, 10/03/2025
Page | Article | Authors | Abstract |
2 | Công trình cống Xẻo Rô - một loại kết cấu công trình mới ở đồng bằng sông Cửu Long | Hoa, Tran Dinh VAWR
| The Mekong Delta (MK) is a young floodplain located in the Lower Mekong River with a low and flat terrain, water resources abundance, and a coastline of more than 700km which is influenced by the semi-diurnal tidal and diurnal tidal regimes in the East and West Seas, respectively. The major objective of the irrigation systems in MK is to control the water resources and at the same time secure favorable waterway navigation requirements. Therefore, most irrigation infrastructure built on large canals and rivers or important waterways must have to arrange separate culverts and locks. Cong Xeo Ro, belonging to the Cai Lon - Cai Be irrigation system, is the first project in MK that integrates a structural arrangement that both control the water sources and secure waterway navigation requirements when needed. This article introduces analyses, evaluation, and proposes technical solutions for this integrated irrigation infrastructure. Keywords: Culvert in tidal zone, lock, water source control, Cai Lon - Cai Be irrigation system. |
8 | Nghiên cứu, lựa chọn giải pháp phù hợp xử lý nước thải, bảo vệ và cải thiện chất lượng nước trong hệ thống công trình thủy lợi An Kim Hải, thành phố Hải Phòng | Phong, Nguyen Tung Tuyen, Tran Van | Water quality management in irrigation system is currently a very concerned issue of all levels, sectors and localities. Many irrigation system concurrently act as a source of surface water and receive untreated wastewater from residential areas, industrial zones, clusters, craft villages, livestock breeding areas ... leading to water pollution in the system and not guaranteed to serve the production and supply of raw water for domestic purposes. An Kim Hai irrigation system starts from Kim Thanh district, Hai Duong province to the Hai Phong center city simultaneously implements water supply for agricultural production and raw water supply, serving water supply for nearly 80% of domestic water demand Hai Phong city is also very affected by the many sources of polluted wastewater. This paper presents the result of researching and implementing a pilot model of wastewater treatment for the residential area of Nam village, Tan Tien commune in An Kim Hai irrigation system with appropriate technology solutions, combined with the building of the model. synchronous organization, management and operation will contribute to promote efficiency, treat pollution and ensure the sustainability of the model. In addition, the pilot model is also a scientific basis for the application and dissemination of pollution treatment, water quality improvement in An Kim Hai water supply system as well as other water resources systems above. country. Key word: An Kim Hai irrigation system; Untreated wastewater; Pollution. Pilot model. |
17 | Nghiên cứu tác động của phát triển hạ tầng, dân cư đến thoát lũ, ổn định lòng dẫn đoạn sông Hồng qua Hà nội và định hướng giải pháp chỉnh trị | Quynh, Nguyen Ngoc IHRCE | The paper presents the research results on the impact of the development of new residential areas and infrastructure on the flood drainage capacity, thereby proposing co.rrective solutions to ensure flood prevention requirements on the Red river through Hanoi capital The effectiveness of the river training work solutions which are quantitatively evaluated will serve as the basis for the detailed planning of the river training works system on the section of the Red river through Hanoi in particular and be applied throughout the system in general. |
27 | Nghiên cứu ứng dụng WEBGIS trong nâng cao năng lực quản lý khai thác công trình thủy lợi và phòng chống thiên tai tại tỉnh Thái Bình | Dung, Nguyen Le Phong, Dang Tuan | Keywords: WebGIS, GIS, Modernization of water resources management and disaster prevention, Thai Binh |
36 | Một số tính chất của bê tông có cốt trấu
| Huan, Khuong Van Quynh, Nguyen Phu | The paper presents some empirical research results on concrete using rice husks to produce shore protection structures. Husked concrete significantly reduces the strength if the concrete mix has slump. Husked concrete can enhance the water permeability. The best uses husked concrete in semi-dry form Keywords: concrete using rice husk, compressive strength, slump, permeability, semi-dry |
41 | Nghiên cứu lập kế hoạch sử dụng nước cho các hồ chứa trên địa bàn thành phố đà nẵng theo thời gian thực để chủ động cấp nước cho sản xuất trong điều kiện thời tiết cực đoan | Tuan, Hoang Ngoc CVIWR
| Annual water use plans of reservoirs are often built by the management unit based on area, type of crops, time of growth,... expected for the whole year, based on the prescribed irrigation norms. many years of operation and experience, also have been adjusted during operation. This approach is revealing a number of inadequacies, leading to a situation where the planning is difficult to match with reality, causing water loss and waste. In order to formulate an active water use plan, it is necessary to accurately forecast the flow to the reservoir (discharge, water level) in the whole year and crop; it also needs to calculate the water demand for production (agriculture, socio); Therefrom, the supply-demand balance was carried out to propose a yearly water use plan, the most appropriate season. In this paper, we propose solutions and technologies for real-time water use planning: At the beginning of the year, a full-year water use plan was made based on meteorological forecasting data, actual rain gauge data, and reservoir water level to adjust suitable water use plan for each lake. The research’s results have also built 01 software to support water use planning, including modules for calculating incoming flow, water demand, and water balance. The changes in water level and rain will be also automatically integrated into the software, thereby the water use plan for the reservoir is adjusted automatically to ensure appropriateness. |
54 | Tổng hợp một số vấn đề trong thực tế thiết kế bơm hướng trục Ns cao | Anh, Truong Viet Vinh, Do Hong
