, 09/03/2025
Trang | Tên bài báo | Tác giả | Tóm tắt |
2 | Xử lý khẩn cấp hạn chế sạt lở bờ tả sông Tiền thuộc xã Bình Hàng Trung, huyện Cao Lãnh tỉnh Đồng Tháp
| PHONG, Dinh Quoc
| Riverbank erosion and sedimentation has been taking place very seriously, causing great frustration to localities, loss of social security, loss of stability and development, and even threatening to big cities. The erosion on the left bank of the Tien River in Binh Hang Trung Commune, Cao Lanh District, is a hot spot, forcing the local government to direct the implementation of a plan to urgently deal with riverbank erosion before the rainy season in 2022. The paper introduces studying the plan to drive the concrete pile system to reduce the flow velocity directly eroded river bank. This is a temporary emergency solution. In the long term, it is necessary to carry out the correction of the entire river section, in which it is necessary to calculate and find a solution to stabilize the distributive ratio between river bifurcation currently in dispute and change the position on the river section. Key words: River bank erosion, river bank protection, concrete pile, Mekong Delta |
10 | Nghiên cứu lựa chọn qui mô công trình xử lý nước thải sinh hoạt chi phí thấp | HUY, Duong Quoc
| Along with the population increasing as well as the development of socio-economic, the demand for water concussion was increased leads to the increasing of domestic wastewater, potentially causing environmental pollution if have no treatment solution before discharging into the receiving source. Currently, there are many technological solutions applied to treat domestic wastewater, including: natural treatment solution that is cheap but requires a lot of space (ponds, lakes, wetland, etc.), expensive but has high treatment efficiency but less construction area (Aerotank, MBR, JOHKASOU...), and semi-natural treatment technologies combine biological treatment processes (anaerobic, aerobic) to limit the disadvantages and using advantages of two above mentioned technological solutions. This paper presents the results of research on selection of scale and basic parameters of modules using suitable anaerobic and aerobic biological treatment solutions for domestic wastewater treatment |
17 | Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của việc xây dựng kè chống sạt lở khu du lịch sinh thái Nam Ô theo phương án quy hoạch tới khả năng thoát lũ của sông Cu Đê, thành phố Đà Nẵng
| TUAN, Hoang Ngoc
| Cu De is the second largest river in the city of Da Nang flowing into Da Nang Bay. According to the planning, the Nam O eco-tourism area and Cu De river are adjacent on the right riverbank, which leads to necessary to build an embankment for bank protection. The planning stage, however, only has been determined the location of the route preliminarily so it requires studying, calculating, and verifying whether the planned embankment layout is suitable for reality to serve the adjustment process. The study has shown the planned embankment location has encroached on the Cu De river resulting in an effect on the flood drainage possibility. It will increase the water level from 0.43 to 0.59 meters with a 10% frequency flood, from 0.43 to 0.64 meters with a 5% frequency flood compared to the current situation. Keyword: Nam O eco-tourism area, Cu De estuary, Da Nang. |
29 | Diễn biến mực nước trạm đầu nguồn vùng đồng bằng sông Cửu Long và ảnh hưởng của biến động xây dựng các công trình thủy điện ở lưu vực sông Mê Công | HAI, Nguyen Thanh | The Mekong Delta, is located in the downstream of the Mekong River Delta, where is the most profoundly affected by fluctuations of the exploitation of water resources by countries in the Mekong River basin. The article introduces the analysis and assessment of changes in construction and exploitation of hydropower projects in the Mekong River basin and changes in water levels in the dry season at upstream stations in the Mekong Delta. Keywords: Mekong river basin, changes in construction of hydropower projects, changes in water levels, Mekong Delta region |
