, 10/03/2025
Page | Article | Authors | Abstract |
2 | Chính sách hỗ trợ tưới tiên tiến, tiết kiệm nước trên vùng đất chuyển đổi từ lúa sang các cây trồng | Dat, Tran Van
| Vietnam is facing challenges related to water resource management, especially in the Mekong Delta region located in the lower Mekong region, which is subject to the upstream national water use, impacts of climate change, and sea level rise. Moreover, the region also faces internal challenges in the process of agricultural development related to the use of water resources. Many households have converted their rice growing area to fruit and vegetable crops to increase their income and improve their lives. They have applied advanced irrigation and/or water saving irrigation to improve production efficiency by increasing crop yields, improving quality and reducing water, energy, manure, and labor costs. It brings many socio-economic and environmental benefits to the region. Many countries have developed subsidy policy is that while it is designed to help increasing of advanced irrigation, water saving irrigation. Many countries around the world have subsidy policy implementation the development of advanced irrigation and/or water saving irrigation. Subsidy policy for development advanced irrigation and/or water saving irrigation in the locality should focus aspects on such as subsidy levels suitable to the local budget capacity, norm of systems, size of subsidy area for organizations and individuals, processes and procedures, and awareness raising. Keywords: policy, subsidy, advanced irrigation, water saving irrigation, the Mekong Delta |
14 | Phân tích thực trạng và đề xuất giải pháp thực hiện phân cấp quản lý công trình thủy lợi
| Trung, Tran Chi
| Irrigation management is a key factor determining the efficiency of irrigation works, in which decentralization of irrigation management is one of the important solutions for management of irrigation works. Implementing the Law on Irrigation and related documents, most provinces have stipulated decentralization of large and medium irrigation schemes for provincial organizations and decentralization of small irrigation schemes to water user organizations. However, some localities now decentralized small irrigation schems for provincial and district organizations. Based on analyzing current situation of decentralization of irrigation management in different regions, this research proposes solutions to implement decentralization of irrigation management to promote efficiency of management and exploitation of irrigation works, including: i) Solution to decentralize small irrigation works for district level, (ii) On-farm irrigation scale suitable for different regions, and (iii) Determine the distribution point for irrigation services. Keywords: Decentralization of irrigation management, water user organization, on-farm irrigation |
24 | Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của việc chuyển đổi rừng trồng sang rừng tự nhiên đến dòng chảy về các lưu vực sông, áp dụng cho lưu vực sông Cu Đê của thành phố Đà Nẵng | Tuan, Hoang Ngoc
| In recent years, there is a growing situation in over-exploiting natural forests timber then reforesting with acacia, which is quite gaining popularity in the localities. This has negatively weakened the buffer surface at the river basins, in fact, it has been proven that this trend has increased the peak flow discharge as well as decreased the flow in the dry season. Consequently, floods and droughts are becoming severe. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a study and scientific evaluation in terms of the influence of buffer surface factor (including area and quality of forests) on the flow, which is a crucial foundation for adjustment from authorities pertains to planning for effective and sustainable forest planting, exploitation, and management. This article will present mentioned above issues in detail, based on the application of the US model - WEAP to simulate the inflow process for the river basins of the city of Da Nang. The results show that the dry season flow has increased from 10.68% to 12.53% on average when converting 30% of artificial forest area to natural forest. Keywords: Cu De river, WEAP, buffer surface. |
33 | Ảnh hưởng của đê giảm sóng đến chế độ thủy động lực
| Tu, Le Xuan
| This paper presents the results of simulation research on the numerical model MIKE21-FM to evaluate the wave and curent reduction efficiency of the offshore breakwater. The analysis results showed that the breakwater reduced the waves and the currents in the rear side of the breakwater more than 50%, creating favorable conditions for sedimentation and mangrove rehabilitation. Keywords: Breakwater, wave reduction, current, numerical model MIKE21-FM. |
43 | Nghiên cứu ứng dụng cửa van tự động điều tiết nước | Hien, Thai Quoc
| The hydraulic gate valve operates automatic completely on force balance principle of back and font gate. For the works of dewatering tides and waterlogging, preventing saltwater from entering the field, automatic valve gate is a superior technical solution. However, the feature of this gate when to set automatic mode, the gate cannot regulate and control the upstream water level, the water will automatically drain until it balances with the downstream water level. Studying the structure of combination with automatic valve gates for the works in Keywords: Automatic gate, salinity intrusion, automatic water drainage. |
48 | Ứng dụng viễn thám và GIS đánh giá biến động đường bờ khu vực cù lao Phú Đa, huyện Chợ Lách, tỉnh Bến Tre | Tuan, Le Vân
| The development of Remote Sensing technology and Geographic Information System (GIS) have given a substantial contribution to environmental studies in general and riverbank movement in particular. In this study, the shoreline of Phu Da islet from 1990 to 2020 has been extracted by Alesheikh's method based on using multi-temporal Landsat images. At the same time, the riverbank variability in Phu Da islet is calculated using the digital shoreline analysis system (DSAS), an extension of GIS. The results show that the process of erosion and accretion alternately occurred during the period 1990 - 2020 and most of the erosion dominates. In Phu Da islet, within 30 years from 1990 to 2020 the erosion area is about 125.46 ha, with an average erosion width of 10 m and the maximum erosion width in some places exceeding 723.83 m. The adverse effect of fluctuation at the riverbank is one of the main causes of serious riverbank in recent times. Keywords: Phu Da islet, DSAS tools, shoreline changes, GIS |
57 | Nghiên cứu xây dựng bản đồ phân vùng nguy cơ sạt lở đất cho khu vực miền núi tỉnh Quảng Nam
| Tuan, Hoang Ngoc
