, 10/03/2025
Page | Article | Authors | Abstract |
2 | Đê cọc rỗng mặt cắt hình móng ngựa - Giải pháp công nghệ mới trong bảo vệ bờ biển | Hung, Pham Duc | In recent years, climate change has been progressing more complicated and unpredictable, which has caused significant impacts on human life and economic production. Riverbank and coastal erosions are getting serious and increasing in riverside and coastal areas, especially in the Mekong Delta. The erosions seriously threaten the life of the people and cause huge damages to infrastructure; as a result, affect sustainable socio-economic development. Many measures and technologies have been studied to tackle the riverbank and coastal erosions. In which, offshore breakwaters have been widely studied and applied (e.g. mangrove, melaleuca, and bamboo fences; gabions and geotextile bags; detached riprap pillar breakwater, Busdaco concrete slab armouring, hollow concrete dyke, etc.). Through the analysis and evaluation of the existing measures, the paper introduces a new breakwater structure, the "Horse-hoof-shaped hollow pile dyke" for reducing wave high, promoting sediment, and protecting the coast. This is considered as an appropriate structural arrangement for coastal protection in the Mekong Delta and also the first time applied in Vietnam. |
8 | Đánh giá tác động phân bổ chi phí quản lý vận hành tối ưu đến hiệu quả quản lý tưới vùng đồng bằng sông Hồng | Dao, Dinh Van Phong, Nguyen Tung Au, Ton Nu Hai | Reforming irrigation service management policies targeting to reduce gradually pressures on irrigation subsidies for state, to enhance financial autonomy of providers, to improve irrigation management performance and irrigation service quality which was only based on technical efficient indicators without financial ones could not promote its all-best impacts in practical. This study intends to assess operation and maintenance (O&M) performance of irrigation infrastructure of 8/11 provinces of Red River Delta by using the input-orientation model of non-parametric data envelopment analysis (DEA) with hypothesis of constant return to scale (CRS) and variable return to scale (VRS). Data of 8 input variables is O&M cost categories and an output variable is irrigation areas converted to paddy areas from 2014 to 2016. The study estimated optimal efficient scores of CRS and VRS being 0.86 and 0.98 in respectively, similar to much waste of financial cost resources by 14% and 2% in respectively. Concurrently, input cost slacks are obtained from CRS and VRS calculation and then determining the efficient input target (EIT) for optimal cost structures estimation. In which, the labour cost is the highest percentage, occupied 48,97% and 47,70% by models. Allocation of financial cost by these optimal structures according EIT-CRS or VRS will also positively impact on improvement of O&M efficiency of irrigation works per a cost unit by 148.7% and 105.03% in respectively. These are the significant base for recommending policies of irrigation subsidy and incentive the private participation partnership in irrigation sector. Keywords: cost efficiency, policies, irrigation performance, optimal cost, irrigation |
16 | Nghiên cứu đề xuất các giải pháp quản lý nguồn thải thuộc diện không phải cấp phép xả vào công trình thủy lợi vùng đồng bằng sông Hồng | Huong, Vu Thi Thanh | Waste sources, which are not required to be licensed to discharge into water resources projects in 3 surveywd districts accounted for 87.24% on average, including domestic wastewater, livestock, small business units, craft villages, aquaculture, etc. Nearly 100% of these waste sources have not been collected, treated, and there are many shortcomings in management. Content of this paper shows the result of a survey on current status of waste sources management that are not required to be licensed to discharge into the water resources projects in 3 districts of Red River Delta: Khoai Chau (Hung Yen), Binh Luc (Ha Nam), Binh Xuyen (Vinh Phuc) and proposes some solutions to manage waste sources when discharging into water resources projects. To manage the waste sources when discharging into water resources projects, it is necessary to implement synchronous solutions such as: Develop legal documents, assign functions and tasks, improve waste sources management capacity for the water resources projects exploitation units. Raise awareness of community and waste sources owners about discharge of wastewater into water resources projects. Some technical solutions are proposed such as: solution to increase water supply volume for the water resources projects to enhance self-cleaning ability of water sources, wastewater treatment by Nano technology, biological products, plant treatment, building a system of collection and treatment of wastewater along the canal and control the total volume of waste discharged into the water resources projects. Keywords: Management solusion, Waste sources that are not required to be licensed to discharge, Water resources projects, Red River Delta |
