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Journal Science and Technology Water Resources No.6


Journal Science and Technology Water Resources No.6






Anomaly detection and inlet pressure prediction in water distribution systems using machine learning

Le Xuan Thuyen1, Tran Dang Khoa2, Kieu Thi Thu Phuong3, Do Nguyen Hong Nguyen3,
Tran Ngoc Huy3, Doan Tran Thai Hung4, Pham Van Tung5

1. Innovation FabLab, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, VNU-HCM

2. Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, HCMUT, VNU-HCM

3. Department of Control & Automation,
Faculty of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, HCMUT, VNU-HCM

4. Saigon Water Corporation

5. Institute of Coastal and Offshore Engineering

This study develops two models aimed at optimizing pressure management in water distribution networks. The first model focuses on detecting anomalies, such as leaks or pressure fluctuations, by predicting future pressure values at distribution points and comparing them to actual measurements. Early detection allows for prompt intervention, minimizing economic losses and supporting system sustainability. The second model predicts the necessary inlet pressure based on the influence of distribution points, ensuring an efficient and continuous water supply while reducing waste. Both models utilize advanced machine learning techniques, including CNN, EMD, and LSTM, to enhance prediction accuracy and operational efficiency. The first model accurately detects anomalies with an 85-95% success rate, while the second predicts inlet pressure with an average accuracy of 93%, contributing to effective water management and sustainability in the context of climate change and rising demand.

Keywords: Machine learning, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Time series data, Water distribution, Data analysis, EMD


Research on tree species for high carbon dioxide (CO2) absorbtion in afforestation

Nguyen Nguyen Hang1, Le Hanh Chi1, Dang Ngoc Bich1

1. Institute of Ecology and Works Protection, Vietnam Academy for Water Resources

Currently, afforestation not only aims at ecological, economic, and irrigation efficiency, but also reduces the amount of CO2 in the air, drives to officially operate a carbon credit exchange from 2028. Therefore, the forest tree species needs to have high CO2 absorption ability, positively impacting the ecosystem, environment, irrigation, and improving people's livelihoods. Research results have determined that out of a total of 55 species commonly planted in Vietnam, 32 species have been recorded with high CO2 absorption ability (calculated for 1 plant or 1 hectare of pure plantation forest/year), with 23 terrestrial species and 9 mangrove species. The selected tree species were all on the list of major forest tree species, planted in special-use forests, protection forests and production forests.

Keywords: Afforestation, high CO2 absorbtion, commonly planted species, Vietnam


Current situation and some solutions to improve the effectiveness of implementing the law on hydraulic works

Le Van Chinh1, Nguyen Thien Dung2, Tran Thi Huong Trang3,
Le Thanh Chung4, Tran Quoc Quan5, Vu Ngoc Chau6

1. Institutional expert, Team leader, Thuyloi University

2. Financial expert, Thuyloi University

3. Legal expert

4.Water resources and dam safety expert

5. Assistant

6. Senior Project Officer, Asian Development Bank

The Law on Hydraulic Works was passed by the National Assembly in 2017 and came into effect on July 1, 2018. After more than 6 years of implementation, this law has contributed to enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of state management in the operation and protection of water infrastructure, serving the socio-economic development of the country. However, the implementation process still faces challenges ranging from investment to the management, operation, and protection of the water infrastructure. These challenges necessitate a review and assessment of the implementation of this law. This article assesses the achievements as well as the existing limitations and their causes during the its implementation. It also proposes some solutions to enhance the legal effectiveness and efficiency of water resource management. These efforts aim to support the amendment and supplementation of the Law on Hydraulic Works and related legal documents.

Keywords:  Law on Hydraulic works, effectiveness, efficiency, implementation, assessment.



Sustainable river mouth management: A framework for sedimentation control
in central vietnam's fishing ports

Le Hai Trung1, Tran Thanh Tung1, Nguyen Truong Duy2 , Cao Thi Ngoc Anh2

1. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Thuy loi University

2. Institute of Civil Engineering, Thuy loi University

Recognizing the critical role of fishing in Vietnam's Central region necessitates ensuring the functionality of its fishing ports and storm shelters. However, these structures, frequently situated near river mouths, face increasing threats from sedimentation, negatively impacting fishing fleets, flood discharge capacity, and water quality. This study proposes a framework for identifying river mouths suitable for sedimentation-control solutions. Developed through hydrological data analysis and field surveys, the framework comprises four criteria groups: a) Natural conditions, topography, and geomorphology; b) Hydrodynamic and morphological regimes; c) Sediment supply and accumulation; and d) Socio-economics and the ecological environment. These 22 criteria encompass diverse factors, including river flow velocity, sediment particle size, and the fishing industry's economic significance. By applying these criteria, decision-makers can effectively prioritize and implement sedimentation-control measures, ensuring the continued viability of these essential facilities and promoting the region's sustainable development.