| In the past ten years, natural disasters have occurred more frequently and severely in both frequency and intensity, especially flash floods and landslides, which have surpassed our forecasting ability. These kinds of natural disasters are responsible for the most unexpected and unpredictable deadly consequences. It is necessary and urgent to conduct a study to patriation the risk of landslides, which allows us to be more proactive in terms of disaster prevention, planning infrastructure, and population arrangement. In this article, the authors introduce the method of landslide risk map based on the integration of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Geographic Information System (GIS), and database of natural conditions including topography, geomorphology, geology, hydrogeology, hydrometeorology, land cover, etc. As a result, the high-risk landslide areas that directly affect residents were identified. This crucial information is effective practically for the authorities and people of Quang Nam province. Keywords: landslide, landslide risk map, Bac Tra My, Nam Tra My, Phuoc Son, AHP, GIS. |
66 | So sánh hiệu quả kinh tế của các hộ dân tham gia tổ chức kinh tế tập thể trên vùng đất chuyển đổi từ đất trồng lúa sang cây ăn quả ở vùng đồng bằng sông Cửu Long | Anh, Nguyen Tuan Anh, Thai Viet
| The economic efficiency of the household is determined from Cobb-Douglas stochastic profit frontier function based on the survey results of 60 farms in 3 provinces of Long An, Vinh Long and Hau Giang in the Mekong River Delta. As a result, the profit of the group of participating farmers is 1.156 times higher than that of the households not participating in the collective economic organization on the land that has been converted from rice-based to fruit trees. This difference will increase when developing a collective economic organization, attracting members to participate in the long term. Collective economic organizations bring many benefits such as improving qualifications, applying science and technology to production, having products associated with the value chain, and developing sustainably. It helps build a collective brand of production, link with other businesses and economic cooperation organizations. Keywords: household economy, collective economic organization, conversion of rice land, the Mekong River Delta. |
74 | Mô hình hóa mưa độ phân giải cao kết hợp giữa mô hình động lực khí tượng và phương pháp thống kê: áp dụng cho lưu vực sông Sài Gòn - Đồng Nai | Toan, Trinh Quang Nam, Do Hoai Phung, Nguyen Ky Thang, Nguyen Van
| The modeling of large rainfall events play an important role in water resources management. In this study, a blended technique combining dynamical and statistical approaches has been explored. The proposed downscaling technology uses input provided from three different global reanalysis data including ERA-Interim, ERA20C, and CFSR. These reanalysis atmospheric data are downscaled by means of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model followed by the application of a statistical method to improve accuracy and further downscale high resolution (9km) over the studied basin. Simulations of all three data sets have good reliability and reach the statistical indicators that can be provided as inputs of the hydrological and environmental models. Among the three selected reanalysis datasets, the best calibration and validation results were obtained from the ERA-Interim dataset. Key words: Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF), bias correction, reanalysis data (ERA-Interim, ERA20C và CFSR). |
85 | Các dạng đường mặt nước trên kênh lăng trụ có lưu lượng tăng dần theo chiều dòng chảy | Binh, Hoang Nam Nghi, Le Van
| Water surface profiles for steady flow with increasing discharge in a prismatic channel The prismatic channels that receive the lateral flow with increasing discharge are artificial channels with spatially varied flow. This special hydraulic phenomenon may occur in several hydraulic works, such as drainage ditches, swimming pool gutters, roof gutters, and side channels. The hydrodynamic characteristics of spatially varied flow are complicated due to the force of the lateral flow. Water surface profiles are the important characteristic that are very useful for the verification and design of those hydraulic works. This article presents the water surface profiles for steady flow with increasing discharge in a prismatic channel. Types of water surface are named for each case and the different hydraulic regimes are shown with each specific condition. Keywords: Spatially varied flow, Prismatic channels, Water surface profile. |
97 | Ứng dụng công nghệ viễn thám xây dựng, kiểm đếm nguồn nước cho các hồ chứa Việt Nam | Hung, Dinh Xuan
| Vietnam has approximatelys 6695 reservoirs with important roles in the process of regulating and balancing water, contributing to water resource management and disaster monitoring. However, the documents about reservoir characteristic curve are outdated or lack. To solve the above problems, the paper will present the results of research to application of remote sensing technology for define reservoir characteristic curve by methods using radar images: Sentinel-1 combined with optical images: Sentinel-2, Landsat 8 were collected during the period from 2014 to 2019 for typical lakes in the Central region. The results have been verified with actual monitoring data through specific Nash index: the relationship graph Z - F and Z - W of Ha Thuong lake: 0.96 and 0.99; Lanh Ra Lake: 0.94 and 0.97; Song Trau lake: 0.98 and 0.95. The research results have developed a method of assessing water resources through the construction of a reservoir characteristic curve, thereby creating a premise in the counting and monitoring of water sources for medium and large reservoirs for other regions of Vietnam in the future. The method opens the direction of applying remote sensing technology in indirect assessment of flows and shorelines for future studies. Keywords: Central region, remote sensing, reservoir, Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, Landsat 8, ZFW, Google Earth Engine |
105 | Hợp đồng xây dựng và quản lý thực hiện hợp đồng xây dựng ở Việt Nam | Chinh, Do Van Phat, Vu Quy | A construction contract is a legal document between the employer and the contractor in order to establish an agreement on rights and obligations in contract performance between the two parties. In the context of construction contract, there will be specific provisions, applicable contract type, details of work contents, products, cost requirements, quality, handover time as well as solving of problems, disputes in construction contracts. This paper will present various types of construction contracts currently applied and the management process of construction contract performance in Vietnam so that relevant agencies could manage contracts more effectively. Keywords: Construction contract, Construction contract management, influencing factors |