, 10/03/2025
Page | Articles | Author | Abstract |
| Tan, Nguyen Tiep Truong, Nguyen Hong | The new rural program has made an important contribution to changing the face of rural areas, the system of socio-economic infrastructure has been increasingly improved. However, the results of new rural construction have a large gap between regions and regions. The northern mountainous region is the region with the lowest implementation results in the country (34,3%), the most difficult criteria to implement are the criteria on production organization/income and environment, food safety. With the “barrel principle” approach, the shortest wooden stick is the weak point and it is necessary to focus on improving this shortest wooden stick, the paper has proposed solutions focusing on improving the results of the implementation of the criteria of Income and Environment, food safety, these criteria are decisive for the success of new rural implementation in this region in the next period (2021-2025). Keywords: The new rural program, new rural commune criteria, Northern mountainous region |
14 | GIẢI PHÁP KÈ BẢO VỆ BỜ SÔNG, KÊNH ỨNG DỤNG VÀO QUY HOẠCH KHU DÂN CƯ LÀNG CHÀI VEN BIỂN | Thai, Tran Van | The study and planning of coastal residential areas in a scientific method with convenient and stable infrastructure is very necessary and urgent for the high-risk coastal areas. In order to build a coastal residential area that meets new rural standards that are sustainable and respond to climate change, in addition to studying spatial planning, the study and application of new structural solutions for riverbank embankments in the coastal residential area is very important. With the geological characteristics of soft soil such as in Ca Mau, the current embankment solutions can meet the bearing capacity requirements, but the cost is still high when applied to residential areas in coastal villages. This paper presents the research and development process of fiber reinforced concrete batter sheet-pile revetment solutions with the criteria: light – durable - cheap - beautiful in order to apply in protection of riverbanks and canals in residential areas. Applying this solution can protect riverbanks and canals, reducing construction costs to be appropriate with local resources. Keywords: Riverbank revetment, soft soil, coastal residential area; |
20 | MỘT SỐ MÔ HÌNH THỰC TIỄN QUẢN LÝ HIỆU QUẢ CƠ SỞ HẠ TẦNG NÔNG THÔN MỚI VÀ BÀI HỌC KINH NGHIỆM | Tuyen, Dang Minh | Summary: In the construction of new rural areas, the localities always prioritize spending resources on infrastructure development, but have not focused on investing in solutions to manage and effectively use the works after investment. Infrastructure in rural areas is very diverse, each type has different technical requirements and management forms. Therefore, the issue of effective and appropriate management and use for each type of work after investment is an urgent need. This article will introduce some lessons learned from the results of piloting some effective and sustainable management models of rural infrastructure in the Red River Delta and Mekong Delta. Keywords: New Rural, rural infrastructure, effective, sustainable, the Red River Delta, the Mekong Delta. |
28 | NGHIÊN CỨU ĐẶC TÍNH THỦY LỰC KHU VỰC CÔNG TRÌNH MỎ HÀN TRONG ĐOẠN CỬA SÔNG CÓ DÒNG CHẢY THUẬN NGHỊCH | Cuong, To Vinh | Spur dikes (also known as groynes) are not only used to protect river banks from erosion but also a good approach to maintain maritime transport way. When the groyne is built in the estuary, it is affected by reversing tidal flow. This paper aims to study clearly the reversing tidal flow around single groin. It has been set up on small scale numerical reversing tidal flow flume using Flow-3D software. This numerical flume can simulate the time process of tidal level and flow velocity with good reliability. In this paper, the flow patterns around a single groin at different times in a period, are analysed and the influences of flow velocity, bed - shear stress distribution are studied systematically. Investigation of data show that variations of flow velocity and tidal level in the vicinity of the single groin are significant differences in flow field compared with the cases under steady flow. Research results are initially described in detail for reversing tidal flow in the vicinity of the groin in the estuary area. Keywords: Single groyne, river bed, reversing tidal flow, numerical flume , FLOW-3D. |