26 | Sụt lún mặt đất tại khu vực phía tây thành phố Hà Nội, nguyên nhân và giải pháp xử lý | Binh, Vu Ngoc Binh, Nguyen Van | The results of reseach on geological structure, characteristics and forming mechanism of sinkholes at western area of Hanoi have identified the cause of land subsidence. The article also analyzes the cause of subsidence in Quang Bi commune, Chuong My district, Hanoi city, then offers solutions to stabilize the sinkholes and safety for the surrounding households, recommendations for work investigation geological and drilling underground water in the karst region. Keyword: Geological structure, subsidence ground, karst cave, underground water, processding solution |
32 | Giải pháp thành lập liên hiệp tổ chức thủy lợi cơ sở | Thinh, Nguyen Xuan | The establish union of on-farm irrigation units to take over the management of water delivery systems connected to on-farm hydraulic structures systems has been experimentally carried out in Vietnam for more than 20 years. This has been specified in the Law on Hydraulic Work. However, there are still many obstacles in the implementation because of the insufficient detailed information. Therefore, the authors based on the assessment of current regulations and the current status of existing on-farm irrigation unit’s unions, will propose some solutions to improve the mechanism, policy and process of establishment of the union of on-farm irrigation unit to contribute to promotion and development of participatory irrigation management and irrigation management transfer in Vietnam. Keywords: Union of on-farm irrigation units, Participatory irrigation management (PIM), Irrigation management transfer (IMT). |
41 | Nghiên cứu mô hình vật lý lựa chọn giải pháp tiêu năng hiệu quả cho đập dâng Bảy Yển trên sông Kôn - Hà thanh | Khoi, Nguyen Thanh
| The downstream water level of the weir, which have a bottom energy dissipation structure, dramatically affects the hydraulic regime, the sequence, and the downstream energy dissipation. The variation of water level downstream could threaten the safety of erosion downstream of the structure and even threaten the stability of the structure. In recent times, operating the Bay Yen weir (in An Nhon, Binh Dinh province) located in the lower part of the Kone river is a typical example. Due to the lowered downstream water level, the flow was changed suddenly, causing erosion of the dam toe, slope of the talus. The energy dissipation yard was peeling up to nearly 40m2, the scour hole was up to 1.2m deep, and the bank's roof was eroded at Phu Ngoc bridge reinforcement area (downstream of the work). This paper presents a summary of the research results on the physical model of the flow-sequential hydraulic regime due to the downstream water level change and proposes solutions to ensure the safety of energy dissipation to prevent erosion for the Bay Yen roller dam on the Kone-Ha Thanh River, Binh Dinh. Keywords: Bay Yen roller dam, energy dissipation solution, lower water level. |
52 | Nghiên cứu phân chia các vùng đặc trưng về điều kiện tự nhiên tác động đến giải pháp cấp nước biển phục vụ nuôi trổng thủy sản vùng ven biển Nam Trung Bộ | Tuan, Hoang Ngoc
| Nowadays, aquaculture is developing strongly due to its enormous economic benefits. One of the most crucial tasks in aquaculture is to find out a solution in terms of supplying seawater proactively, safely, and appropriately to natural conditions as well as the production scale of the region. To tackle this problem, we need to undertake far-reaching research to analyze the characteristic factors of the natural conditions including topography, geology, hydrogeology, coastal morphology, sediment transport, tidal regime, waves, wind, storm, the water supply scale, etc. These elements have impacts on the selection of saltwater supply solutions. This article will address these mentioned issues. Keywords: Distribution area, saltwater supply solution, aquaculture, South Central Coastal region |
62 | Giải pháp vận hành thông minh hệ thống thủy lợi liên tỉnh tại vùng đồng bằng sông Cửu Long | Dung, Nguyen Le Binh, Doan Van Truong, Trinh The | Trans-province hydraulic structure systems have had important roles in agricultural development and livelihoods in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta (VMD). These hydraulic systems provide multi-services to various water users such as agro-aquaculture, recreation, tourism, environmental flow maintenance, natural disaster reduction, and salinity intrusion control. However, conflicts among water users and among provinces are increasing due to poor management of trans-province hydraulic systems. It is therefore of crucial importance to develop smart, flexible management schemes to enhance water use efficiency, thus supporting sustainable development in the VMD, especially in the era of the increasing impacts of climate change and salinity intrusion. In this regard, this paper introduces different smart water management schemes that can be applicable to the VMD based on Internet of Things (IoT). Keywords: IoT, smart management, trans-province hydraulic structure system, Vietnamese Mekong Delta |
