, 09/03/2025
Trang | Tên bài báo | Tác giả | Tóm tắt |
2 | Tính thích nghi của các hệ thống canh tác với điều kiện tự nhiên ở vùng ven biển tây đồng bằng sông Cửu Long | Doan Van Hue To Van Thanh | The United Nations has identified climate change as a preeminent challenge to humanity in the 21st century. According to statistics, annual damage caused by climate change is about USD 125 billion. This figure is expected to reach USD 600 billion in 2030. In Vietnam, loss levels due to climate are estimated to account for between 1.0 and 1.5 percent of the country's annual gross domestic product. It has been observed that the frequency and intensity of natural disasters in Vietnam (such as floods, storms, rains, droughts, extremely hot and hot weather, salinity and sea-level rise, etc.) are increasing anomalously in extreme directions. It is therefore difficult to predict and respond, leading to a considerable increase in losses. In the context of climate change and on the basis of the Mekong Delta's sustainable development orientation as outlined in resolution No.120/NQ-CP, ongoing and future studies on nature-based farming models for climate change adaptation in the western Mekong Delta coast will improve the livelihoods of people in this region. Từ khóa: Tính thích nghi, hiện trạng sản xuất, biến đổi khí hậu. |
14 | Phân tích cấu trúc chứa nước dựa trên kết quả đo địa vật lý tại các đảo lớn thuộc quần đảo Nam Du, tỉnh Kiên Giang | Vu Ngoc Binh | The results of electric depth measurement on Hon Lon, Hon Ngang, and Hon Mau islands of Nam Du archipelago conducted by 2D photoelectric depth measurement method. From this result, we had defined the locations of bore holes for hydrogeological exploration at measuring lines on islands. The results of analysing data also identified the zones with water possibility as L1, L3, L4, L5 on Hon Lon island, N1, N2, N3 on Hon Ngang island, M1, M2, M3 on Hon Mau island and also the saline zone on the islands. Keyword: photoelectric depth measurement, resistivity, data analysis, zones with water, saline zone |
23 | Nghiên cứu đề xuất, lựa chọn giải pháp công nghệ tiêu giảm sóng mới hiệu quả và phù hợp đối với vùng ven biển Nam Định | Doan Tien Ha
| To protect the shore, prevent erosion as well as improve the safety of the existing sea dyke, in Nam Dinh, construction solutions have been used to reduce waves and cause accretion, most commonly using the groins system (MHB), breakwaters (ĐGS), or a combination of them to form a wave-reducing sand-blocking system (NCGS). This study aims to review, evaluate and give scientific arguments, and at the same time, based on practical conditions (natural conditions, feasibility, economic efficiency, ...) to be able to choose the most suitable and effective solution for the research area. |
35 | Nghiên cứu tính toán ngập lụt và tiêu thoát lũ hạ du hồ Kẻ Gỗ tỉnh Hà Tĩnh | Tran Ngoc Bich Nguyen Duc Chinh |
45 | Nghiên cứu đánh giá nguy cơ xói lở vùng ven biển Sóc Trăng và đề xuất giải pháp công trình giảm thiểu bằng mô hình toán | Le Thanh Chuong | From 2010 till now, the Soc Trang Province suffers a dangerous coast erosion in 3 coastal segments with total length of 20 km. These coastal segments are located in the 2 Vinh Hai and Lai Hoa communes. In this article, the research group has attempled to verify and assess the erosion risk and to propose appropriate structure measures for the mentioned above coastal segments. |
56 | Tiềm năng định hướng phát triển mô hình sản xuất nông nghiệp trên địa bàn tỉnh An Giang và vùng phụ cận trong bối cảnh thay đổi của thượng nguồn sông Mê Kông và biến đổi khí hậu | Nguyen Thanh Hai Nguyen Trong Uyen | An Giang province and its vicinity in the upper part of the Mekong Delta have potentials and advantages for agriculture, such as fertile alluvial soil which is deposited annually in a large proportion, and abundant source of fresh water comparing to other provinces in the delta. However, An Giang province and surrounding areas are more directly and heavily affected by adverse factors due to the impacts of climate change and changes in the upstream Mekong River. In the context of the mentioned changes and new requirements of socio-economic development, the article introduces the results of research which analysis and assess the potential and orientation for developing an appropriate agricultural production model in An Giang province and surrounding areas. Keywords: Agricultural production, An Giang province and surrounding areas, Mekong Delta region. |
68 | Nghiên cứu đánh giá hiệu quả giảm sóng gây bồi của các cụm công trình trọng điểm tại các bãi biển | Doan Tien Ha Duong Thanh Quynh | Nam Dinh province is downstream of the Hong-Thai Binh system, with a coastline of over 72km in the northeast-southwest direction (about 45o away from the north). Many coastal areas of Nam Dinh, especially the coastline from Van Ly to Thinh Long of Hai Hau has been strongly eroded. Facing that situation, sand-reducing structures were built to protect the beach. These works are in the form of a groyne embankment and a T-shaped groyne embankment. Mathematical modeling method is used to evaluate the effectiveness of the T-shaped embankment cluster in Hai Hau Coastal area. The results showed the cause of the low accretion efficiency on beach. Từ khóa: Mô hình Mike21, bãi biển Nam Định, Hiệu quả giảm sóng gây bồi |
