Study on criteria for prioritization of investment in climate change adaptation in the water resources sector for sustainable agriculture in Mekong Delta
27/05/2022Based on practical need to improve the efficiency of investment in climate change adaptation projects in the irrigation sector in the Mekong Delta, this study has been implemented to develop criteria to help managers applying in the process of determining investment priority. The study has synthesized and summarized international experience and analyzed relevant legal documents. Based on direct consultation with local managers in project proposal activities in the past period, the study has pointed out the lessons and the need to develop criteria for prioritizing investment as well as proposals on step-by-step procedure of determining priority with specific criteria. From the research results, the paper proposes solutions and conditions to apply as well as recommendation on technical guidelines in determining investment priority in water resources sector in practice in Mekong Delta to the ministries/governmental-agencies at the central and local provinces. Finally, the article raises issues to be studied in order to continue to improve and apply technical guidelines for the whole country and other regions..
1. Introduction
2. Overview of international knowledge and practices of prioritizing investment in adaptation to climate change in the water resources sector in the Mekong Delta
2.1. Overview of international knowledge of determining prioritization of investment in climate change adaptation in the water resources sector
2.2. Legalbasis and practice in investment to adapt to climate change in the field of irrigation in Vietnam
3. Climate change impacts on agriculture and water resources infrastructure in the Mekong Delta and investment priorities to adapt to climate change
3.1. Climate change impacts on agriculture and water resources infrastructure in the Mekong Delta
3.2. Climate change adaptation investment priorities in the water resources sector for sustainable agricultural development in the Mekong Delta
4. Proposing assessment process of prioritizing climate change adaptation investment in the Mekong Delta
4.1. Method of multiple criteria analysis to determine investment priorities
4.2. Steps to assess investment priority in climate change adaptation in the Mekong Delta
4.3. Completion of criteria after testing
5. Conclusion
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Duong Quoc Huy, Nguyen Van Chien, Tran Dang
Vietnam Academy for Water Resources
International conference water resources research on water resources security,
disaster prevention and climate change adaptation
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