, 10/03/2025
Page | Articles | Authors | Abstract |
| In the Vietnamese Mekong Delta in spite of climate change, severe drought, big water using in upstream countries, the inflow in the Delta at least remain 3,5-5,0 bln cubic meters every month in dry season, in this time salinity intrusion causes serious defect of fresh water in coastal zone for long time of dry season. The problem is how to use the abundance upstream fresh water for coastal zone. This paper presents technical method for this goal. Keywords: Fresh water, salinity intrusion, fresh water supply for coastal zone |
8 | TÁC ĐỘNG CỦA HỒ CHỨA LƯU VỰC MÊ CÔNG ĐẾN TÍCH NƯỚC CỦA HỒ TONLE SAP CUỐI MÙA MƯA - ĐẦU MÙA KHÔ | Thang, Tang Duc | The upper Mekong reservoirs have had many impacts on the basin, especially changing the hydrological and hydraulic regime, including Tonle Sap Lake (TLS) in Cambodia. The assessment of the impact on TLS lake also has many aspects of concern, including the decrease in the lake volume. Our research, presented below, focuses on detecting the impact of flood cutoff on changes in the volume of TLS lake, especially in the late rainy season and early dry season. Through the study using mathematical model (MHT), the study evaluated the reduction in volume of TLS lake under 3 scenarios (1) No flood cut; (2) Cut flood 34 billion m3, (3) Cut flood 45 billion m3 corresponding to 3 groups of years with high, medium and low water, using hydrological years in the period 2011-2019. The results showed that, with flood cutoff levels of 34 and 45 billion m3 of upstream reservoirs, the volume of TLS lake (compared with no cut) was reduced during the dry season (December 31) and varied according to the hydrological year: for the group of high water, the corresponding lake volume decrease is about 6-8.5%; 10-14% in medium flow years, and 15-20% in low flow years. This result has created a great advantage in assessing the water supply capacity of the lake in the dry season for both the Mekong Delta in general and the Mekong Delta in particular. Keywords: Tonle Sap lake (TLS), cut floods, reduction of reservoir capacity; upstream reservoirs (above Kratie). |
15 | ĐẶC ĐIỂM CẤU TRÚC ĐỊA CHẤT VÀ CÁC ĐỚI PHÁ HỦY KIẾN TẠO TẠI CÁC ĐẢO LỚN THUỘC QUẦN ĐẢO NAM DU, TỈNH KIÊN GIANG | Binh, Vu Ngoc Thanh, Phi Truong Huong, Nguyen Thanh | The results geological measurement to determine the structural features, destructive zones, fracture directions and tectonic faults of the original rock in Hon Lon, Hon Ngang and Hon Mau islands of Nam Du archipelago showed that , the rocks were destroyed from strong to medium, forming the fault zones that developed in NE-SW, NW-SE and longitudinal directions with widths from 1-2 to 4-5m even from 6 -8m filled with tectonic plates and tectonic humus and concentrated mainly in the north of the islands. Keyword: Crupt, Cracks, Tectonic, Faults, Key block. |
| The paper presents the research results evaluating the parameters affecting the overtopping reduction ability of the sea dike cross section with hollow cylindrical waveguide at the top (TSD) by physical model. Analyze the correlation of the parameters with the overflow through the building. Keywords: hollow cylinder; Dissipation of Wave; wave reduction; overtopping flow; 1/4HTR |
33 | MỘT VÀI Ý KIẾN VỀ SỰ CẦN THIẾT NGHIÊN CỨU Ô NHIỄM NƯỚC TƯỚI MẶT RUỘNG HỆ THỐNG THỦY LỢI SÔNG NHUỆ, SÔNG ĐÁY | Thuong, Tran Quoc Tuan, Pham Anh | Nhue and Day river basins are locating in social - economic development area of Red River plain. Increasing urban population in relating with urban zone development cause extreme water pollution sources in the irrigation system of Nhue and Day river basin, especially in the irrigating surface water in recent year. Therefore, the paper is to present some idea on research of irrigating surface water pollution on irrigation system for Nhue and Day river basin. Key word: Irrigation system, irrigating surface water pollution. |
| Vietnam - a country which has 3260km coastline long, 89 estuaries and more than 300 islands. At present, there are many protective structures with inclined roof shapes combined with low crest walls, vertical walls with bullnose to reduce overtopping flow and wave pressure impacting the dyke. However, top and vertical walls create the great reflected waves and the force on the structure. From the current situation as well as the above urgent requirements, the research team of the National Key Laboratory of River and Marine Dynamism has proposed a hollow wall structure with a wave-attenuated nose in a shore protection project. Hollow-wall structures with wave-attenuated jets have perforated corrugated front ends, wave dissipation chamber with different proportions of holes and chambers size, is made by reinforced concrete materials or some new materials |