77 | Nghiên cứu ứng dụng giải đoán ảnh viễn thám trong xây dựng bản đồ thiệt hại ngập lụt thành phố Cần Thơ | Vu Thi Minh Hue Pham Manh Hung Dinh Thi Hai Yen Nguyen Thi Minh Tam | Nowadays, advancements in Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have greatly promoted scientific studies in many fields over the world. With the ability to analyze and display information, remote sensing and GIS technologies are applied in mapping distribution of water resources, Distribution map of the hydrological network: A quantitative assessment of precipitation; Storms, Floods and Droughts; Map of the lowlands, flooding low-lying areas; climate zoning; … This study applies Sentinel-1 image interpretation technology and a method to quantify flood damage by building a spatial distribution map of flood damage for the October 9, 2018 flood in Can Tho City. The study results indicated that the districts outside the river dyke are not protected, so they are often flooded with large areas, many places with a depth of over 1.5 m. Although the area in the dike is over 88% flooded, it is common at less than 0.5 m inundation. The flood caused a loss of nearly 26.5 billion VND in Can Tho in terms of 06 groups of land use including Aquaculture; Cash Crops; Double Rice crops; Fruit trees; Non-agricultural and Triple rice crops. Research results are useful information to help localities develop response plans, enhance adaptive capacity and reduce flood damage. Keywords: Remote sensing; Sentinel-1; Risk; Damages; Flood mapping; Flood-risk mapping |
85 | Giải pháp phát triển bền vững bờ biển vùng cửa sông | Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao
| In recent years, erosion has become common in most of the coasts of the Mekong Delta. Coastal hard infrastructure have not yet achieved sustainable protection. Applying to the typical study area, which is the coast of Hiep Thanh commune, Tra Vinh province, the article analyzes the factors affecting coastal erosion including: Wave - tide - current regime; the process of transporting sediment along - across the shore; Coastal hard infrastructure. The proposed solution for shore protection works is a system of T-wave reduction dykes, the distance between the two dykes is 50, 80, 130m, respectively. Mike 21/3 FM mathematical modeling software is used to calculate the efficiency of the construction scenarios. |
98 | Đánh giá khả năng dự báo mặn trên sông Hàm Luông của thuật toán K-Nearest Neighbors
| Pham Ngoc Hoai Le Nguyen Nguyen Thu Hien Tran Thanh Thai Luong Le Lam | Saltwater intrusion is a major problem particularly in the Mekong Delta, Việt Nam. In order to better manage the salinity problem, it is important to be able to predict the saltwater intrusion in rivers. The objective of this research is to create a K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) model for predicting the saltwater intrusion in Ham Luong River, Ben Tre Province. The input data composed of 207 weekly saltwater intrusion data points from 2012 to 2020. Yearly salinity was measured during the 23 weeks of the dry season, from January to June. The Nash - Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient (NSE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) are used to evaluate performances of KNN model. The research results indicated that the KNN model achieved a high performance for salinity forecasting. with NSE = 0,960, RMSE = 0,842, MAE = 0,541 for training period, NSE = 0,904, RMSE = 1,448, MAE = 0,914 for testing period. The findings of this study suggest that the KNN model has promised as a potential tool in salinity forecasting with salinity data characteristics in Ham Luong River. Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Climate change, Mekong Delta, Saltwater intrusion, K-Nearest Neighbors |
107 | Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của dung dịch kiềm hoạt hóa và nhiệt độ bảo dưỡng đến cường độ vữa Geopolymer | Nguyen Quang Phu
| This paper presents the research results on the effect of the concentration of NaOH alkaline solution of 10M, 12M, 14M and 16M respectively and the ratio of the alkaline-activated solution (NaOH and Na2SiO3) to fly ash (FA): DD/FA = 0.35; 0.40 and 0.45 to the strength of geopolymer mortar. Geopolymer mortar samples curing at different temperatures were also studied. Through the experimental results, the optimal ratio of DD/FA = 0.4 was selected, achieving the maximum compressive strength of GPM mortar at 28 days of age, satisfying the technical requirements of the designed GPM mortar. Key words: Geopolymer mortar; alkaline-activated solution; fly ash; curing temperature. |