekong delta, water supply. |
57 | Áp dụng phương pháp phân tích thứ bậc (ahp) trong lựa chọn phương án thiết kế các dự án thủy lợi | Truong, Nguyen Hong
| Sustainable access to rural development projects, irrigation projects, one of development can only be sustained if economic, social and environmental target get along. However, at the present time, in the stage of making investment projects, the process of evaluating and selecting design construction does not fully ensure the sustainable target. By Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) can consider many criteria, It can combine both qualitative and quantitative analysis, will choose the best design construction that ensure the set criteria. Based on the principle of comparing pairs of criteria, AHP has 3 main steps: analysis, evaluation and synthesis. It answers the questions “Which option should we choose? “Which design construction is the best?” Keywords: Analytic Hierarchy Process, Sustainable Development, construction design selection |
66 | Sử dụng mô hình toán 3 chiều mô phỏng lan truyền mặn vùng cửa sông hậu | Hai, Do Dac
| The salinity stratification characteristic of an estuary depends on the river flows and tidal currents regime. That is therefore, the characteristics of each river differ, salinity stratification characteristic will be different depending on topographical and hydrological factors (upstream flow, sea tide, affluent flow along the river ...). Saline intrusion at an estuary is divided into three main types that are: completely disturbed, semi-stratified and strongly stratified (forming saline wedges). This paper has presented the study results and the simulation of the saline zone to understand and have the overall of the characteristics of saline intrusion in the Hau estuary by 3D mathematical model. Keywords: saline intrusion, salinity concentration, salinity stratification, Hau river estuary, numerical simulation for saline intrusion. |
80 | Độ bền của đập bê tông dưới sự ăn mòn sun phát bên ngoài | Quan, Tran Van Nam, Nguyen Huu | External sulfate attack (ESA) affects the durability and strength capacity of concrete, especially for concrete dams that are in constant contact with water containing high concentrations of sulfate ions. In this paper, a concrete example of external sulfate attack on Mequinenza concrete dam is given. The formation of thaumasite mineral is harmful to the mechanical properties of concrete. Simulation of the external sulfate attack for concrete dam was conducted with the help of geochemical model. The model was successful in confirming the formation of thaumasite in the crust of concrete along with increased porosity which peeled off the concrete crust. That was observed in real construction. Based on the ressults, geochemical model can help to predict the durability of concrete construction. Keywords: External sulfate attack, Concrete dams, Prediction of concrete durability, Thaumasite formatuon, Geochemical model |
87 | Nghiên cứu xây dựng tiêu chí đánh giá sự phù hợp của các dự án thủy điện với môi trường và áp dụng với các thủy điện trên dòng chính sông mã tỉnh thanh hóa | Hong, Mai Thi Huyen, Luu Van
| Hydroelectric is a main electrical source in Vietnam. Besides playing the main role in supporting the social-economic developments, hydroelectric is a clean power source that contributing to sustainable development as well as in the multi-objective use of water. Together with the undeniable benefits, the hydroelectric project also is the source of some phenomena such as the decrease of the area of wild forest, the reduction of agricultural land, the change of the natural flow of the rivers, the depletion in the lowlands. To have a basis for evaluating and selecting the hydroelectric projects, which may help to take the advantages as well as to reduce the disadvantages of the hydroelectric projects, it is necessary to have a list of environmental criteria that a hydroelectric project needs to fulfil. This paper is going to build a list of criteria to evaluate the conformity of a hydroelectric project to the environment, which may help in choosing a hydroelectric project in the decision-making process. In addition, the paper applies the proposed criteria into the hydroelectric projects in the mainstream of Ma river to suggest some solutions in order to reduce the bad effect of those hydroelectric projects on the environment. Keywords: Criteria; Hydroelectric project; Ma river; Hydroelectric project in the Ma river. |
97 | Thực trạng sử dụng nguồn kinh phí thủy lợi phí cấp bù trực tiếp cho các tổ chức thủy lợi cơ sở quản lý khai thác công trình thủy lợi nhỏ, nội đồng theo phân cấp | Tuan, Doan Doan
