, 09/03/2025
Page | Article | Authors | Abstract |
2 | Quy hoạch phòng, chống thiên tai và thủy lợi thời kỳ 2022-2030, tầm nhìn đến năm 2050 | Nguyen Van Tinh Do Van Thanh
| The master plan on natural disaster prevention and control, and hydraulic work development for the period 2022-2030, with a vision to 2050, is the first national sector master plan to be formulated, in line with the relevant sector development strategies, with a new approach, solving problems of inter-regional, inter-provincial issues, synchronizing infrastructure, has concretized the roadmap and solutions to implement the objectives, tasks and orientations in the Vietnam hydraulic work strategy, National natural disaster prevention and control, National program on water source security and safety of dams and reservoirs until 2030, with a vision to 2045. Proposed planning solutions for the medium-term period in 2030, long-term to 2050, such as water storing, connecting, regulating and balancing water sources on a national scale, allocating water to areas with difficulties, frequent droughts, water shortages, saltwater intrusion, and water pollution; inundation, urban flooding, floods prevention and control; control and reduction of damage caused by other types of natural disasters associated with regional and regional characteristics, taking into account the impacts of impacts of changing climate, extreme natural disasters, requirements for socio-economic development and impact from upstream developments. The planning is also the basis and orientation for the formulation of master plans specialized in hydraulic work, natural disaster prevention and control, and regional and provincial master plans. Keywords: Planning for hydraulic work, flood control, dike; irrigation, water supply; inundation, flood control; drought, water shortage, saltwater intrusion, polluted water; climate change. |
8 | Nghiên cứu phát triển một số kết cấu mới chống tràn cho đê sông và khả năng áp dụng tại Việt Nam | Nguyen Tiep Tan Nguyen Chi Thanh, Tran Thi Nga, Vu Le Minh | Preventing overflow of river dike crest due to flooding is an urgent need in Viet Nam. However, the recent solution for this issuse contain many problems such as slow deployment time or material storage requirement. To overcome the above shortcomings, the research team has developed 03 new structures: (1) mobile flood protection walls made by composite-coated foam; (2) triangle flood barriers and (3) flood walls assembled by hollow-box concrete unit. These types of structures are designed in details, analyzed by numerical modeling and physical model models for optimization and then manufacture. The paper also analyzed the new properties and application conditions of each type, evaluated the efficiency compared to traditional solutions, thereby proving the feasibility of mobile flood protection solution in solving the problem of overtopping of river dikes with the technical, socio-economic conditions of Viet Nam. Keywords: river flood; overtopping; dike; levee; composite coated-foam; flood barriers; hollow-box concrete unit |
18 | Cơ sở khoa học đề xuất mặt cắt đê biển có kết cấu ¼ trụ rỗng trên đỉnh áp dụng đê biển đồng bằng sông Cửu Long | Phan Dinh Tuan | From experiment data, the overtopping discharges were analyzed with 3 type of sea dike cross sections: (1) sloping dike, (2) sloping dike combined with vertical wall (3) sloping dike combined with perforated quarter circular breakwater on the top in case of the same crest elevation. The result shows that there is a equivalent of overtopping discharge between (1) and (2). Besides, the reflection coefficient of (3) (Kr =0.37-0.6), which is nearly same (2) (Kr=0.37-0.66) and better than (2) with Kr =0.52-0.71 |
25 | Thí nghiệm về trao đổi trầm tích lơ lửng qua các đê giảm sóng kết cấu rỗng ở đồng bằng sông Cửu Long | Nguyen Nguyet Minh Nguyen Cong Thanh
| This paper evaluated the exchange capacity of suspended sediments of porous/hollow breakwater constructions, which has been applied in the coastline of the Mekong Delta. Three construction structures were evaluated, including porous structure (Pile-rock breakwater), two-sided perforated hollow breakwater (TC1, DRT/VTC), and Curtain breakwater (CWB45). In this research, the most recent CFD of FLOW3D technology is used to provide a detail approach in analyzing the interaction between waves and structures, providing vertical profile wave-induced current in front and behind structures. The physical modeling in wave flume experiments was employed to assess the impact of structure on sediment transport. The results show that the hollow porous structures, hollow breakwater, open-legged inclined walls have good environmental exchange capacity. It was also found that the perforated hollow breakwater (TC1 & DTR/VTC) has a distinct advantage in accumulating fine sand and mud behind the construction. Therefore, applying these types of hollow structures for wave reduction and mud exchange is recommended to restore alluvium behind the breakwaters, creating favourable conditions for mangrove forest restoration, biodiversity enhancement, and improving coastal ecosystems. Keywords: Porous/hollow breakwaters, suspended sediment exchange, physical experiments, wave tank, Mekong Delta Coastal Area |