72 | Động lực hải văn vùng nuôi trồng hải sản tỉnh Kiên Giang | Hung, Phan Manh | Kien Giang is one of the provinces with great potential for sustainable marine aquaculture development in Vietnam and the marine dynamics is an important factor in choosing an appropriate mariculture area. This paper presents the results of research, analysis and assessment of marine dynamics in the sea area of Kien Giang province through the process based modeling of the MIKE21/3FM. The results of the study indicated that, in the study area of Kien Giang sea area, irregular diurnal waves play the main role in the tidal regime with an average tidal oscillation of approximately 1m. In general, the flow speed in the study area is relatively small, averaging 20-35cm/s, except for some sea areas of An Thoi and Ganh Dau. Unlike some other sea areas in Vietnam, the wave field regime is weak with wave height of about 0.3m-0.7m in Kien Giang sea waters in the northeast monsoon, which is smaller than in the southwest monsoon with the average wave height of around 0.5m-1.0m. From the results of marine dynamics, the article also proposes a number of suitable potential mariculture areas in Kien Giang sea waters, of which two areas with great potential are Phu Quoc island and the Nam Du archipelago. Keywords: marine dynamics, tidal waves, currents, wave energy, marine farming, Kien Giang. |
81 | Ổn định tổng thể của kè cọc ly tâm trên nền đất yếu
| Tuan, Phan Dinh | Double-row pile breakwater to protect the coast of the Mekong Delta is increasingly widely used, the structure consists of two rows of centrifugal piles driven in parallel, connected by a reinforced reinforced concrete beam frame system, in the middle of which is poured stone. The works are often located far from the shore, on soft soil geology. Under the action of self-load, tidal wave loads act simultaneously. Research of the overall stability of the Double-row pile breakwater under the combined effect of converted loads including vertical, horizontal force and moment is presented in this article. Keywords: Double-row pile breakwater, soft clay, combined loading, stability analysis |
87 | Khảo sát hiện trạng quản lý chất thải chăn nuôi lợn tại một số cơ sở/ trang trại chăn nuôi trên địa bàn tỉnh Hải Dương | Trung, Pham Chi Thong, Dao Van | Conducting a survey of 120 livestock facilities/farms in the area of 02 districts of Kim Thanh and Cam Giang, Hai Duong province, the survey results showed that the scale of farming households accounted for a high proportion (70.8%), the source of the main income of the surveyed households is come from livestock. Survey on waste management and treatment measures in pig production show that the main method of management and treatment of solid waste in pig production in the survey area is the direct use of natural resources. Untreated fertilizers for plants in the home garden account for 39.2%. The main method of management and treatment of liquid waste in pig production in the survey area is to directly treat this liquid waste by biogas, accounting for 72.5%. Keyworrd: Livestock waste, survey, livestock waste management |
93 | Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của quản lý nước mặt ruộng đến phát thải khí N2O trên đất phù sa sông Hồng không được bồi hàng năm trồng lúa ở tỉnh Hưng Yên | Ha, Nguyen Dang
| The study on the effect of irrigation regime on N2O emission in the annual alluvial soil of the Red River without sedimentation used for rice cultivation was experimentally studied on a scale of 50.2 ha in Phu Thinh commune, Kim Dong district, Hung Yen province for 3 years (2015 - 2017). The results have determined that the soil in the study area has a strong reducing property (Eh < - 100 mV), neutral pH is a favorable environment for the formation and emission of N2O, the largest in the Eh value range from -100 mv to – 200 mv and pH from 6 -8. N2O emissions for each growth and development stage of rice on the alluvial soil of the Red River, in which the growth stage from transplanting to tillering has the largest amount of N2O. Emissions of the irrigation regimes according to the traditional irrigation formula, dry medium and dry are all very low, ranging from 0.3 to 0.4 ppm. The studied field surface water regime did not affect N2O emissions. Keywords: N2O gas, Water saving irrigation for rice, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. |
106 | Thách thức và giải pháp nâng cao chủ động phòng, chống thiên tai trong xây dựng NTM cấp xã trong điều kiện biến đổi khí hậu | Tien, Duong Duc Phuc, Nguyen Huu | Extreme and abnormal natural disasters in all continents in recent years, especially in 2019 and 2020, show a close relationship between natural disasters and climate change. And it is becoming more and more obvious. Natural disasters under climate change are unpredictable and frightening. It goes beyond the previous rules and makes people difficult to adapt to new rules. Natural disasters have strong and deep impacts on people’s lives, halted production and business activities, and have great influence on socio-economic development, national defense and security, public health and ecological environment. This papers has mentioned challenges and proposed solutions for improving active prevention and control of natural disasters in commune-level new rural development under climate change. Keywords: Natural disaster, climate change, new rural development, solutions for active prevention and control of natural disasters |