Huy chương 2

Journal No.62 (2020)







Giải pháp thủy lợi phục vụ phát triển nông nghiệp thích ứng vùng lũ đồng bằng sông Cửu Long trong tương lai

Hung, Le Manh
Phong, Dinh Quoc
Cuc, Le Thi




Nghiên cứu xây dựng quy trình tưới hợp lý kết hợp với bón phân cho cây dứa tại các vùng trồng tập trung khu vực đồng bằng sông Cửu Long

Vuong, Nguyen Gia
Thao, Pham Thi Phuong




Pineapple is a fairly common crop in Vietnam, of which, the Mekong River Delta is the region with the largest area and production in the country. In pineapple production, proper irrigation combined with fertilizing is a solution that not only saves water and fertilizer but also helps reduce production costs, reduce risks, pests and drought, improve productivity and the quality, this helps to enhance the value of pineapple in a sustainable way. However, there has not been any published process yet so people mainly rely on their experiences to carry out irrigation and fertilizing, resulting in low efficiency, even causing negative impacts on pineapple cultivation, influencing the quality of fruits when supplying to domestic and international markets. This paper introduces the results of research on drip irrigation process combined with inorganic fertilizer for the pineapple in the Mekong River Delta to best serve the irrigation and fertilization of pineapple of the people, the related work of state agencies, scientists,etc

Key words: drip irrigation, fertilization, pineapple plant, Mekong Delta, process


Chế tạo thảm sinh thái dùng trong công trình phòng chống xói lở bờ kênh

Huan, Khuong Van
An, Nguyen Trung
Quynh, Nguyen Phu


The paper presents the results of applied research on the vegetal carpets. It made from inogranic and oganic material. The carpet has the function of protecting the topsoil, forming an ecological environment suitable for plants to grow, against the impact of flow, local impacts caused by humans and animals.

Key words: Manufacturing vegetal carpets, protect canal


Chế độ tưới hợp lý cho cây hồ tiêu giai đoạn kinh doanh vùng Tây Nguyên

Ban, Pham Van


Vietnam is the leading country in production and export of black pepper in the World, with the current pepper planting area is about 140,000 ha, of which 93.53% of the area was grown in the Central Highlands and Southeast, the first 6 months of 2019 exported 180,276 tons. Due to the impact of climate change, black pepper trees in the Highlands area in serious lack of irrigation water, while scientific research in a systematic way to develop a standardized process of irrigation regimes for black pepper has not yet been considered. In general, irrigation water use is mainly based on test results or farmer’s experiences, leading to the unsustainable development of black pepper plants. This article introduces the results of experiment study of the appropriate irrigation regimes for black pepper in the Highlands from 2016-2019, with 5 irrigation formulas in Chu Se district, Gia Lai province.

Keyword: Black pepper, appropriated irrigation, Central Highlands, business stage.


Phân tích diễn biến và xu thế biến đổi một số yếu tố khí tượng (nhiệt độ, lượng mưa) trên địa bàn tỉnh Lâm Đồng

Vuong, Nguyen Dinh
Tuyen, Huynh Ngoc
Cuong, Bui Van
Thinh, Le Van


Lam Dong province has climatic conditions, hydrology relatively favorable no more extreme weather fluctuations as other regions. However, in recent years, under the impact of climate change, in which the abnormal fluctuations of temperature and precipitation caused many negative impacts, flooding and droughts is increasing and harsher cause significant impacts on the lives and production of people. For instance, the drought in 2016 happened on a large scale, causing serious water depletion in Lam Dong province. In order to contribute to serving the prevention of natural disasters in general and drought in particular for Lam Dong province, in this study, focus will be on analyzing and assessing the changing trend of the two factors of rainfall and temperature as a basis to propose adaptation measures to protect water resources in the province of Lam Dong in conditions of climate change as increasing.

Keywords: Climate change, Drought, Rainfall, Temperature, LamDong.