48 | MỘT SỐ VẤN ĐỀ VỀ TIỀM NĂNG NGUỒN NƯỚC MẶT VÀ SỬ DỤNG NƯỚC PHÍA TRÊN CHÂU THỔ MÊ CÔNG | Thang, Tang Duc | Changes in the flow of the Mekong River have been studied a lot in recent years, especially when the upstream reservoir has developed rapidly over the past few decades, however, research on changes / fluctuations in water sources are still limited, therefore our research focuses on this issue. The study is based on data from the Mekong River Commission (MRC) and some of Vietnam, using statistical analysis, comparison, from which some important conclusions have been drawn out. These results include: water use in the Mekong Delta has been increasing rapidly over the past 10 years, currently (2020) stands at about 24 billion m3, accounting for about 5.7% of water resources potential in medium water year (P = 50%) and about 7.3% in low water year (P = 90%). In the period 1960-2019, the basin's potential flow (on Kratie) remained quite stable: with an average annual volume of about 420 billion m3, in a slight increase trend, about 0.056% / year; Meanwhile, the actual annual flow with a total volume of about 410.2 billion m3 tends to decrease slightly, at about 0.022% / year, due to the rapid increase in water use over the past decade. In the coming time, the above statistical characteristics are continuing to change. Key words: Above the Mekong Delta (above the delta), Kratie station; potential water source; actual water source; water use (SDN), 1960-2019 period |
54 | ỨNG DỤNG CHỈ SỐ CÁN CÂN NƯỚC VÀ CÔNG CỤ GIS XÁC ĐỊNH MỨC ĐỘ ẢNH HƯỞNG CỦA HẠN KHÍ TƯỢNG ĐẾN VÙNG ĐẤT CÁT VEN BIỂN MIỀN TRUNG | Chung, Luong Ngoc | The Central coastal sandy area has a great potential in terms of area that can be used for agricultural, aquacultural production as well as some other economic sectors. However, due to the many disadvantages of the natural features, the exploitation and use of sandy soil areas is still limited, of which meteorological drought is one of the important factors that make coastal areas difficult in the storage and creation of water resources to serve people and agricultural production. The characteristic of meteorological drought in this area is not due to low rainfall, but mainly due to large evaporation, along with the soil characteristics of sandy soils that are difficult to retain water. This study focuses on using the ratio coefficience between evaporation and rain, to assess the degree of meteorological drought of coastal sandy soils. The series of rain and evaporation monitoring data from 1977 at 19 meteorological stations along the central coastal area were used to analyse, showing many years when there was a big difference between evaporation and rain in the dry season, especially in 1977, 1988, 2005, 2014 ... The period of high drought usually occurs from April to July in the north and from February to June in the south of the Central coastal areas. Especially in the southern region from Phu Yen to Binh Thuan, the probability of a degree of "very dry" in the period from February to May exceeds 70% of the analysed years. The GIS tools are also used to develop the water balance index map, which serves as a basis for determining the rate of area under different degrees of drought, confirming that most localities have more than 50% of the area to be determained above light drought levels. Keywords: Drought, Water Balance Index; Central Coastal Sandy area. |
64 | DỰ BÁO CHẤT LƯỢNG NƯỚC TRONG ĐIỀU KIỆN BIẾN ĐỔI KHÍ HẬU KẾT HỢP MÔ HÌNH MỘT VÀ HAI CHIỀU CHO LƯU VỰC SÔNG ĐỒNG NAI | Thanh, Dang Quang Song, Pham Van Thanh, Dang Duc Duong, Tran Anh | Urban water quality is an emerging water problem in developing countries as a result of increasingly untreated discharges from rapidly expanding industrial and residential zones. Industrialization and urbanization have boosted the economy of the provinces in the Dong Nai river basin, but the quality of water is also deteriorated drastically. When climate change has caused the increasing occurrence of extreme conditions and eventually the deterioration of water quality, the prediction of urban water quality helps control water pollution and protect human health for sustainable development. This study investigates water quality responses to climate change in the Dong Nai river basin using a coupled 1D-MIKE11 and 2D-MIKE21 hydrodynamic model and MIKE-Ecolab model to quantify four environmental indicators, including Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Nitrate, Ammonia. Forcing data for the 1D model include hourly