34 | Thiết kế cấp phối hỗn hợp SILICA-SOL - xi măng để xử lý khẩn cấp sự cố thấm nền cát công trình thủy lợi | Nguyen Van Chinh
| In this paper, the author designed the Silica-Sol - Cement mixed with construction sand to study the emergency waterproofing ability and long-term working conditions of the sand-based waterproofing membrane for irrigation works. The laboratory experiment results show that when the ratio of Silicate-cement (S/C) reaches 40% to 60%, the ratio of water-cement (W/C) is taken in the range of 50% to 70%, and the mixture of silica-sol-Cement (S-S-C) and sand which is recommended to use in the range of 30% - 50% to ensure construction conditions and emergency waterproofing by chemical grouting solutions. The research results of this paper will make an important contribution to strengthening the theoretical basis for the widespread application of chemical grouting solutions. Keyword: Emergency waterproof, Chemical grouting, Silica-sol - Cement mixture, Waterproofing of irrigation works. |
44 | Cơ sở lý luận và thực tiễn về huy động nguồn lực xã hội để chủ động phòng, chống thiên tai và thích ứng với biến đổi khí hậu phục vụ xây dựng nông thôn mới | Tran Van Dat Nguyen Duc Quang
| Recently the disaster prevention criteria were proposed, then issued together with guidelines for implementing the criteria, have been applied in Vietnam nation’s new rural development program. An assessment of local practices showed that, in some places disaster prevention activities have performed very well, contributing to ensure the safety of people, production systems and technical infrastructure in the rural areas. However, in many other sites, due to lack of reasonable resources mobilied, the implementation of disaster management activities have not matched as the requirements come from local natural disaster situations. Because of that, in this article, the author tries to discus the theoretical and practical basis of mobilizing social resources to implement disaster risk management and climate change adaptation activities as well as hopping a contribution to improve the efficiency of mobilization of social resources for realizing the criteria (criteria 3.2) in current nation’s new rural development. Keywwords: Disaster risk managment, climate changes, social resources mobilization |
56 | Đánh giá sự triết giảm sóng ven bờ cho loại đê tái sử dụng lốp xe ô tô làm vật liệu chắn sóng | Nguyen Phu Quynh Vu Hoang Hoa | In recent years, the situation of erosion and erosion of riverbanks and coasts in the Mekong Delta tends to increase. Currently, there have been many construction solutions implemented to limit erosion and erosion of the coast, some solutions have gradually promoted the effectiveness of wave reduction, causing accretion. In this study, the authors propose a solution to reuse old tires as wave breakers. This paper presents the effectiveness of coastal wave reduction of this type of construction based on a specific study at Thanh Phu beach in Ben Tre province. |
65 | Phân tích thực trạng và đề xuất giải pháp tài chính bền vững cho các tổ chức thủy lợi cơ sở | Tran Chi Trung
| One of the new policies on irrigation management under the Law on Irrigation (2017) is the policy of converting fees to prices for irrigation products and services. However, due to different types of irrigation shemes and management capacity of irrigation works in different regions, localities implement differently policies supporting for using public irrigation products and services. On the basis of analyzing financial situation of water user organizations in different regions, this study proposes sustainable financial solutions for water user organizations to manage effectively the irrigation schemes, including: (i) Methods and mechanisms to support for using irrigation products and services. (ii) use effectively fund from state support for using irrigation products and services and (iii) solutions to strengthen capacity of water user organizations. Keywords: Irrigation products and services, water user organization, financial autonomy |