Đánh giá tác động của hạ thấp lòng dẫn đến thoát lũ  hệ thống sông Cửu Long giai đoạn 1998-2018

Hung, Nguyen Nghia
Quan, Le Quan
Cuc, Le Thi


Khả năng thoát lũ ở các cửa sông ảnh hưởng rất lớn đến ngập lũ vùng đồng bằng sông Cửu Long (ĐBSCL), tuy nhiên nghiên cứu đánh giá khả năng thoát lũ gần đây chưa nhiều. Những năm gần đây, mặc dầu lũ phía thượng nguồn nhỏ nhưng mức độ tác động gây ngập ở khu giữa vùng ĐBSCL rất lớn, nghiên cứu này mục đích đánh giá khả năng thoát lũ ở các cửa sông thuộc hệ thống sông Cửu Long. Trên cơ sở sử dụng địa hình lòng dẫn sông chính các năm: 1998, 2008, 2018 để tính toán cho năm lũ gần nhất 2018. Thông qua việc sử dụng mô hình toán 2D trên dòng chính có sự kết nối 1D của hệ thống kênh rạch để đánh giá khả năng truyền triều và thoát lũ. Kết quả cho thấy, tổng lượng nước do thủy triều tràn vào vùng ĐBSCL tăng lên 21% ở các cửa sông, nhưng tại Mỹ Thuận và Cần Thơ tổng lượng dòng chảy do thủy triều tăng lên 46% trong giai đoạn 1998-2018. Kết quả này phần nào giải thích được mặc dầu lũ thượng nguồn giảm nhưng do cộng hưởng giữa lũ và triều, nguy cơ ngập của vùng giữa (Cần Thơ, Mỹ Thuận) tăng lên rõ rệt.

Từ khóa: hạ thấp lòng dẫn, thoát lũ, thủy triều, đồng bằng sông Cửu Long


Thể chế trong lĩnh vực phòng chống thiên tai tại các tỉnh miền núi phía Bắc: Thực trạng và giải pháp

Tan, Hoang Van
Tuan, Truong Cong
Thu, Nguyen Thi


In recent years, due to the impact of climate change, natural disasters in general and landslides and flash floods in particular happened with high frequency, strong intensity and unpredictable occurrence, not only causing heavy damage to people and property, but also leading to difficulties for the implementation of socio-economic development activities of the country, especially in the Northern mountainous areas. The current work of preventing natural disasters has mobilized the participation of the entire political system, of which, the application of an organizational model with clear operational mechanism and the coordination between different levels and related organizations and individuals, is considered as one of the very important factors in actively and effectively responding to natural disasters. In this paper, the authors synthesize the problems and shortcomings found from the existing organizational model. Then solutions are proposed for implementation to overcome the shortcomings of the organizational model, operational mechanism and the coordination of relevant natural disaster prevention units in some provinces in the Northern mountainous region.

Key word: Organizational model, natural disaster prevention, Coordination mechanisms.


Ứng dụng GIS và phương pháp chỉ số thống kê trong xây dựng bản đồ nhạy cảm trượt lở đất khu vực thành phố Bắc Kạn

Tan, Nguyen Tiep
Truong, Nguyen Hong


Vung, Do Van

The northern mountainous region of Vietnam has steep terrain with many high mountains, landslides are quite common and are a dangerous type of natural disaster. In this study, GIS and statistical method has been applied to develop landslide sensitive map of Bac Kan city. The map is built on an integrated basis with weighted factors of conditions and causes of landslides such as: meteorology, geomorphology, weathering crust, engineering geology, slope, altitude, ... and human activities (using land). Evaluation of the accuracy of the statistical index model shows that the model has a relatively high accuracy when the slide points mostly occur on areas sensitive to landslides Very strong and Strong. The area that is alerted to landslide is Very strong, the guarantee level is 63.83%, followed by the areas that are sensitive to the slide of Strong, Medium, and Weak with the slip guarantee level of 29.79; 4.26 and 2.13%.