upstream discharge at the Tri An reservoir and four downstream water levels at coastal stations. The 2D-MIKE21 model, which is used to simulate water quality in the urban area of Bien Hoa city, is fed by 24 pollution point sources (factories and plants). Modelling results reveal that there is an overall increasing trend in chemical components and pollution rates in the Dong Nai river basin and Bien Hoa city in spite of wastewater treatment efforts. Further modelling studies are needed to understand the impact of future changes owing to climate and development on pollution dynamics in the region, when monitoring and inspection activities of municipal authority should continue to ensure that economic development does not result in environmental damages. Keywords: Water Quality, MIKE 11, MIKE21, Ecolab, Dong Nai River. |
72 | NGHIÊN CỨU ĐÁNH GIÁ ẢNH HƯỞNG CỦA SỰ THAY ĐỔI THẢM PHỦ ĐẾN TÌNH HÌNH LŨ, NGẬP LỤT CHO THÀNH PHỐ CAO BẰNG | Thanh, Hoang Tien | In recent years, floods, flooding in Cao Bang city occurred frequently, causing great damage to people and property. There may be several causes of floods, such as unsecured flood prevention and protection systems, abnormal rains due to the impact of climate change, changing the surface of the carpet (both quantity and quality), development of infrastructure works in the basin ... and also unknown causes. Analyzing and evaluating these factors will be the basis for identifying the main causes of current and future flooding in the study areas. In this article, the research team used IFAS open distributed hydrological model to determine the flow rate as input to the combined 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional combined mathematical model MIKE FLOOD to determine the depth of inundation and flooding area for Cao Bang city corresponding to the land cover change scenario. The results from the models will be analyzed and evaluated as a scientific basis to propose response and relief plans to prevent and minimize damage caused by floods, ensuring sustainable socio-economic development and natural environment for the locality. Keywords: Flood, MIKE FLOOD, IFAS. |
80 | CƠ CHẾ HÌNH THÀNH LÚN NỨT MẶT ĐƯỜNG TRÊN ĐÊ KHI KẾT HỢP MẶT ĐÊ LÀM ĐƯỜNG GIAO THÔNG | Nguyen, Tran Van An, Phung Vinh | In the over one decade, the cracked settlement of surface road phenomenon on the river dikes became popular. Vietnam also have some studied to explain the mechanism to make that phenomenon. However, because these studies were for only site dike certain what the results come out only some causes, that not show how to the formation mechanism of formation the cracked settlement road surface. This study showed the wet-dry cause in seasonal of dike's body with content clay, dust high is the reason for making the crack original, because of decrease volume soil dikes body. After that, other these specifically impact at those different dikes as soft soil ground, overloading, construction method, etc..., are factors motive progression crack, settlement road surface on the dikes. Keyword: River dikes combine with the traffic road; mechanism of road surface crack settlement on river dykes; wet-dry body dikes phenomenon. |
| The Cam River is a big river in Hai Phong, holding an important position related to economy, national defense and culture not only of Hai Phong but also of Northern Vietnam. Recently, many large and modern urban centers have been built on the banks of the Cam River. Therefore, accurately forecasting the water levels in the Cam River will make an important contribution to flood prevention, ensuring the safety of people's lives and socio-economic development. Accordingly, the author of this article has set up a Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network (LSTM) model, a special type of the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), to predict the water levels of the Cam River at Cua Cam station in Hai Phong. The input data of the forecast model is only the water levels measured at the hydrological stations in the study area. Rainfall at stations: Cao Kenh, Kien An, Phu Lien, Cua Cam have low correlation coefficients, so these data series are not used for the model. Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency, Root Mean Squared Error, Mean Absolute Error were used to evaluate the errors of the forecast values. The forecast results are highly accurate, predictive quality is sufficiently reliable. Therefore, this model can be applied to forecast the water levels of the Cam River and other rivers in Hai Phong. Keywords: Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), LSTM, water level forecast, Cam River, Hai Phong |