| High ns axial pumps usually have the specific speed ns>1000 rev/min. Most of capitalist countries are less interested in high ns pumps. The ns of popular pumps of the former Soviet Union were only in the range of 500 rev/min to 900 rev/min. In Vietnam, the research on high ns pumps in recent years has achieved certain results. Most of these high ns pumps have the reference of some parameters and characteristics of OP6 pump with ns=900 rev/min of the former Soviet Union. Through the analysis of the influence of the main parameters on the axial pumping characteristics, the article summarizes the issues to be noted in the actual design, and highlights the results of high ns pumps researching in our country in recent years. Key words: axial flow pump, high ns, impeller's diameter, |
62 | Xây dựng bộ tiêu chí và bước đầu đánh giá hiệu quả mô hình kè sinh thái kết hợp trồng cây chống sạt lở, bảo vệ bờ sông Ba, tỉnh Gia Lai | Tuat, Le Van
| The Ba river plays an important role in the life, culture and society of the indigenous inhabitants in Gia Lai province. However, at present, under the impact of climate change, human activities, the Ba river bank was been landslide, with many dangerous sites. Therefore, streambank soil bioengineering model to prevent erosion and landslide in the study area was necessary. The set of criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the model was 6 criteria: (1) Plant survival rate. (2) Growth and renewal of plants. (3) Bank stability. (4) View. (5) The economic and environmental efficiency of the model. According to the set of criteria, the effectiveness of the model in NuB village, Ia Rsom commune, Krong Pa district was achieved a number of results such as living, growing of plants, bank stability, bettering view and the economic and environmental efficiency of the model about 9,177,739 VND/year. Keywords: Streambank soil bioengineering, criteria, model effect, Ba river, Gia Lai province. |
73 | Kết quả ứng dụng bê tông chất kết dính kiềm hoạt hóa sử dụng tro bay và xỉ lò cao tại công trình thử nghiệm | Bang, Nguyen Thanh Quan, Dinh Hoang | One of the important contents of the KC08.21/16-20 Vietnamese national project, namely “Research on using a combination of fly ash and blast furnace slag to product the alkali-activated concrete (do not use Portland cement) for construction working in the marine environment, contributing to environmental protection”, is the practical application of alkali-activated fly ash and blast furnace slag concrete (AAFS) to verify the quality of this material. This practical application is carried out at a sea embankment section from K25+320 to K25+340 in Thinh Long town, Hai Hau district, Nam Dinh province, Vietnam. This article presents a part of the research results on the design of concrete mix components, the construction process and the initial quality assessment of AAFS concrete in this practical application. Key words: Concrete, alkali-activated binder, fly ash, blast furnace slag, geopolymer, practical application |
84 | Thực trạng quản lý cơ sở hạ tầng nông thôn vùng đồng bằng sông Hồng và định hướng giải pháp | Dung, Nguyen Le | Developing the infrastructure and aiming towards the sustainable development goals are always two parallel elements, playing a central role in the strategies, programs, and plans for socio-economic development of our country through various developing stages. The rural infrastructure plays an important role and is the basis and conditions for socio-economic development in localities. In the process of building up the new countryside, localities always give priority to resources for infrastructure development. According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, from June 2010 up to now, the country has mobilized over 2.3 million billion VND to develop an infrastructure system for building up the new rural. Infrastructure works which are newly built, renovated and upgraded over the past years have significantly changed the face of rural areas nationwide. However, the effective and sustainable management and usage of infrastructure works after investment are not really concerned by many localities. Therefore, the issue of effective management and use of post-investment projects is now necessary. Based on the research results in the Red River Delta (Red River Delta), this article reflects the status and proposes solutions for effective and sustainable management and use of infrastructure in rural areas in the Red River Delta. Keywords: New Rural, rural infrastructure, effective, sustainable, the Red River Delta. |
94 | Nghiên cứu phương thức phối hợp vận hành nâng cao hiệu quả khai thác nhà máy thủy điện bậc thang | Tuan, Hoang Cong | In Vietnam, hydropower projects have been mostly exploited. Demand for power is increasing. Thermoelectricity develops rapidly, affecting the environment and energy security. The hot development of solar and wind power sources changes electricity source structure, with the proportion of hydropower decreasing. On the other hand, the electricity demand changes, different from the previous forecast, in the direction of disadvantage for hydropower and electricity resource exploitation. Therefore, it is necessary to have appropriate solutions to improve the operational efficiency of hydropower. The article presents the scientific basis and method of coordinated exploitation in order to increase the operational efficiency of hydropower for terraced hydropower stations, at the same time reducing the cost of purchasing other power sources. The obtained results from application for two terraced hydropower stations in Sesan rivers show the effectiveness of the methodology compared with the actual operation. Key words: Hydropower; Long-term scheduled; Electricity system; Electricity market. |
103 | Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của một số loại phụ gia đến cường độ kháng nén một trục đất bồi lắng lòng hồ chứa ở Hà Tĩnh | Dung, Nguyen Dinh Thang, Nguyen Cong | Sediment deposition in resevoirs has a common feature, i.e. frequently located in water that under normal conditions the soil is frequently located in water. ItsThe composition and structure of the deposited soil are due to the surface erosion of the catchment or thebasin, erosion along of the soil roof of the resevoirs. The dredging of sediment deposition in reservoirs, that are heavily deposited as well as the ones in reservoirs that hadve been in operatedion for many years, is necessary to increase their capacity and operating onal time of the resevoirs operation. However, because this kind the of sediment deposition in the reservoir has a high content of water hydration, mud and soft soil, thus the problem of transportation, disposal, environmental assurance and, economy will face many difficulties.