| This paper, on the result of survey, analyses the revernue and expenditure on O&M of Grassroots irrigation organizations. Depending on the size of the grassroots irrigation organizations, the subsidized funding from the government is from VND 180 million to VND 130 million for an organization in the mountainous areas and the Central Highlands; from VND 560 million to VND 300 million in the RRD and Central coastal provinces. This funding is mainly used for operation management expenses, from 20-60%, and maintenance. In the Southeast region (Tay Ninh, Binh Phuoc) and some provinces in the South Central region (Ninh Thuan, Binh Thuan), most of the grassroots irrigation organizations do not manage the independent works so they do not receive on-farm irrigation support. In the Mekong River Delta, the allocation of irrigation compensation costs to districts for maintenance and dredging irrigation works in the district has an average value of 17,124 million VND / district. The level of on-farm irigation fee at grassroots irrigation organizations in the Mekong River Delta is about VND 800,000-1,500,000 / ha. For the rest of the country, from 200,000 VND / ha, In mountainous areas to 600,000 VND / ha in the Red river Delta. All of this on-farm irrigation fee collection is used for the management and operation of on-farm irrigation network. The percentage of on-farm irrigation fee collection is approximately 100% for the Mekong Delta and the central and downstream regions of the Red River Delta. In other regions, the collection rate is around 80-90%. Key words: irrigation fees, water user organizations |
103 | Nghiên cứu, đánh giá rủi ro lũ, ngập lụt theo các cấp độ mưa lớn và thượng nguồn cho thành phố yên bái và khu vực lân cận | Thuy, Nguyen Thi Bich | Flood risk assessment and flood damage analysis for high-risk areas in Yen Bai city and surrounding area (7 communes of Tran Yen district) have scientific and practical significance for planning flood response, management and investment efficiency in flood control works. In this study, a two-dimensional hydraulic model (MIKE FLOOD) and the flood damage analysis model HEC-FDA with the support of remote sensing technology and GIS are used to calculate the damage according to the levels of risk (frequency flood - flood water level in rivers) and average annual damage in the area before and after the construction of the dike system. The calculation results show that damage in the current period can be from 107 to 12.787 thousand USD depending on the level of risk, in the future by 2050 it will increase by about 1,3 times. The efficiency of the investment in the dike system can bring in 550 thousand USD annually. This is an economic value for dicision maker to consider the efficiency in the investment of flood control works. Keywords: Yen Bai, flood damage, HEC- FDA, MIKE FLOOD |
110 | Nghiên cứu dòng chảy trên tràn xả lũ có mố nhám gia cường bằng mô hình dòng chảy hai pha | Hien, Le Thi Thu | My research uses Flow 3D model in simulating the flow through the spillway, stirling basin of the Ngan Truoi spillway with two options of reinforced piles on slopes: negative and positive roughness. The Flow 3D hydrodynamic model based on the Navier-Stokes system is an effective tool in simulating the complex hydraulic properties of the flow through irrigation constructions. Calculation results of water level and velocity with 2 different operating conditions are compared with empirical data for both slope dissipation alternatives. In addition the paper also points out the need to add air entrainment models in the simulation of large turbulent flows on hydraulic works as well as select the optimal dissipated obstacles by using numerical model. |
119 | Đánh giá thực trạng và giải pháp nghiên cứu về sạt lở đất ở việt nam giai đoạn 2010 - 2020 | Long, Doan Viet Cuong, Nguyen Tien | Vietnam is a country with steep mountainous terrain characteristic and located in the tropical monsoon climate region. Therefore, landslide is more popular here and it can be considering as a significant nature disaster. Studying in landslide susceptbility zoning has been received more attention in recent years and it significanty contributed to natural disasters mamagement. This paper was conducted as a review of landslide assessment studies in the world, evaluated the situation of landslides studies in Vietnam during a period time from 2010 to 2020 and proposed the appropriate research solutions. The results indicated that, the landslide susceptibility with statistical method is the most popular approach for landslide assessment study in Vietnam. Additionally, the limitations of landslide database have not been fully addressed. A few of solutions to improve the above limitations were discussed and some recommendations for further studies were proposed in this work. Keywords: Landslide, landslide assessment methods, landslide factors, statistical model, Vietnam’s mountainous region. |