40 | Dự báo lũ bằng phương pháp chi tiết hóa động lực kết hợp với mô hình thủy văn vật lý thực áp dụng cho lưu vực sông Vu Gia - Thu Bồn | TOAN, Trinh Quang DUNG, Le Xuan HUE, Vu Thi Minh | In this study, a coupling dynamical downscaling and hydrological models was used to forecast flood in the Vu Gia- Thu Bon area with the input data taken from two global Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models GFS and GSM. The global meteorological data were downscaled by means of the WRF model. The downscaled results have been calibrated and validated by two different observation data including the Vietnam Gridded Precipitation (VnGP) dataset, and gauged-rainfall data from the Vietnam Center of Hydro-Meteorological Data (VCHMD). The downscaled GFS and GSM data are then used as input for the WEHY model. The WEHY forecast simulation results of 1, 2, 3 days were calibrated and validated based on the corresponding observation data, and the results show that the simulation are quite similar and close to the observation values. Overall, the flood forecast result are reliable for 1 ahead, while the 2- and 3-day flood forecast are required to improve further by data assimilation methods |
50 | Sử dụng bè cá như kè mỏ hàn đảo chiều dòng chảy để phòng chống xói lở trên hệ thống sông Cửu Long | HUNG, Nguyen Nghia
| River bank erosion on the Mekong River system is currently a pressing issue in society, causing instability in the welfare of people living along the river, and also a not simple economical and technical problem. The content of the article introduces a new way of using the system of floating fish houses that are currently being exploited quite a lot in the Mekong River as floating structures (fish cages) to reduce the impact flow to the shore, thereby minimizing river bank erosion. Successfully applying this solution both minimizes landslides, creates jobs and economy for the region, environment-friendly structure and low cost, can use state and social funds together. The calculation results show that the cages can be applied to the river sections to reduce flow rate and direct main flow pattern away from eroded bank. The size of fish boat has to be selected base on experience of fishery and flow reduction ratio (f), however, the flow reduction ratio should not be exceed 0,7 because it cause erosion infront of fish houses area. Key words: River bank erosion, river bank protection, Fishing houses, Mekong Delta. |
57 | Ảnh hưởng của các dạng kết cấu đê giảm sóng đến tương tác sóng, công trình đã ứng dụng ở bờ biển đồng bằng sông Cửu Long | MINH, Nguyen Nguyet BINH, Bui Huy | This paper presents the wave interaction for different types of breakwaters applied in the coastal Mekong Delta by physical experiments on wave flume. The results show the effects of structural shape on wave tranmission, wave reflection and wave dissipation and present the differences of wave characteristics after passing through the porous breakwater and perforated both sides hollow breakwaters. Keywords: Porous breakwater, hallow breakwater, wave transmission, wave reflection, wave disipitation, physical model, wave tank |
67 | Xây dựng mô hình dự báo mưa số trị | NAM, Do Hoai LONG, Trinh Tuan
| Convetional flood forecast models often rely on the observation or real time simulation (based on rainfall information) of discharge and water level at certain river nodes on the catchment. This method offers a forecast lead time that depends on the size of the drainage area and is relatively short for small and steep catchments. Meanwhile, flood forecasts based on quantitative rainfall estimate from numerical weather prediction (NWP) models demonstrate greater accuracy with longer forecast horizon. Therefore, NWP-derived flood forecast is a promising technology. In this study, Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) will be applied to downscale the global rainfall dataset forecasted by Japan's GSM model and generate the forecasts from 1-3 days before the storms occur. Results show that the WRF model established for the Vu Gia-Thu Bon river basin provides reasonable forecasts that are comparable to the observed data. Keywords: Rainfall and flood forecasts; dynamical downscaling; Vu Gia-Thu Bon |
74 | Nghiên cứu xác định nguyên nhân chính gây sạt lở đất và đề xuất giải pháp đảm bảo an toàn cho khu vực trường THPT Nội trú và thôn Aring của huyện Tây Giang, tỉnh Quảng Nam | TUAN, Hoang Ngoc
| The year 2020 could be a special year with the most unusual natural disasters in the Central region, in which flash floods and landslides have caused serious damage to the mountainous areas of Quang Nam province, including Vo Chi Cong high school at Axan commune, Tay Giang district. The landslide is the main reason for confusion and concern for schools and authorities about safety. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the main causes of landslides as well as propose solutions to ensure the safety of the newly built school and the surrounding residential area. This study will introduce the content mentioned above in detail. Keywords: Landslide, Vo Chi Cong Boarding School, Tay Giang, Quang Nam |