Keywords: Sedimentation, river mouths, fishing port, storm shelters, selection criteria


Analysis and assessment of the current status
of surface water quality using collecting samples
and application of GIS for the Hanoi city, Vietnam


Tran Tuan Thach1, Nguyen The Anh1

1. Faculty of Water Resources Engineering, Thuyloi University

Freshwater resources are significant in agricultural, domestic, and industrial activities. Therefore, assessment of surface water quality status, including irrigation systems, is necessary to manage this valuable resource. In this study, the surface water quality of Hanoi city was evaluated based on the analysis of water quality indicators including (Total nitrogen (TN), Total phosphorus (TP), Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), Chemical oxygen demand (COD), Coliform, and Cadmium (Cd) and Plumbum(Pb)) at 113 sampling locations during the dry season. Based on the Water Quality Index (WQI) calculated from water quality indicators, a distribution map of water quality according to the WQI index was built using GIS technology. In addition, spatial distribution maps of other water quality indicators were created to evaluate pollutant levels in more detail. The study results show several potential points including: 1) Water quality in the areas along the Day River, Nhue River, and Cau Bay River is very bad with WQI, ranging from 25 ÷ 50. The Nitrogen and Phosphorus concentrations in water in this area are very high (TN 5÷20 times, TP 2÷4 times, BOD5 8÷16 times, COD 4÷16 times) higher than the allowable threshold, according to standards of water supply for agricultural production purposes (QCVN 08:2023); 2) Other districts along the Bui River, My Ha River, Ca Lo River, Tich River, and Hoang Giang River have a medium water quality of about 50÷75 WQI. Although the TP concentration is below the allowable threshold, the concentrations of TN, BOD5, and COD in this area are still higher than the C-level, standard of water for agricultural production; 3) Surface water surveyed at reservoirs in mountainous regions of Ba Vi, Chuong My, My Duc, Soc Son, and Son Tay districts represent good water quality, WQI > 75 and the concentration of indicators (TN, TP, BOD5, and COD) are lower than the water standard thresholds for raw water supply for domestic use and other entertainment activities; 4) Concentrations of heavy metals (Pb and Cad), in most samples, is lower than the allowable level that affecting human health. In the Soc Son district, monitoring data at some lake locations have Pb concentration higher than the threshold prescribed by QCVN 08:2023 surface water standards.

Keywords: Surface water quality, spatial distribution maps, nutrients, heavy mental.


Management of irrigation systems for crops in Dak Lak province by oda source

Le Minh Thoa1

1. Thuyloi University


In recent years, with global climate change, weather and hydrological phenomena in our country have become more and more complex, not following natural laws. Extreme weather events such as storms, floods, and droughts with unusual manifestations occur with greater intensity and frequency, causing difficulties for agricultural production and damage to other economic sectors. Many localities in general and DakLak in particular have been facing the most severe natural disasters, tens of thousands of hectares of agricultural land continue to have to stop production due to lack of water. Research into the management of irrigation systems to irrigate crops in current drought areas to meet the water supply needs for areas rich in agricultural potential of DakLak is very urgent.

Keywords: Irrigation systems, crops, DakLak, ODA source


Research on establishing labor norms for the Vung Liem irrigation system


Bui Anh Tu1, Le Van Chinh1

1. Faculty of Economics and Management, Thuyloi University


Labor norms refer to the amount of labor prescribed to complete a unit of product (or volume of work) in accordance with standards and quality under certain organizational and technical conditions. Labor norms in the management and operation of irrigation schemes play an important role in determining labor effort, increasing labor productivity, and reducing product costs. They also serve as the basis for wage planning. In order to adapt to the actual situation and improve the efficiency of management, operation, and protection of the Vung Liem irrigation scheme, it is necessary to conduct research on establishing labor norms to provide a basis for management and operation. The result of this study is the establishment of labor norms for the Vung Liem sluice, which also serves as a reference for labor norms in water control irrigation works that adapt to climate change in the Mekong Delta.

Keywords: Labor norms, Irrigation system, Vung Liem Irrigation scheme


Application of MIKE 11 and MIKE 21FM models to evaluate the impact of the new Lac Quan bridge on the Ninh Co river on flood discharge and hydraulics in the affected river section

Nguyen Kien Quyet1, 
Nguyen Quang Đuc Anh2,  Nguyen Quang Hung3

1. University of Transport Technology

2. Institute of Civil Engineering, Thuyloi University

3. Thuyloi University


The article uses a combination of the one-dimensional MIKE 11 model and the two-dimensional MIKE 21FM model to assess the impact of the new Lac Quan Bridge on the Ninh Co River on flood discharge and hydraulics in the section of the river where the bridge crosses. The results from the MIKE 11 and MIKE 21FM models show that, under the designed floodwater level, the water level is increased at the upstream section near the bridge. However, the change in water level is relatively small and does not affect the safety of the dikes. Simulations and evaluations of hydraulic changes using the MIKE 21FM two-dimensional hydraulic model indicate that the flow rate changes are minimal, and the primary flow direction shows no significant difference. The effect of the bridge piers, however, causes a considerable increase in flow velocity between piers T5 and T6, requiring the Ninh Co riverbed to be reinforced for about 100 meters upstream and downstream of the bridge. Additionally, to ensure the safety of the right-bank Ninh Co dike near pier T3, reinforcement with a protective length of around 35 meters is required