38 | PHƯƠNG PHÁP XÁC ĐỊNH BỒI LẮNG BÙN CÁT HỒ DẦU TIẾNG | Quang, Le Xuan Dung, Luong Huu | Dau Tieng reservoir is one of four top-priority ones managed directly by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD). It was constructed in 1981, and has a capacity of 1,58 billion m3 and 470 million m3 of dead storage. It bears duties of supplying irrigation and domestic water for 5 provinces and cities of Tay Ninh, Binh Duong, Binh Phuoc, Long An and Ho Chi Minh City. Annually, sand extraction of 674.200 m3, has been more or less affecting its operation and safety. Therefore, the research on the sedimentation process of Dau Tieng reservoir brings to us significances of both science and practice. This paper is a brief on methodologies and tools using in calculating sediment flow amount into Dau Tieng reservoir. Keywords: reservoir, sedimentation, methodolgy calculating sediment, Dau Tieng reservoir. |
50 | ĐÁNH GIÁ TÁC ĐỘNG CỦA BIẾN ĐỔI KHÍ HẬU, NƯỚC BIỂN DÂNG ĐẾN XÂM NHẬP MẶN VÙNG HẠ LƯU SÔNG ĐỒNG NAI-SÀI GÒN VÀ ĐỀ XUẤT GIẢI PHÁP ỨNG PHÓ | Bien, Nguyen The Vinh, Pham The | In recent years, due to the impact of climate change and sea level rise, saline intrusion in Ho Chi Minh City has been acrimonious and tends to become more and more unusual, especially due to the influence of the El-NiNo phenomenon, the rainy season comes late but ends early with the total rainfall in 2015 and 2019 is very low, so salinity intrudes very deeply into the interior fields with very high salinity, causing a lot of damage for socio-economic. Although the city government has built many irrigation systems and deployed many solutions to cope with saline intrusion, but still have not met the requirements due to unsynchronized measurement and calculation of salinity forecast and there are still many shortcomings, so in this paper presenting the assessment of the impacts of climate change, and sea level rise on the Dong Nai-SaiGon river system and propose a more effective response to the damage caused by saline intrusion. |
63 | XÁC ĐỊNH ẢNH HƯỞNG CỦA CHIỀU RỘNG ĐỈNH ĐẾN HIỆU QUẢ GIẢM SÓNG CỦA ĐÊ GIẢM SÓNG CỌC LY TÂM - ĐÁ ĐỔ TRONG MÁNG SÓNG | Duong, Do Van | One of the solutions to protect coastline, aid restoration of mangrove that are sheltered behind the breakwater effectively, and particularly applied widely to the coast of West sea of Lower Mekong Delta is Pile-Rock breakwater. Structure of this breakwater mainly includes two rows of prefabricated reinforced concrete piles and rock rip-rap between them. In order to determine the the cross-section dimentions of the Pile-Rock breakwater in accordance with the different wave attenuation requirements, this study present the experiment results on the wave flume to quantify the effect of Pile-Rock breakwater’s widths to the wave reduction, assisting the design of Pile-Rock breakwater in different areas. Keywords: Pile-rock breakwaters; Double-row pile breakwaters; wave transmission; wave dissipation; wave reflection; wave energy; physical model; Coastal Mekong delta |
73 | XÂY DỰNG BỘ TIÊU CHÍ ĐÁNH GIÁ TÍNH HIỆU QUẢ, BỀN VỮNG CƠ SỞ HẠ TẦNG NÔNG THÔN VIỆT NAM | Tuyen, Dang Minh | Infrastructure development and the achievement of sustainable development goals are always two parallel factors, playing a central role in our country's socio-economic development strategies, programs and plans. . The construction of synchronous infrastructure is an important factor in achieving the goal of developing the country into a modern industrialized country, in which building sustainable rural infrastructure is key to building a successfully build a new countryside, fundamentally changing the face of the countryside. The set of criteria to evaluate the effectiveness and sustainability of rural infrastructure is a set of multi-dimensional and multi-criteria indicators to monitor the process of developing, exploiting, using and maintaining infrastructure towards sustainability. . The sustainable efficiency assessment criteria is a tool to help the authorities and stakeholders involved in the construction and use of rural infrastructure management to make better decisions, act more effectively by simplifying, transparency and synthesis of rural infrastructure development indicators. The correct assessment of the current situation helps to increase the efficiency of development investment, management and use, and helps in early warning and prevention of possible economic, social and environmental consequences of rural infrastructure. |
83 | MÔ PHỎNG DỮ LIỆU DÒNG CHẢY BẰNG MÔ HÌNH CHI TIẾT HÓA ĐỘNG LỰC KẾT HỢP VỚI THUẬT TOÁN HỌC MÁY: ÁP DỤNG CHO LƯU VỰC SÔNG SÀI GÒN - ĐỒNG NAI | Toan, Trinh Quang Nhan, Nguyen Thi Ngoc | Spatial and temporal availability and reliability of hydrological data are substantial Keywords: Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF), artificial neural network (ANN), ERA- |