84 | Ứng dụng mô hình Mike Basin tính toán cân bằng nước trên lưu vực sông Srêpôk hiện tại, 2030, 2050 trong điều kiện biến đổi khí hậu | VIET, Nguyen Minh | Srepok river is one of the four large rivers in the Central Highlands, which supplies water for about 66 thousand hectares of cultivated land. Furthermore, it is a major water source supplying for the citizens of surrounding areas and supporting for the development of industry and aquaculture. Recently, the opperation of some large hydropower reservoirs in upstream of river such as Buon Tua Srah, Buon Kuop, Srepok 3 considerably affects on the downstream flows. In order to control the efficient use of water, the water balance is very important. The authors have established a modelling of Mike Basin parameters which is suitable for Serepok basin, and applied it to control of water balance until 2030, 2050 under impact of climate change. The results would be a database to create scientific and technological solutions for efficiency and sustainability in controling and exploitating the surface water resource in the Central Highlands. |
95 | Đánh giá ô nhiễm và sức tải môi trường khu vực vùng nuôi hải sản tỉnh Kiên Giang | HUNG, Phan Manh | Kien Giang is the only province in the Southern Vietnam where the government focuses on developing sustainable marine aquaculture. Pollution load into the sea area of Vietnam is calculated based on the region's socio-economic data at the present and 2030. By rapid assessment method of the waste load from activities development, the results show that, in 2020, the sea area of Kiengiang has received 86852.67 tons of COD; 16232,736 tons of BOD; 105,794 tons NO2-; 4311,699 tons of NH4+ and about 1729,128 tons of PO4 from the residential, industrial, aquaculture, livestock, and soil leaching activities. By 2030, this amount of waste will increase to about 1.1 - 1.2 times, with the main sources of pollution being population and livestock. Besides, the pollution risk map of Kien Giang sea area has been developed in this study. In addition, based on the results of calculation of environmental capacity, the area and production of aquaculture in the potential mariculture areas proposed in Kien Giang sea waters are 23,000 ha and 180000 tons, respectively, for the year of 2030, especially two areas including Phu Quoc island and Nam Du archipelago. Keywords: Pollution, Environmental capacity, Marine-culture farming, Kien Giang |
105 | Đánh giá hiệu quả thay thế của nhà máy thủy điện mở rộng | TUAN, Hoang Cong
| In order to integrate renewable energy sources with an increasing proportion, the development of expanded hydropower stations is currently an effective solution to help the power system operate stably and safely. Up to now, there is no mechanism and policy on electricity price for expanded hydropower stations. The article presents a methodology to assess the replacement efficiency of expanding hydropower stations, which is the basis for building the mechanism and policy on electricity price for the expanded hydropower stations. Results from applying calculations for the two periods 2020-3029 and 2030-2045 have selected the most reasonable replacement power source option when calculating the investment in expansion hydropower station projects to bring efficiency in actual operation. Keywords: Hydropower; Expanded hydropower station; Electricity price; Power system. |
113 | Nghiên cứu sử dụng xi măng và phụ gia khoáng để cứng hóa đất bùn nạo vét tại tỉnh Cà Mau
| QUAN, Ngo Anh PHU, Nguyen Quang
| Using the mixture of cement combined with mineral additives (fly ash and granulated blast furnace slag) to harden the dredged mud as a substitute for sand is essential in construction areas where natural sand is scarce. In the study, the mixtures of (cement + fly ash), (cement + granulated blast furnace slag) and (cement + granulated blast furnace slag + fly ash) were used to harden mud in the different water bodies including brackish, fresh and salt water in Ca Mau province. The stabilized dredging soil meets the technical requirements to replace the sand in ground filling. Experimental results show that using the method of hardening mud with a mixture (cement + granulated blast furnace slag + fly ash) to get very low permeability coefficient of hardened mud, Kt = 4.1×10-8 to 5.5×10-8 m/s, the strength of the dredging soil after hardening increased from 12.2% to 15.4% compared with that of the cement solidified sample. Keywords: Cement; Ground Blast Furnance Slag; Fly ash; Stabilized dredging soil |