Keywords: Lac Quan Bridge, Ninh Co River, flood discharge, hydraulics


Using Sentinel-2 imagery to investigate the bathymetry changes in Cu De estuary, Da Nang, Vietnam

Nguyen Thanh Luan1, Pham Ngoc Tu1, Dao Duy Toan2

1. Key Laboratory Of River and Coastal Engineering,
Vietnam Academy for Water Resources, Vietnam

2. Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering,
Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, Vietnam

The quality and availability of satellite data applications for monitoring coastal areas worldwide have increased coastal managers' interest in studying satellite-derived bathymetry. This study uses Sentinel-2 imagery to interpret seabed topography to assess deposition and erosion in the Cu De estuary area, Da Nang City, Vietnam. By applying Stumpf's method for data calibration and interpretation, the correlation between interpreted and measured depths is relatively strong, with R² greater than 0.7 and RMSE below 0.41 m. The results indicate that deposition and erosion processes in the study area are highly complex and fluctuate frequently each year. These interpretation results help determine the extent, scale, and total volume of deposition and erosion based on topographic data extracted from Sentinel-2 images.

Keywords: Morphological changes, estuary,  Cu De estuary in Da Nang city, remote sensing, Sentinel-2


Application of remote sensing and machine learning in predicting sand dune landforms: a case study in Cat Tien commune, Phu Cat district, Binh Dinh province


Vu Van Ngoc1, Nguyen Tiep Tan2, Tran Trung Dung3

1. The Key Laboratory of River and Coastal Engineering

2, 3. Vietnam Academy for Water Resources


Coastal sand dunes undergo considerable changes due to both natural and human-induced factors, including wind, waves, coastal currents, and leveling during construction activities. Studying the dynamics of sand dunes requires topographic data covering large spatial areas over extended periods. High-accuracy data for such studies can only be obtained through topographic surveys, which demand specialized equipment and significant financial resources. However, regular seasonal or annual sand dune topographic surveys have not been conducted in practice. Remote sensing technology has recently emerged as a promising solution for supporting research, with increasing accuracy over time. Traditional interpretation techniques rely on specialized tools tailored to specific satellite imagery types. However, these traditional methods are complex, involve multiple steps, and cannot handle large-scale processing efficiently. This research is a novel approach based on machine learning technology to interpret terrain elevations from satellite imagery using spectral band data combined with topographic survey data. The study was conducted on sand dunes in Cat Tien Commune, Phu Cat District, Binh Dinh Province. Preliminary results indicate that applying machine learning methods to sand dune topography interpretation is highly promising, offering instant processing, scalability with an accuracy of R² = 0.85.

Keywords: Remote sensing, seabed topography, seabed topography prediction, machine learning, Cat Tien, sand dunes.


Design and development of a low-cost drip irrigation system for rice-based high-value crop production

RA Batuac1

1. Philippine Rice Research Institute, City of Batac, Ilocos Norte


The study designed and evaluated the performance of a low-cost drip irrigation system (LCDIS) as an alternative to the conventional-furrow irrigation method for rice-based high value crop production. The designed gravity-type LCDIS is composed of parts that are locally-available and components designed or made of locally available materials except for the dripper. Using the katif emitter side outlet, results showed that the operating water head (OWH) is not significantly affected by discharge (Qe) and emission uniformity (EU) of the emitter. Using LCDIS, a 141% water savings could be realized and used to irrigate other crops rather than losing it in a conventional-furrow irrigation method. Also, Partial budget analysis showed that due to its positive net change of Php8,130.69 LCDIS is profitable and acceptable.


Experience of irrigation water management in Laos

Vansay Sayasouk1

1. Department of Irrigation (DOI)
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) Laos

Laos has many types of irrigation systems, including traditional irrigation systems and modern infrastructure such as reservoirs, weir, gates and pumping stations. These facilities have different sizes. From a small project, the community is the manager, to a large project, the government is the manager. The adoption of new technologies and practices is gradual, with continuous efforts to improve efficiency and sustainability. Irrigation water management is important for agricultural production in Laos, combined with traditional and modern practices to improve water use and ensure sustainability. Effective irrigation helps reduce seasonal variability in rainfall, support food security, and improve the livelihoods of people living in rural areas. The current state of irrigation management in Laos indicates the importance of the agricultural sector. However, challenges such as long-standing infrastructure, financial constraints, and Limited technical ability remains. The transfer of irrigation management to local water user groups remains problematic, indicating the need for appropriate support and capacity building. Therefore, the main challenges in managing irrigation water include maintenance difficulties and climate change



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