, 10/03/2025
Page | Articles | Authors | Abstract |
2 | Phân bố dòng chảy mùa khô về châu thổ Mê Công giai đoạn 2013-2019 | Thang, Tang Duc | Although there have been several studies evaluating dry season flows into the Mekong Delta, general calculations for the different runoff conditions are still very limited. This study has clarified the relationship between the dry season flow in the dry season and the annual flow of the Mekong Delta (in Kratie, Cambodia), and specifically calculated the flow by month for typical annual groups (low, medium and plenty of water). The results were in good agreement with actual observations. The analysis of the flow fluctuations shows the dry season flow rule by time to the delta and the Mekong Delta according to the typical hydrological year groups, which can be applied for many different purposes, especially management of dry water sources in coastal areas. Keywords: Kratie Station; Change the flow; Flow in dry season, upstream reservoir; 1960-1990 period; 2013-2019 period. |
8 | Nghiên cứu đặc tính phản xạ của kết cấu tiêu sóng đặt tại đỉnh đê biển trên mô hình vật lý | Tuan, Phan Dinh
| The Hollow Cylindrical Breakwater,which is located on the top of the sea dike, is a new structure proposed to apply to sea dykes in areas where soil is scarce or to be built on soft ground in Mekong Delta. The structure is in quater-circular shape, with perforated surface to absorb incoming wave energy, reduce reflected wave energy and overtopping wave energy. This paper presents some results of wave reflection characteristics of this structure on the physical model. The results show that the wave reflection coefficient (Kr) decreases as the water depth increases and the pore area on the surface of the structure increases. In case of 10% perforated surface, Kr max = 0.63 while Kr min = 0.37 with surface porosity is 20% in all experimental scenarios. Keywords: Hollow Cylindrical Crest Breakwater, Wave Reduction Efficiency, Reflection Coefficient |
16 | Sử dụng mô hình số để đánh giá hoạt tính của Pozzolan tự nhiên trong quá trình gia cố đất
| Nam, Nguyen Huu
| Natural pozzolan is one of raw materials that is regularly used in the soil stabilization process. The paper uses thermodynamic model to evaluate pozzolanic activity of natural pozzolan. Based on mineralogical composition of two types natural pozzolan: one of Daknong-Vietnam and another one of Bigadiç-Turkey, the thermodynamic model can simulate chemical composition of pore solution, mineral precipitation quantity. From this simulation, numerical quantity calcium silicate hydrated C-S-H and calcium aluminate silicate hydrated C-A-S-H can be calculated. Different cases of mix design: soil/pozzolan/lime are set up. In all of the cases, a comparison of quantity C-S-H and C-A-S-H between of two natural pozzolan is carried out to evaluate the pozzolanic activity of the each natural pozzolan. Thermodynamic model seems to be considered as a tool to evaluate pozzolanic activity of natural pozzolan. Keywords: Numerical model, Activity of natural pozzolan, Soil stabilization process, Daknong Vietnam |
22 | Một số giải pháp hoàn thiện hệ thống thủy lợi nội đồng phục vụ sản xuất tôm - lúa vùng ven biển Tây đồng bằng sông Cửu Long | Hue, Doan Van Tô Văn Thanh | In the west coastal region of the Mekong Delta, the in-field irrigation system mainly serves the rice-shrimp production with inadequate and deficient status. In order to meet the requirement of sustainable development in the context of climate change and extreme salinity intrusion, it is necessary to study solutions to renovate, upgrade, and gradually modernize these systems. This action will contribute to economic efficiency improvement and environmental protection. Keywords: In-field irrigation, rice-shrimp, extreme salinity and drough, climate change |
30 | Khả năng cấp nước của hồ Tonle Sap trong mùa khô | Thang, Tang Duc | The Tonle Sap basin, with its central water store, Tonle Sap Lake, plays an very important role in the downstream of the lake (Cambodia and Vietnam) in both the wet and dry seasons. Although there have been studies on water supply capacity for the lake downstream in some cases, there is no study on water supply of the lake in the general case. Our research has solved this problem. The study results showed that the flow from Tonle Sap Lake to the Mekong River in dry season is closely related to the annual flow of Mekong basins (annual flow at Kratie station). The results of the calculation of runoff according to the dry season months are in good agreement with the observed data in the 2013-2019 study period, and have shown that the lake plays an important role in its downstream water supply during the dry season. With low water and very little water years, the lake only has a significant effect from December to February; in March and April, the flow is negligible, even the flow backwards from the Mekong River to the lake. Key words: Tonle Sap (TLS), basin, annual flow (above Kratie), dry season |