92 | LỒNG GHÉP NỘI DUNG PHÒNG CHỐNG THIÊN TAI VÀO KẾ HOẠCH PHÁT TRIỂN KINH TẾ XÃ HỘI HUYỆN HÀ TRUNG, TỈNH THANH HÓA | Tinh, Nguyen Van Quang, Le Xuan Son, Le Viet | Ha Trung district in Thanh Hoa province is a low-lying district with natural disasters, floods and droughts causing significant economic damage to people in the district every year. In the context of climate change, natural disasters and weather are increasingly unusual and complicated, the process of socio-economic development, industrialization and urbanization simultaneously increases the risks, hazards caused by natural disasters, threatening human lives and causing socio-economic damage. Therefore, integrating the content of natural disaster prevention into the planning of branches, socio-economic development plans of the district is an urgent requirement. The aim of this integration is to ensure sustainable socio-economic development goals, reduce vulnerability caused by natural disasters and climate change, and contribute to change perceptions and actions in the socio-economic development planning of all levels aims to harmonize socio-economic development with the safety of the community against natural disasters. Key word: Integrating the content of natural disaster prevention, the socio-economic development plan, Ha Trung district. |
104 | ĐẶC ĐIỂM THỦY ĐỘNG LỰC HỌC VÀ TÁC DỤNG CỦA RỪNG NGẬP MẶN TRONG CÔNG TÁC PHÒNG CHỐNG XÓI LỞ BỜ BIỂN VÀ BIẾN ĐỔI KHÍ HẬU KHU VỰC ĐỒNG BẰNG SÔNG CỬU LONG | Linh, Phan Khanh | In recent decades, the protective role of intertidal wetland areas in general and particularly mangrove forests for coastal regions has been increasingly recognized. Numerous studies on the stabilization of coasts and the sustainable development of mangrove forests have been published. The wave and flow attenuation through mangrove forests has been documented as the critical hydrodynamic processes, shaping the erosion, accretion of the coasts, and mangroves' growth or degradation. Nevertheless, the understanding of the necessary conditions that a mangrove forest needs to grow healthy is still in its infancy, especially in the context of the link between the degradation of mangroves, coastal erosion, and the absorption of the flow and wave energy inside the mangrove forest. This paper presents some new concepts and approaches clarifying the connection and influences of different hydrodynamic processes on the evolution of a mangrove forest: tide, flow, and waves. The possible relationship between human interventions, the degradation of mangroves, and their effect on the acceleration erosion of the coast in the context of sea-level rise was also discussed Keywords: mangrove forests, waves, flow, sediment transport, coastal erosion, human interventions. |
115 | NÂNG CAO CHẤT LƯỢNG QUY HOẠCH THUỶ LỢI GÓP PHẦN ĐẢM BẢO AN NINH NGUỒN NƯỚC, CHỦ ĐỘNG ỨNG PHÓ VỚI BIẾN ĐỔI KHÍ HẬU | Son, Le Viet Tinh, Nguyen Van Quang, Le Xuan | Water resources planning are the arrangement of hydraulic works in river basins in order to enhance positive effects and minimize negative impacts of water to social economic life. Water resources planning has played an important role in the process of development of the country, especially over the past 60 years. Most of the major hydraulic and hydropower projects in the country are the results of the plannings such as the large reservoirs of Hoa Binh, Son La, Thac Ba, Tuyen Quang, Lai Chau, Ban Chat,... in the North, the large hydroelectric reservoirs in the Central region, the great irrigation system in the Mekong Delta. However, water resources planning currently faces many major challenges such as global climate change, transboundary upstream impacts, water pollution, and the requirement of multi-objectives in the planning process. These challenges require changes in water resources planning. Solutions for the changes include innovating methodology in planning process, applying science and technology in planning, training solutions, and adjusting and supplementing human resources to serve the planning. Keywords: Water resources planning, climate change, water quality |
123 | ĐÁNH GIÁ HIỆU QUẢ CÁC GIẢI PHÁP CÔNG TRÌNH CHỈNH TRỊ KHU VỰC HỢP LƯU SÔNG THAO - ĐÀ - LÔ - HỒNG TRÊN MÔ HÌNH TOÁN VÀ MÔ HÌNH VẬT LÝ | Hung, Nguyen Quang Quyet, Nguyen Kien Giap, Nguyen Dang | Content of paper is evaluation effect of solutions settlement space river trainning works of Thao - Da and Lo - Red rivers flow combination area on physical and mathematical models. The results of study selected reasonable solutions of river section trainning, suitted wih hydraulic boundary condition and channel proccesing as serviced general exploitation of river section. |