The survey results at 13 typical small and medium reservoirs in Ha Tinh province show that the sediment deposition in these reservoir belongs to heavy dust mixed with sand and gravel, and flexible. Once , if combininged with additives, it. It is appropriate to create new materials with mechanical properties to ensure safety of permeability and stability for the application of construction, repair, and upgrading to ensure the safety of the dam according to TCVN 2816: 2018. The paper presents the results of research on the effects of three popular additives, i.e. : fly ash, puzzolan and cement, with different concentrations on unconfined compressive strength of the deposited sediment deposition in reservoir. Based on these resultsFrom there, the analysis and selection of the appropriate additive and additive content will be made. Keywords: Sediment deposition in resevoirs, additives, unconfined compressive strength, dam safety |
110 | Các nhân tố ảnh hưởng thu hút nguồn lực tài chính từ khu vực tư nhân ứng phó với biến đổi khí hậu | Huong, Pham Thu
| The private sector is the entity that is both under climate change’s influence as well as being an important resouc promoting the climate change adaption. This paper examines factors that positively affect and play an important role in attracting financial resources from the private sector responding to climate change. The result shows that there are five factors that positively influence and play the most important role in attracting financial resources from the private sector responding to climate change, includings: 1) Goverment’s and Party’s engagement; 2) Having a specialized agency to support the private sector in projects responding to climate change; 3) Having a competent state management agency to respond to climate change; 4) Financial capacity at central and provincial levels is fully guaranteed; and 5) Having a consistent legal system. Từ khóa: Huy động nguồn lực; Nguồn lực tài chính; Biến đổi khí hậu; Khu vực tư nhân. |
117 | Đánh giá tiềm năng khai thác các trạm bơm tưới dọc sông Hồng để lấy nước vào hệ thống sông Nhuệ - Đáy nhằm cải thiện môi trường nước | Hue, Nguyen Huu
| Facing the situation that the Red River water level is getting lower and lower, since 2010, Hanoi People's Committee has installed many removable pumping stations such as Phu Sa, Xuan Phu, Ba Giang, and upgrading and building new pumping stations such as Dan Hoai, Hong Van to get water for irrigation. These pumping stations are generally operated few times during a crop. For example, in the winter-spring crop, there will be only about four to five times of operation of taking water for irrigation. After each period of taking water lasts from five to seven days, the pump station will stop operation and routine maintenance. Particularly for removable pumping stations, after each water taking season, they must be dismantled and brought into workshops for preservation and storage. This shows that the existing pumping stations have not yet been fully used to serve other purposes, such as the purpose of supplying water sources for the Nhue-Day river system to enhance the water purification, and to increase water quality. In this paper, the authors will propose suitable pumping stations with potential for regularly taking water from the Red river into the Nhue - Day river in order to enhance the river water quality. Key words: Nhue and Day rivers; Phu Sa pumping station; Ba Giang pumping station; Hong Van pumping station; water purification. |
124 | Nghiên cứu ứng dụng công nghệ viễn thám trong đánh giá rủi ro do lũ, ngập lụt cho các đô thị miền núi phía bắc | Lan, Ha Thanh | The Northern region is a large area, rugged terrain, or fragmentation, especially or affected by extreme natural disasters such as flash floods, floods, landslides. In recent years, this region often faces with extreme natural disasters, which has a significant impact on social economic conditions. In particular, flood is a typical natural disaster that often threatens the lives of people and the socio-economic development in the region, causing many material and spiritual damages. Therefore, assessing risks of flood is a very interesting area for researchers. Remote sensing technology with many advantages is a key tool in managing and monitoring natural resources, environment and natural disasters today. The study team used remote sensing technology to calculate and assess the vulnerability and propose a classification to assess exposure, thereby developing a flood risk map for the five cities, including: Yen Bai, Cao Bang, Ha Giang, Lang Son and Son La. The results provide an overview of the level of risk in the five cities, contributing to the development of a database to help assess, monitor and forecast risks of flood in particular and the management, warning and prevention of hazards, natural disasters in general. The results show that high and very high levels of risk occur most frequently in Yen Bai city, Cao Bang city with the lowest high and very high level of risk compared with other cities. Keywords: Remote sensing, exposure, vulnerable, risk, landuse, landcover, Sentinel-1, flood |