37 | Ứng dụng mô hình nhiệt động lực học để thiết kế hỗn hợp đất gia cố | Nam, Nguyen Huu | The purpose of finding suitable mixes for construction, sample experiments of each mix design of stabilized soils should be tested. However, in order to improve the accuracy of the experiment, the number of samples to be conducted is high, leading to high accuracy of the test results. The basic mechanisms are general so they have not really analyzed in detail the reclamation mechanism of basalt soil. The unspecified mineral mechanism will participate in the soil stabilization process. Based on the thermodynamic model, the paper focuses on explaining in detail the role of each mineral component of the soil for improving the mechanical properties of stabilized in soil. As well as the reaction mechanism of the binder mixture with the mineral components of the soil. The results of the model are compared relative to the experimental results to determine the correctness of the thermodynamic model as well as the results of the experiment, proving the feasibility of reinforcing basalt soil by mixture natural pozzolan, fly ash and cement. Mineral content of different mix designsis predicted by thermodynamic model thereby predicting the mechanical capacity of each mix design. Keywords: Thermodynamic model, stabilized soils, mix design, natural pozzolan/lime/cement |
48 | Nghiên cứu xác định yêu cầu mực nước, lưu lượng | Chung, Luong Ngoc IWRP | In recent years, trends of river bed evolution are observed in most major rivers in the country such as the Red River, the Ma River, the Ca River, etc., making management and exploitation of riverine irrigation systems (especially sluices and pumping stations) in the water abstraction periods very difficult. Although the inter-reservoir operation rules have been issued for all the large river basins, the regulations on the control points of minimum water level and discharge as a basis for managers and operators to develop their business plan and operation plan are only available for the Red River Basin. For other river basins, such as Ca river basin, the regulations on minimum release of the irrigation and hydropower reservoirs are made available only, without downstream control points. This study applies different approaches including survey to collect data and information, mathematical modeling, consultation to determine suitable control points, and minimum value of water discharge and water level during stressful water supply periods (i.e., periods 4 and 5 from April 1 to July 19), based on which water resources management and abstraction on the Ca river mainstream can be informed and implemented in low flow season. Keywords: Ca River, Water Level, Discharge, Nam Dan sluice, Mike 11 |
55 | Nghiên cứu ứng dụng mã nguồn mở xây dựng phần mềm quản lý và khai thác dữ liệu tài nguyên môi trường biển | Hanh, Nguyen Van | In this paper, a method for delopment of software for managing and exporing data of sea resources and emvironmental is presented. The authors have made analysis for choosing software environmental, open sources operational system, open compiler Quantum GIS, Open GIS Mapserver, open database system PostGIS,... The software is testing and managing at the Vietnam Ocean Data anf Information System in the pilot phase. Keywords: CSDL, Quản lý CSDL, Phần mềm CSDL, database, managing database, database software |
62 | Nghiên cứu xác định lớp bùn loãng trên tuyến luồng bằng thiết bị đo sâu hồi âm đơn tia 2 tần số phục vụ bảo đảm an toàn hàng hải | Ha, Nguyen Viet
| The waterways are often sedimented, this newly deposited layer is mostly a low-concentration fine-grained alluvial layer (fluid mud), this fluid mud layer can still be used to run trains. The use of a new fluid layer of mud formed at the bottom of the channel to reduce the depth of bottom below the ship, increase the volume of cargo carried or increase the size of the vessel entering the channel will be significant in improving the efficiency of channel operation ship. In this paper, the author presents new research results on experimental measurement and data processing to determine the fluid mud layer, evaluating the practical applicability of the 2-frequency single-ray echo sounding apparatus to determine the thin mud layer on the navigational channel to safety. Keyword: fluid mud, echo sounding, 2-frequency, navigational channel to safety … |