75 | Phân tích diễn biến nguồn nước vùng sản xuất tôm - lúa huyện An Biên và An Minh tỉnh Kiên Giang | Doan Van Hue To Van Thanh | The shrimp-rice farming model has expansively developted in most of the regions in An Bien and An Minh district, Kien Giang province since it has brought the high economic efficiency, being suitable for ecological environment. However, the current irrigation system in the region has not been harmonized due to the limited investment funding. As a result, it has not taken initiative in water resources for production. There were those times when high salinity level caused adverse impacts on shrimp farming season. At the beginning of the rice crop it caused the difficulty in term of finding water resources for washing saltwater away, while at the end of the rice crop the saline intrusion had nagative affects on the rice yield. Therefore, the study of water source fluctuations in these areas will help to propose serveral water source management solutions to meet the sustainable development requirements of the region. |
85 | Giải pháp hạ tầng thủy lợi kiểm soát ngập lũ, triều cường và cấp nước mùa khô trên địa bàn tỉnh An Giang và vùng phụ cận trong bối cảnh thay đổi của thượng nguồn sông mê công và biến đổi khí hậu | Nguyen Thanh Hai | In the context of changes in the upstream of Mekong delta and climate change, construction and development of infrastructure in general and irrigation infrastructure in particular are essential to ensure safety and improve efficiency for solutions to exploit and use water reasonably (agriculture and aquaculture) in order to sustainably develop socio-economic in An Giang province and surrounding areas. This article introduces the main content of research and proposes solutions for irrigation infrastructure to control floods, high tides and water supply in the dry season for the study area. Keywords: Irrigation infrastructure, An Giang province and surrounding areas, Mekong Delta region |
97 | Thực trạng triển khai hoạt động phòng, chống thiên tai trong xây dựng nông thôn mới và một số đề xuất về giải pháp huy động nguồn lực | Nguyen Duc Quang Le Vu Ngoc Kien Nguyen Quynh Nga | Climate changes and natural disasters are becoming more and more severe, causing both human and economic damages, especially in rural areas. The four on-the-spot motto in natural disaster prevention and control has become a scientific principle applied to all development activities at the commune level and achieved many important results in particular localities. The Government's decision to supplementation of criteria on "disaster prevention and control requirement at the local level" to the national set of criteria on new rural development in 2016-2020 (Criteria No. 3.2) plays a vital role in improving disaster prevention capacity at the commune level, especially for realizing the four on-the-spot mottoes and strengthening the disaster prevention combat forces. However, the missions require enormous resources, not only from the state budget but also from the society and the community. In contrast, the resources for disaster prevention work are limited. Due to this situation, the article summarizes and analyzes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges of the actual models, thereby proposing practical and appropriate solutions to, especially the people and the community, to improve disaster prevention effectiveness and in the National Target Program on New Rural Development. Keywords: Natural disasters, climate change, natural disaster prevention and control, National Target Program on Building (new) Countryside, social resources mobilization |
107 | Ứng dụng phương pháp FUZZY AHP đo lường mức độ ảnh hưởng của các nhân tố đến sự sẵn sàng tham gia của tư nhân vào lĩnh vực cung cấp nước sạch nông thôn trên địa bàn tỉnh Hà Nam | Nguyen Minh Tien
| Currently, AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) hierarchical analysis method has been widely applied in many fields such as natural sciences, economics, society, health, etc. This method is considered as a flexible tool to determine the weight of goals and supports decision analysis with multiple criteria. However, due to the ambiguity or uncertainty of the evaluator, the evaluation results are not enough and inaccurate to make a decision. To overcome the limitation of the AHP method , there are many studies that proposed a solution to combine AHP with fuzzy logic to form Fuzzy AHP (F-AHP) method in pair comparison which allows more accurate descriptions and higher confidence decision. In this study, the authors used the F-AHP method to determine the weights of 21 factors affecting the willingness of private sector to participate in water supply in Ha Nam province. The higher the weighted factors, the greater the impact and vice versa Keywords: Rural water supply, F-AHP, fuzzy logic, hierarchical structure, Public – Private Partnership |