Key words: Landslide, landslide factors, statistical model, landslide warning


Nước nhảy và các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến đặc trưng hình học của nước nhảy tự do trên lòng dẫn lăng trụ


Cuong, Pham Hong

Ngoc, Nguyen Minh

Hung, Le Quang



Hệ số cây trồng Kc của cây hồ tiêu giai đoạn kinh doanh  vùng Tây Nguyên


Ban, Pham Van


Applying the experimental method in the field to determine the crop evapotranspiration (ETc), combined with the CROPWAT software to determine the reference crop evapotranspiration (ETo), the crop coefficient (Kc) of the black pepper plants in the Central Highlands business stage has been identified. According to different stages of growth, Kc is different. Especially, the stage of flower bud differentiation is from 0,8 to 1,02; flowering and fruiting stage is from 1,1 to 1,3; the fruit ripening stage and harvest period is from 0,83 to 0,93. With crop coefficient, calculation the water requirements of develop stages  will be extremely determined. From there, we can set up an effective irrigation plan for black pepper plants, which helps to manage irrigation better.

Keywords: black pepper, Central Highlands, crop coefficient, experimental business stage


Nghiên cứu hiệu chỉnh hệ số cây trồng (C) trong dự báo xói mòn đất sử dụng cho vùng núi phía Bắc Việt Nam

Chinh, Tran Minh

Ha, Nguyen Trong


The results of calculating the Ch coefficient calculated from the monitoring plots with 39 experiments with the coefficient C looked up from the table of the International Society of Soil Science (ISSS) show that there is a large difference, the C coefficient from the table is higher than the Ch calculated from the erosion monitoring plots ranged from 1.32 to 20.0 times, on average 6.07 times. The crop coefficient, after being calibrated by using the C coefficient looked up from the table of the International Soil Science Association multiplied by the monthly rainfall distribution weight and coverage, should be adjusted according to the coefficient of technical measures. Calculation results show that, for the main crops, these coefficients ranged from 0.20 to 0.8. The results of using the universal land loss equation (USLE) to test show that the C coefficient correction method has better predictive results than using the C coefficient of ISSS. This is expressed in the value of the correlation coefficient R, the prediction results with the usual and corrected C coefficients of 0.69 and 0.8 and the RMSE's mean squared error using coefficients C from ISSS is 82.09, also use the adjusted C coefficient is 11.01.

Keywords: Soil erosion, Crop factor, USLE, soil degradation, Mountainous North of Vietnam.


Ứng dụng thiết lập hệ thống quan trắc SHMS cho cầu Cần Giờ


Thuy, Le Thi Bich

Bao, Bui Thanh

Cao, Nguyen Ba

Structural health monitoring system (SHMS) is installated on the some structures from the beginning of construction and over the life of the bridge (abiding 100 years). Datas are tranfered from sensor to process center data, the  managerment and  frofessional can be analysis and  warning  about  risks  can  happen. (ex: overload , crack, settlement,…). From there, propose solutions to the bridge system with the longest life expectancy, and evaluate the effectiveness according to the set targets. From here, it’s one of the bases for researching and perfecting the structure to achieve the best exploitation quality. SHMS is solve three problems, such as:

- Observe the impact of the environment on the structure: Measure wind, temperature  air, relative humidity of the air, seismic vibration;

- Observe the impact of structure: Measure temperature on the parts of the structure, stress and deformation, displacement , tension of cable, tilt of the tower, oscillation and corrosion;

-  Observe the impact of the live load and vehicle traffic on the bridge: weight of vehicle, camera.

However, there are very few specific design instructon documents in Viet Nam, scope of article the author design SMHS for cable stayed bridges.


Đánh giá ảnh hưởng của biến đổi khí hậu đến an toàn hồ chứa nước đá bàn tỉnh Bình Định


Hang, Nguyen Thi Minh

Duong, Vo Ha

Don, Nguyen Cao

Vietnam currently has a lot of reservoirs of all kinds, supplying water to agriculture, industry and other sectors. Most of the reservoirs were built during Vietnam wars with low standard, low fund and simple technology, therefore the safety of such reservoir dams was not that high. Under the strong impact of climate change, safety risks of dams are increasingly becoming a cause for public concern. In this study, the impact of climate change on the safety of the Da Ban reservoir in Binh Dinh province was analyzed and assessed in terms of flood criteria. The results show that under the climate change condition, the height of the dam should be increased by 7% to 10% compared with the originally designed dam height.

Keywords: Reservoir, climate change, dam safety, dam height, Binh Dinh