70 | Tác động đến môi trường và xã hội của các dự án thủy điện ở Việt Nam
| Chinh, Do Van
| Hydropower development in Vietnam over the past two decades has contributed significantly to the country's economic development. However, the investment in hydropower construction is also the main cause of currently serious impacts on the livelihoods of millions of people. That is due to issues in migration and resettlement, changing landscape of water resources, negative influences on forest resources, fisheries, ecosystems and biodiversity in upstream and downstream dams. The paper presents the impacts on environmental and social aspects of hydropower projects in Vietnam. Keywords: Hydropower, impacts, environment, and society. |
77 | Đánh giá hiệu quả vận hành của hệ thống kiểm soát triều cho thành phố Hồ Chí Minh | Nguyen, Dang Dong
| Presenting the biggest economic hub of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) is also one of the emerging coastal megacities which are at the highest risk of flooding and inundation. In order to access the ability of the tidal control systems, frequency analysis and hydraulic modelling are applied. The results show that the values of rainfall and tidal corresponding to frequency of 1%, the tidal control system works effectively. However, when the peaks of rainfall and tidal level occur at the same time, the tidal control system may not protect HCMC significantly. Key words: Inundation, Return level, Tidal control, HCMC, Design Rainfall |
84 | Nghiên cứu thực trạng và đề xuất giải pháp cấp nước phục vụ phát triển kinh tế xã hội vùng ven biển Bắc Trung Bộ | Chung, Luong Ngoc | The North Central region possesses the advantage of a coastline of more than 670 km and has known breakthrough socio-economic changes in recent years. The rapid establishment of urban centers, tourist resorts, seaports, and industrial - commercial and service zones in the coastal areas put significant pressures on supplying water for drinking and production in the region whilst the available groundwater resources are not infinite, and the surface water is threatened by serious saline intrusion. This study analyses the status of water resources abstraction and use of in the North Central Coast and estimates water demand in the region at present and in the future according to the socio-economic development trends of each province. Therefrom, the study assesses the available water resources against the needs and proposes sustainable water supply solutions to meet the regional requirements of socio-economic development. Keywords: Coastal sandy areas; North Central Region; Water Balance; Water Supply. |
92 | Thực trạng quản lý cơ sở hạ tầng nông thôn vùng đồng bằng sông Cửu Long và định hướng giải pháp
| Dung, Nguyen Le | Developing the infrastructure and aiming towards the sustainable development goals are always two parallel elements, playing a central role in the strategies, programs, and plans for socio-economic development of our country through various developing stages. The rural infrastructure plays an important role and is the basis and conditions for socio-economic development in localities. In the process of building up the new countryside, localities always give priority to resources for infrastructure development. According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, from June 2010 up to now, the country has mobilized over 2.3 million billion VND to develop an infrastructure system for building up the new rural. Infrastructure works which are newly built, renovated and upgraded over the past years have significantly changed the face of rural areas nationwide. However, the effective and sustainable management and usage of infrastructure works after investment are not really concerned by many localities. Therefore, the issue of effective management and use of post-investment projects is now necessary. Based on the research results in the Mekong Delta (MD), this article reflects the status and proposes solutions for effective and sustainable management and use of infrastructure in rural areas in the MD. Keywords: New Rural, rural infrastructure, effective, sustainable, the Mekong Delta |